Drifting at sea for a long time made our group look like beggars one by one. Of course, at this time, we are happy beggars.

We quickly rowed the raft and floated towards the land. Everyone was so happy that they almost sang, and the two girls, Denise and Blanche, burst into tears.

They never thought that one day they would be able to really return to land.

Soon, we came to the coast.

However, the scenery along the coast slightly weakened our excitement, because the coast looks quite desolate.

The waves were beating against the lonely sand, the sky was overcast and gloomy, and there was a bitter cold in the air.

It has not snowed yet, and it is so cold. After it snows, it must be even more terrifying.

More importantly, looking around, there is no trace of human activities on the coast, and there are mountains in the distance from the coast, and there are towering, continuous snow-capped mountains.

Lucy took a closer look at the nearby scenery, grabbed some sand and smelled it, and she told us with a serious expression that the location we are now is likely to be somewhere on the coast of Siberia.

Siberia is geographically part of Russia.

Because of the cold, most parts of Siberia are icy wastelands, and some are towering mountains. It is one of the most terrifying regions in the world, except for coldness.

We come down from the Arctic Ocean in what is naturally one of the worst parts of Siberia.

In other words, although we have reached the land, we are still very, very far away from the populated places.

"There are two options before us. The first is to go along the coastline. Along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, there are still some areas where warm currents pass, and there will be some rare ports."

Lucy said this, but was immediately rejected by Wang Jin.

"We can't go to those ports. Once we go like this, we will fall into the sight of Russian officials. The research materials we have obtained may be in danger of being taken away."

Wang Jin said so.

I asked her, what should we do, Wang Jin said, we go directly south, through the snow mountain region of Siberia, in the depths of the snow mountain, somewhere in Siberia's wasteland, there is also their research institute.

I was very surprised when I heard that. I didn't expect that Wang Jin's organization would actually have a research institute in such a terrifying area as Siberia. This really surprised me.

On the surface, I agreed with Wang Jin's approach, but in my heart, I began to think about escaping.

It is impossible for me to follow Wang Jin to their research institute. If I go there, I am a guinea pig, and I have the same status as the female corpse on my back.

However, the girls Wang Jin and I went through life and death, so we have some revolutionary friendship, and I don't want to see them die like this.

I will find a suitable time to leave.

As for Denise and Blanche, we suggested that they go along the coast to find a Russian port and be rescued by them, but these two girls were very afraid to leave us and wanted to go with us.

This made Wang Jin shake his head, "Follow us, your hope of survival will be even smaller. Siberia's wilderness and snow-capped mountains are even more terrifying than you imagined. You still have at least a 50.00% chance along the coastline Survive, but with us there is probably only a 20.00% chance of surviving."

After hearing her words, Denise and Blanche bid farewell to us in tears, and they walked away from us in fear.

The two translators left, and we headed towards the uninhabited snow-capped mountains of Siberia.

This way, I will look back occasionally.Looking at the shadows of the two of them leaving, I hope that the two of them can survive.

In the face of nature, the power of individual human beings appears so insignificant.

For these two girls, apart from my sympathy, there is also a kind of sympathy.

Wang Jin and I walked very quickly, and not long after, we left the coast and entered the snow-capped mountains.

In the snow-capped mountains, the most important thing for us to survive is two things. First, we need to find food, and second, we need to preserve our body heat.

The weather here is really too cold. During the day, it may be thirty or forty degrees below zero, and at night, it may be close to fifty or sixty degrees below zero.

Under such a temperature, even though we were wearing thick thermal uniforms, we still felt extremely cold. Every gust of cold wind felt like a knife was scraping our faces.

And our goal is to climb over the continuous snow mountain in front of us and reach the valley area behind the snow mountain, or the plain area.

Wang Jin said that in the depths of this snow-capped mountain, there is a hidden valley with a very low terrain. The temperature there is slightly warmer, and a base they organized is hidden there.

That is our destination.

We trekked for a day during the day, and soon night fell. We dug a hole in the snow directly, dug out a snow cave, and lived in it.

In the snow, such a snow cave can help us preserve our body temperature.

Of course, it is very worth noting that the snow cave dug must be solid and the location must be selected well, otherwise, if the snow cave collapses in the middle of the night and is buried in it, then you will have to wait to die.

For the sake of keeping warm, we did not live separately, but dug together a large interconnected snow cave.

I originally wanted to sleep with Li Xin and Lucy, but to my displeasure, Wang Jin said that he wanted me to sleep with her because he was afraid that I would take advantage of them.

My day, is this plausible? Is Lao Tzu that kind of person?
But, actually, I don't mind at all, because although Wang Jin likes women, she is still very beautiful. Anyway, it's okay to sleep with a beautiful woman.

Although, in such a cold winter, in such a snow cave, I can't do anything shameful at all, which makes me quite regretful.

You have to be very careful when you urinate in this broken place, every time it seems like you have passed the test of life and death, do that kind of thing?nonexistent.

Of course, if I really do something to Wang Jin, she might kill me.

The night was silent as we slogged through the snow.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of the few of us is extraordinary, and no one has any discomfort. If it is replaced by other girls in this situation, they may get sick.

We began to continue trekking towards the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

The snow all over the sky, white everywhere, is really very monotonous and eerie.And there was another difficulty we had to solve, for at sea we had eaten up nearly all our food reserves.

Now we can only find something to fill our stomachs in the snow mountain.

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