Wang Jin came out to take over my vigil, and I could finally rest.

After a night of nothing to say, when I woke up in the morning, Wang Jin brought me a brand new piece of news, a piece of news that surprised us all.

After we rested, Wang Jin continued to communicate with those savages, but got a very important news.

The female savages said that a group of people who are very similar to us have also come to the island recently.

Those guys came here probably a year or so ago.

"According to the information they provided and some of my guesses, I estimate that there is a high probability that the group of outsiders they mentioned are the real shipwrecked victims."

These people, more than a dozen in total, lived in the valley in the southeast forest of the island. They built a stronghold and had a fierce struggle with the wild people, each winning or losing.

No wonder those savages saw us before, and hid on the side without saying a word and started to attack. It is very likely that they thought that we were with those people who were on the island before.

Moreover, those people have also captured the savages on the island, and have roughly learned some savage words.

This surprised us a little. Now we want to explore the savage civilization on the island. The biggest obstacle is the language barrier.

It is of great help to us that someone can understand the language of the savages.

"Come on, let's go to the valley over there to have a look!"

After we ate something casually, we packed up our camp and headed for the valley.

The group of refugees has already established their own forces on the island. Not only do they have more than a dozen people, but they also drive some wildling slaves, who may be able to help us.

Of course, where there are people, there will be conflicts and struggles. Maybe they will hate us instead of helping us, but we are not afraid at all.

We are all secret agents, with extraordinary skills and excellent weapons and equipment.

They are certainly not our opponents.

In this way, about three to ten minutes passed, and the woods around us already had some traces of human activities.

Some domestic garbage, walking footprints, etc. are everywhere.

It seems that the stronghold of that group of people is nearby, we couldn't help slowing down, and began to move forward cautiously.

Facts have proved that our vigilance is very useful, and there are many traps along the way, probably prepared to prevent wildlings from attacking.

Soon, a valley stronghold appeared before our eyes.

There are many wooden houses in this stronghold, and there is a high watchtower with people holding bows and arrows on it, watching out.

Because of the lookout, we were quickly spotted.

At this moment, there were two men on the watchtower. After seeing us, they were quite shocked, rubbed their eyes, and then there was a burst of ecstasy. They dropped their bows and arrows, and cried out with tears streaming down their cheeks.

One rushed back to the cottage in a hurry to report the news, while the other rushed towards us impatiently.

At first, we were a little surprised by their reaction, but soon realized that the group might have misunderstood something.

What is the most hopeful thing for a person living on a deserted island?

Naturally, a rescue team came to take them out of the sea of ​​suffering.

So, seeing our group of energetic outsiders now, the first reaction of these guys is to think that we are members of the rescue team.

Wang Jin and I looked at each other, then approached the rushing person calmly.

The person who rushed towards us was a strong white man, under the tattered clothes, his majestic chest muscles were exposed, and there were a few hairs on the chest muscles. This guy's hair looked quite thick.

"Rescue team, God, you are finally here!"

The white man rushed over, as if he wanted to pull Wang Jin's hand, I quickly reached out, but he didn't mind, he quickly grabbed me with both hands, and shouted excitedly.

This person did look a bit embarrassed, not to mention his ragged clothes, and his expression was a bit dazed, obviously living a miserable life on the island.

As for us, we really don't look like people in distress, but rather like people on a spring outing.

"We are not rescue teams, we are also victims."

As I said this, I looked at him defensively. I was worried that this guy would do something bad due to his disappointment and ups and downs.

"In are also in distress? This is impossible! How could this happen!"

The majestic white man was extremely disappointed, his eyes were blank, and then he cried loudly, covering his face like a child.

I was also desperately waiting for rescue on a deserted island, so I understood his mood very well, so I patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, signaling him not to be sad.

The majestic white man slowly stopped crying, but he was still in a bad mood, and he led us towards the cottage in great frustration.

After a brief exchange.

We know that his name is Brown, and he is an American. He was originally a sailor on a fishing boat. Their boat had an accident in the polar circle and finally survived. A group of people have been living here for more than a year and almost two years. .

Because he hadn't communicated with outsiders for a long time, he didn't talk much at first, but after he opened the chatter box, he seemed like a chatterbox, and he couldn't stop talking.

This is very helpful to us, relying on this guy's talkativeness, we have learned a lot of information.

Not long after, we entered their cottage.

When we arrived, all the people in the cottage came out to welcome us.

Most of the people here are men, there are more than a dozen, but there are only two women, all of them are white, there are no yellow people, and there are no black people.

Their boss is a guy with only one eye, with a linen blindfold on his head, looking a bit fierce.

According to the information given by Brown, the guy's eyes were killed by wildlings.

Although we are not a rescue team, our arrival was still warmly welcomed by them.

I soon realized that the reason why these people welcome us so much is probably because there are many women in our team.

Moreover, not only are there many women in our team, but they are also beautiful, not to mention Lucy and Li Xin, even Wang Jin is heroic and has a certain beauty.

Some people looked at us with a hint of malice.

These people are quite attentive to Wang Jin and the others, but they are extremely indifferent to me, even with a trace of racial discrimination, a kind of arrogance unique to white racists.

The arrogance and undisguised possessiveness in their eyes made me sneer.

These guys don't look like good people.

However, thinking about it, it is not easy for these survivors to survive in this place where the birds don't shit.

Kind people, people who are easy to bully, probably already paid the price with their lives.

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