Before these savages approached, they kept gesturing towards us. Judging from what they meant, it seemed that they wanted to exchange the three women in the team, plus the bag of gems, for the captives in our hands.

According to my thoughts, these people are really naive and naive. We will take all of you and capture them in our hands. We will also snatch gems and women. Wouldn’t it be wonderful?

However, Wang Jin glanced at me, implying that I should not speak, and then happily made gestures with those savages.

Judging from what she meant, it seemed that she agreed to those people's request.

After a while, the captive man returned to the side of the three male savages.

On our side, there are a few extra female savages with strange figures.

Taking a closer look, these women are quite beautiful in appearance, and because of their strange body proportions, they are a bit exciting.

And the three savages were very happy when they saw that the captives had returned successfully, and ran away in a hurry for fear that we would repent.

Looking at them, this man seems to have a high status, but these women are irrelevant and don't take it seriously at all.

Speaking of which, these female savages are really miserable, they are completely traded as items.

Of course, in backward civilizations, the status of women is generally not high, which is also true.

At this moment, the three female savages looked very frightened and apprehensive, they lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Wang Jin said happily: "Of these three women, two of them will be kept and sent to the laboratory in the future, and the rest will be handed over to me for interrogation."

When I saw her expression, I felt something was wrong.

What do you mean this is?
Leave it to her to torture him?
I was still a little puzzled, but the woman stretched out her hand and touched the man's body, her movements were rather ambiguous, which made us all very embarrassed.

"Pitch up a tent and rest!"

As Wang Jin spoke, he took out some camping items from his backpack, and after a while several tents were set up on the grass.

But with the cover of this tent, Wang Jin hurriedly led a female savage she had chosen into it.

She told us that it might be inconvenient for us men to watch when torture is going on.

Mad, what are you trying to torture?

After a while, some unbearable voices came from inside.

I'm really convinced, why does this woman feel more lustful than this man like me!

However, I heard that the sexual desire of homosexuals is generally stronger than that of heterosexuals. It seems that they are usually suppressed for too long, and once they burst out, it will be terrible or something.

Of course, I also heard about it, but I haven’t studied it, so I don’t know if it’s true.

I was also speechless for a while.

After finally waiting for Wang Jin to come out of the tent, I asked her.I said, Team Wang, isn't this a bad thing? We're living on a deserted island, life and death are uncertain, how can you do this?

After hearing what I said, she looked at me with a sneer, and told me not to pretend, if she wanted to grab a woman from her, she would not agree.

Let me go, this woman has lived in the West for too long, is she talking so tough?
To be honest, I really have some thoughts about these women. People of their ethnicity have very distinctive bodies, which are different from those women outside.

I have to say, if there is something different, it may be that it feels particularly petite and weak, but it makes people have an urge to ravage.

When Wang Jin saw it, he said, don't think about these things anymore. The savages on this island are of unknown race. If men and women do that kind of thing, they can easily spread diseases.

Those colonists suffered a lot because of this.

As for her, as a woman, she is different from us, the chance of sexually transmitted diseases between a woman and a woman is very small.

What an excuse.

Who am I, with a curse on my body, not even afraid of poison, but afraid of disease?
However, I'm not Wang Jin's kind of hungry animal. Although I had some thoughts in my heart, I still didn't do anything.

I tried to communicate with those two savage girls, and I probably know their names, one of them has big eyes and red clothes, it's called Huahua, and the one with a very thin waist and looks a bit charming, it's called Meimei.

The one Wang Jin brought into the tent was called Yuyu.

It got dark quickly, Li Xin and I were on duty outside, Lucy went to rest, and Wang Jin continued to "torture" the prisoner.

I communicated with those two savage girls kindly, hoping to learn some news.

These two girls are much easier to talk to than the previous male prisoner.I don't have any sense of confidentiality. After some routines, I quickly asked a lot of useful information.

First of all, according to the two of them, their tribe has about 1000 people.

This surprised me. There are more than 1000 people, although it is very small in the outside world, but for a savage tribe, it is considered a relatively large tribe.

I asked them again how big the island was, because the island was long and narrow, and we couldn't see the size of the island from our position.

The island was huge, they said, and they had never been to the other side of the island anyway.

How big it was, they couldn't tell.

However, according to their description, I feel that although this island is big, it is not that big, at least it is much smaller than the desert island I was on before.

However, these are not the most critical.

The point is, I asked them about some customs, and I noticed that many of their customs are similar to those of the Honglu people!

Most importantly, their religious worship turned out to be to worship a god called Lu.

It's just a pity that the two girls said that they are just low-status servants, and they don't have Lu's portrait or amulet on them, otherwise, I can be sure that they are a branch of the Honglu people.

I want to ask more about Lu, but because I can't understand the language, and the things related to the gods are too illusory to communicate with gestures, I can't ask why.

But since the pronunciation is very similar, it is very likely that they are Honglu people.

I thought, maybe we can really find something unexpected on this island!

I chatted with these savage girls, and time passed quickly, and Wang Jin finally calmed down.

When she came out, she looked refreshed, which made me very jealous.

I chatted with Wang Jin for a while, and told her about the discovery just now. After listening to Wang Jin, he also nodded solemnly, "Since there is such a discovery, we must explore this deserted island carefully. , it is best to communicate with those savages in depth."

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