Although our diving suits have a certain heat preservation function, this function also consumes energy, and the time it can last is not long, and our physical strength is limited. Only when we find land can we have the possibility of survival.

Quickly discerning the direction, we quickly swam towards the south and up.

We got close to the surface in no time, but we didn't head straight out.

There are two main reasons. One is that there is still a blizzard outside, and the temperature on the water surface is colder than that under the water.The second is that there are many floes on the water surface, and some places are even frozen, and we cannot float out.

In order to save oxygen, we just surfaced every once in a while to supplement the oxygen in the oxygen cylinder.

While swimming, we are also observing quickly, paying attention to see if there is any shadow of land.

But to everyone's disappointment, they saw many small pieces of ice floes along the way, but there were no shadows of islands or anything.

We walked all the way south, but after walking for a long time, we didn't see any islands, and even the ice floes were not enough for us to rest.

Is it because of bad luck?
Our diving suit's thermal energy has long been exhausted, and we have eaten a lot of food.

Swimming in the water for a long time consumes a lot of physical energy.

I can still hold on, but the physical condition of others is getting worse and worse.

Especially Li Xin, this girl was poisoned before, even though she was rescued by my blood, she still had some bad consequences.

Physical weakness is one of them.

Now her physical condition is the worst among us.

Her lips were dark purple and her face was extremely pale. If this continues, she will be the first to freeze to death.

"All rest, eat something!"

Wang Jin glanced at Li Xin worriedly, and then decided.

At this time, just in front of us, a slightly larger ice floe appeared.

The diameter of this ice cube was about one meter. The five of us held it and floated our heads out of the water.

At this moment, the wind and snow still did not stop, but it was much smaller. The cold wind swept the goose feather-like snowflakes and fell into the sea.

The endless sea, endless snowflakes, this is a magnificent and beautiful picture, but we are not in the mood to appreciate it.

I let a few girls rest on the ice floes first, and plunged into the sea by myself, and caught a lot of fish very quickly.

There is a small diced fish similar to sardines, which swim in groups in the water, and I caught many of them.

Although we have a lot of tools and lighters in our backpacks, it is a pity that there is no fuel. It is obviously unrealistic to use lighters to cook fish, so we can only eat them raw.

I ate it and felt that it was not bad, although it had a slightly fishy smell.

The taste of raw fish is actually not as bad as imagined. You know, there is no such dish as sashimi in island countries. In addition, I also caught some shrimps, which are even more delicious.

There are many people who like to eat this thing raw.

However, the situation is special at this moment, otherwise I would not recommend that everyone eat raw food. I believe everyone understands this without me saying it.

After eating these fishes, our physical strength has improved a lot. Although it is still cold, we can only grit our teeth and continue to move towards the south.

Time flies, and a day has passed.

The quality of our team is quite high. Although three of them are girls, the three of them are definitely stronger than many men. After all, they are professionally trained agents with strong physical strength.

After swimming in the water for a day, we still gritted our teeth and persisted.

It's getting dark now, but we still haven't found an island where we can settle, which makes us more and more worried.

Night is more sad than day.

Not to mention the cold temperature, there may be other dangers.

I suspect that even if they are agents like them, it will be difficult to persist until tomorrow.

If you continue to soak in the water, it is very likely that you will die tonight.

"I don't feel right."

Wang Jin frowned and began to discuss with us.

We trekked in the water for a day, but we haven't found a place to stay, which is really unreasonable.

You must know that although there are few islands in the Arctic Ocean, the blizzard of one day and one night must have created many large ice floes.But we haven't encountered even that, which is kind of illogical.

Could it be that our luck is so bad that God wants us to die?
"Thinking about it carefully, the fact that we encountered a blizzard itself is a bit wrong. We have traveled this route before, and it is not so cold at all."

Other teammates said the same thing.

I thought about it, but suddenly had a guess. I wondered if we had broken into some kind of special area, like the weird sea near the deserted island.

We are now in such a sea of ​​​​blizzards.

There might be a place like a deserted island nearby.

Is it possible, that we're actually all going in circles in the same area?

Otherwise, why didn't we come across a suitable resting place during our journey?

"Otherwise, let's find a way to make some marks underwater. If we have been to this place, we can identify it through the marks."

Marking on the surface of the water is not feasible, but it is possible underwater.

The sea is generally very deep, but there are also some peaks underwater, and some peaks are even close to the sea surface, forming so-called hidden reefs. This kind of underwater peaks is quite dangerous. 100 years ago, or earlier, people detected Radar was not advanced enough to spot those reefs, and ships sank not a few as a result.

I vaguely remember that the Titanic also seemed to hit a reef and sink.

So next, while swimming, we used searchlights to observe the sea under the sea constantly. Every time we encountered a mountain under the sea, we would swim down and make a mark.

However, there was an accident soon, let us know that there is no need to continue to mark.

The food in our hands has been eaten, but in order to better maintain our physical strength, we will stop and rest every once in a while, looking for food to replenish energy.

When the body temperature does not pass so fast, eating can resist the cold, even if the food is cold.

This is because the human body can produce heat by consuming calories, so supplementing with carbohydrates can slightly relieve the cold.

And the task of finding food, of course, was given to me.

At this moment, only I am acting as usual, and everyone else is just hanging their lives.

"I really admire this guy..."

I plunged headfirst into the bottom of the water and swam towards the water, but I heard that guy Liu Wu and the others say in admiration, and the voice behind them became smaller and smaller.

I dive under the water.

When I went there, I found something that surprised me.

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