Relying on the searchlight on the diving cap, we can clearly see that there are many cold sea fish swimming around.

"Swim south, we may still have a chance to survive!"

Wang Jin turned to us and said.

The diving suit has a built-in radio communication device.

We lost our ship, and if we don't return to warmer regions and find land as soon as possible, we may not survive long in the water.

However, swimming towards the south, we were also discussing how our ship was damaged.

Listening to the sound of the boat before entering the water, we felt like something smashed a hole in our boat.

We all suspected that it had something to do with the footsteps and roars we heard.

When we heard those strange noises, we felt very strange. In such a blizzard, how did that huge monster appear on our deck?
I even suspected that these guys are dinosaurs with wings on their backs?
And now, with a hole in the bottom of our boat, I suddenly had a new guess in my mind.

Could those monsters come out of the water?
Although part of the water surface was frozen by the cold wind and snow, with the strength of this monster that can even break open the shell of a ship, breaking the ice layer is nothing.

Of course, it is even possible that they just ran over the ice.

This thing may be like a seal, amphibious.

Soon, my guess was confirmed.

We left the hull and swam towards the south for a minute or two, when the water suddenly fluctuated violently. Then, a few dark shadows suddenly rushed towards us from the sinking direction of the ship!

Relying on the light of the searchlight above our heads, we could clearly see that what was rushing towards us turned out to be a monster very similar in size and shape to humans.

This monster, like us humans, has four limbs and a slender body.Of course, compared to the average adult man, their body is a circle larger, very burly.

But the difference is that there are flippers in the hands and feet of this thing, like duck feet and goose feet, and many places on their bodies are covered with scales. They have a dark blue color as a whole, which is very strange.

Their terrifying image reminded me of some water ghost legends immediately.

These monsters attacked suddenly, and they looked malicious at first glance, and our group of people reacted quite quickly.

One by one underwater guns were pulled out by us, and we fired wildly at those monsters.

The monster obviously didn't expect that we, the puny ones, would have such a powerful weapon. Caught off guard, several of them were hit, made a very shrill scream, and also bleed out a lot of dark green of blood.

However, these guys are obviously rough-skinned and thick-skinned. These few shots could not kill them at all, but stimulated their ferocity. They roared and rushed towards us again, faster and fiercer.

From the movements of these guys, I know that their hunting ability is absolutely comparable to that of cheetahs and lions. If they are really allowed to rush forward, we, the team members, may suffer heavy casualties.

Without saying a word, I went to meet those guys, and the speed was extremely fast, even faster than them.

Soon, I rushed into the pile of these monsters, rampaging, raising my sword and slashing.

There are about seven or eight of these water monsters. I fight so many alone, but I still have a huge advantage. I beat them back and forth. A sword cut off the neck, killing him on the spot, and the corpses began to float towards the surface of the water.

Such victories are not entirely due to me alone. Later, Wang Jin and the others still shot to cover me from time to time, which caused a lot of blows to those water monsters.

Of course, my current situation is not very good. Fighting in the water has affected my strength. If it weren't for the strength of the fetal sword in my hand and Wang Jin's Eryan Lake, I would have died long ago.

If I don't have this sword and fight alone, my strength is not as good as those water monsters.

The teeth and claws of these monsters are their weapons, extremely sharp.

At this moment, I felt like I was surrounded by a group of tigers.

This doesn't sound like it's very dangerous, but in fact, people living in modern society have never lived in the wild, and they don't know the horror of animals such as lions and cheetahs.

If given a choice, I would rather face seven or eight men with guns than eight tigers.

Because although people have guns, they actually have many weaknesses. As long as they seize the opportunity, they can be easily killed.

As for predators such as tigers, they have a strong fighting instinct. They were born for fighting. When fighting, it is very difficult for you to catch their flaws.

But at this moment, because of the weapons and the support of my companions behind me, I showed great power and quickly killed two water monsters.

Those water monsters are not low in IQ. After finding out how powerful we are, they immediately retreated and scattered and ran away one by one.

It's just that, although these guys ran away, they looked at us resentfully when they left. They probably thought that we killed their companions and held grudges against us.

The IQ of this thing is not low, and it may even find a way to take revenge on us.

This gave us some headaches.

And in this battle, we were not unscathed. I fought several water monsters alone, but there were two more water monsters that rushed towards Wang Jin and the others.

As a result, one of the three was killed by the water monster.

So far, out of our dozen or so crew members, there are only five left, namely me, Wang Jin, Lucy, Li Xin, and that Vietnamese kid Liu Wu.

No one expected that going to sea this time would be so dangerous. Seeing the body of our dead companion slowly drifting away into the distance, our hearts were very heavy.

But we understand that now is not the time to linger.

There was a big battle here, leaving a bloody smell, which is very dangerous in the sea.

We must leave as soon as possible.

Moreover, besides the water monster, there is also the venomous lizard. I don’t know if it was drowned. Will it still follow us?

And where did the big monkey go? Is this thing still alive?
"We are in dire condition and land must be found as soon as possible."

While walking, Wang Jin checked the supplies we were carrying.

Among our supplies, there are many kinds of tools, but relatively little food, because unfortunately, the backpack that the previous dead companion was in charge of contained food, and his backpack sank in the deep sea during the battle. He also lost his life.

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