There are monsters on the deck and threats in the cabin, which makes everyone have to be on tenterhooks.

But the next half a day passed, but nothing happened again.

Everyone gathered around the fire, relying on each other, and the warm feeling made people drowsy.

Wang Jin was sitting next to me. She seemed very tired and fell asleep leaning on my shoulder.

Although this woman is dressed like a man, she looks very beautiful, her body is very soft, and she has a fresh fragrance, which makes me sigh. She must be very beautiful with long hair. Why do you only love women? What?

Otherwise, maybe I...

Some inexplicable thoughts were spinning in my mind, but a piercing shout suddenly pierced the tranquility of the cabin.

When we heard the voice, our hearts skipped a beat and we knew something had happened.

Just now, three teammates walked together and went to the bathroom together.

Something happened to them.

Without saying a word, we all jumped up, grabbed our weapons and rushed towards the bathroom.

After walking a few steps, a bloody smell wafted over.

Just in the corridor, three corpses were lying on the ground, quite shocking.

Among the three, one was killed in a sneak attack. His death was similar to Bull's, with fine bite marks on his face and his face was blue.

As for the other two, there were claw marks all over their faces and bodies.

The clothes were also torn a lot by the sharp claws.It's just that these claw marks are not fatal. What are really fatal are some bite marks on their bodies.

The death of these three people undoubtedly dealt us a heavy blow.

It seems that Wang Jin's previous speculation was wrong. At this moment, the three of them are together, one of them can be said to have been killed by a sneak attack, and the other two are fighting head-on, and they are not the monster's opponent.That monster is much stronger than we expected!
There were fifteen team members on board, and it didn't take long for four to die, nearly one-third!
This makes the rest of us feel sympathetic. If we don't come up with a good solution, we may be hunted down one by one.

"It seems that we have to take the initiative."

Previously, in order to preserve our strength, we chose a conservative defense plan, but now we have to attack.

"The monster took two shots, both near the bathroom. It is very likely that it is still nearby!"

Wang Jin said vigilantly, and his eyes began to look around.

"Find it out and kill it!"

I said lightly.

But what I didn't expect was that Wang Jin glanced at me, hesitated, and said: "Zhang Qi, if possible, I hope that after you encounter that monster, you don't kill it directly, it's better to capture it alive .”

Her words made us all silent for a while, everyone is not stupid, I think many people, like me, have already guessed that this monster may be the "cargo" on the ship.

However, due to the basic quality of intelligence personnel, people like Li Xin didn't say a word or ask anything.

As for me, after all, I am not a member of their organization, I couldn't bear it any longer, so I asked Wang Jin, "Should you give me an explanation!"

Wang Jin looked at me with some embarrassment, and could only say: "Yes, I can't hide it from everyone. In fact, the goods we transported this time are some living specimens. There are many special creatures. Some creatures even come from the mysterious island. Some are the product of genetic experiments, and they all have extremely high scientific research value..."

"Actually, in the past, the specimens we transported were all dried, or some animal and plant organs, but this time there are several special animals in them, which are living. And the one that attacked us did not know what happened. I took out the specimen box and rushed out."

Wang Jin didn't hide it this time, and took out the information of this monster.

It turned out that what attacked us was something called a rattlesnake.

Rattlesnake, just like its name, has a certain relationship with rattlesnakes, of course not on the genetic level, but in appearance, as we all know, the tails of bats are generally very short and degenerated.

But this kind of rattlesnake is different. Their tails are much longer than ordinary bats, and their shape is somewhat similar to rattlesnakes, and they can also make strange sounds like rattlesnakes.

Of course, their fangs are more famous and deadly.

After I heard it, I couldn't help but feel quite fucked up, it turned out to be a living specimen from the mysterious island?
You can really do it too.

Back then, I was born and died on the mysterious island, but I had to deal with those strange creatures, many of which were quite deadly.

However, for the sake of the so-called scientific research, these people are also going forward one after another, not taking their own lives seriously.

At the beginning, the islanders with Yucheng Yao wanted to take some living specimens back, but they were finally killed by man-eating plants. This is what I saw with my own eyes in the sea of ​​fog.

In addition, the specimens of these mysterious island creatures probably were not brought back directly from the mysterious island, but were found organizationally in Germany, Poland, or even other parts of Europe.

It is also possible that they also have secret biological experiment bases.

Professor Sun's organization is much stronger than I expected.

"Wang Jin, I think we have the right to check if the remaining goods are still in good condition."

I said with an ugly face.

Others didn't speak up for me, but didn't disagree either.That is the default.

Wang Jin seemed a little unhappy, but seeing that I was very determined, she turned around and led us to the warehouse.

The so-called cargo compartment is not big, behind a closed red hatch.

After Wang Jin opened the hatch carefully, I got in, followed by others.

After entering, we were all a little surprised by the sight in front of us, and at the same time, our backs were instantly drenched in cold sweat.

According to Wang Jin, most of the specimens transported this time were dead, but there were also six living ones.

And these six living bodies are all installed in petri dishes with red expressions on them.

At this moment, there are exactly six broken petri dishes in front of us!

All six living bodies ran away?
Now even Wang Jin's face became quite ugly.

"According to the probability, this is simply impossible. How could it be possible that all six living bodies escaped at the same time?"

Wang Jin murmured in a low voice, a trace of doubt rose in his eyes.

I also agree with her words very much. Could it be that these petri dishes were smashed intentionally?
But who would do that, and what good would it do him?
Isn't this self-defeating?

Even I can't say that I'm 100% sure about dealing with those ancient creatures from the mysterious island.

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