There was no way, we finally turned off the heating, and the cold air soon invaded the cabin, which was bone-chillingly cold.

In order to resist the severe cold, we could only huddle collectively in a main cabin, wearing cotton clothes and quilts.

Everyone gathers in one cabin, which can keep us warmer, and it is impossible to provide no heating at all, so we still burn a stove, and everyone can use one collectively when they walk together.

Of course, if something really happens, we can find out in time if we are together.

We couldn't be happier with this decision very quickly.

For not long has passed, and many strange things have happened among us.

Just now on the deck, we all had the feeling of being spied on, as if something was watching us in the wind and snow. Now that we entered the cabin, that feeling did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger.

This struck us as odd, as there is not much space in this cabin, and if there was anything, we could not fail to see it.

Therefore, we discussed it, and we all thought that it might be that everyone collectively had some kind of illusion.

Collective hallucinations are actually not uncommon. It is said that collective hallucinations have occurred in some weird places.

We can only comfort each other and resist the uneasiness in our hearts.

Fortunately, nothing happened at first.

In order to preserve our physical strength and persist until the end of the snowstorm, we tried our best to reduce physical activity, so we ate and slept, and ate and slept.

If it is not in the wind and snow, this kind of life is quite comfortable. Everyone does nothing, sits together, eats, chats, and rests together. Isn't this just going on vacation?
It's just that the tranquility was quickly broken.

"Listen carefully, is there any strange noise?"

Li Xin suddenly raised his head and listened with his ears sideways.

We were so nervous by her actions that we immediately listened, but we heard nothing.

"Didn't you hear the sound of footsteps on the deck just now, but now it's gone..."

Li Xin said in surprise.

We all looked at each other in blank dismay. We didn't hear any footsteps just now, but a gust of wind howled past.

Besides, in this kind of blizzard, how could there be any creatures that could move on the deck?

She probably heard it wrong.

When we speculated like this, even Li Xin himself suspected that he had heard it wrong.

But this is just the beginning.

Not long after, one of our team members left the cabin to relieve himself, but there was no movement for an hour.

We were worried that something might happen to this guy, so we had to send four team members to check the situation.

After a while, they came back with very ugly faces.

The guy who went to the bathroom, died, and the body was in the bathroom.

"On Bull's neck, there is a bite mark, his lips are blue, and his body shape is distorted. He should have died of poisoning."

The team members who came back said so.Bull is the name of the dead team member.

We are not ordinary people, and we can tell immediately that this guy was bitten to death by some kind of poison.

"Looking at the shape and size of the teeth, the monster that killed Boer should not be big, but it can't be ruled out that it is a guy with a small head but a big body..."

"These tooth marks are very dense, like a row of pinholes. I have never heard of any animal teeth like this."

Several team members added.

Seeing that everyone was a little panicked, Wang Jin seemed to feel that this was not good, so he stood up and said, "We need to calm down, this monster killed Boolean in a sneak attack instead of attacking us. This only shows that this thing is very weak. Don’t dare to fight us openly, as long as we are careful and don’t give them a chance, nothing will happen!”

Wang Jin's words are still very reasonable, as long as we are not alone, the monster may not be able to do anything to us.

However, our expressions are still not good. Even if the people here are special agents and have undergone special training, it will not be easy for anyone to know that there is a monster hiding in the dark, ready to kill him at any time.

Of course, I am the least worried. After all, toxins have little effect on me. If the monster really opened its eyes and attacked me, it might be more likely to be caught and eaten by me.

But now I wonder how on earth this monster got on board our ship.

A group of us went together and checked the cabin door and other places, but found no damage. Besides, there is still heavy snow outside.

Could this monster be in the cabin from the very beginning?

This surprised me, and I immediately looked at Wang Jin.

I'd sensed beforehand that this ship was carrying something special, something that couldn't be airlifted out of the country.

Now I can't help but wonder, is this ship transporting some kind of living body?
What kills our team members is the cargo on board!

In addition, to my horror, I also heard footsteps on the deck while checking whether the surrounding cabins were damaged.

Moreover, my sense of hearing is far more acute than that of ordinary people. I not only heard footsteps, but even panting.

It seems that at this moment, there are some unknown creatures walking around above the deck.

They may have smelled our breath and are thinking about how to get in?

Why can they act in such a huge snowstorm?
Can our hatch and snow stop them?

I suddenly felt a burst of tension that didn't come, and faintly felt that a crisis of life and death was coming quietly!
"I also heard footsteps, please listen carefully!"

I said hastily.

Seeing that Li Xin and I said the same thing, Wang Jin couldn't help but look solemn, and quickly put his head on the cabin, listening carefully.

As a result, everyone's faces became ugly.

Apparently, this time we all heard it.

"Bring some heavy objects and put them against the door. If something really wants to come in, it may be able to resist one or two."

Wang Jin said, we quickly followed suit.

"This monster may have appeared along with the blizzard. It may be a strange creature living in the blizzard. We just need to survive the blizzard and we will be fine!"

Wang Jin said loudly, still want to boost our morale.

As for what she said, it is just a groundless guess, but it may not be impossible, which makes us feel a little more relaxed.

Ice and snow and the cabin may really protect us.

We returned to the cabin and warmed up around the stove, but our morale inevitably dropped, and everyone no longer had the same interest in talking and laughing as before.

A companion died right in front of everyone's eyes, how could we talk about it with peace of mind.

Even if I don't know that Bull well, it's still a life, a life of those who are in the same boat as us.

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