Yucheng Yao took Catherine to another room.

Not long after, there were bursts of miserable humming in the room.

It made me feel a little bit sick.

Maybe it's because I think too much. I always feel that the method of extorting a confession by torture is a bit inhumane.

In addition, I actually still have some ambiguous thoughts about this woman, Catherine. Now I can't bear to see her fate.

It's a pity, why does she have to be so loyal to that shitty company?

This excruciating torture lasted about three quarters of an hour.

Yucheng Yao closed the door and came out of the room, but her eyes were full of regret.

"This woman is a tough one, it's a pity."

Yuchengyao felt a little regretful, thinking that it would be great if Catherine was theirs.

I couldn't resist pushing the door open, and walked over to take a look, but at this moment, Catherine's face was pale, her lips were already bitten by herself, and her lips were covered with blood. As for her injuries, Yucheng Yao covered her with a black cloth , but looking at the blood on the surface of the black cloth, she was seriously injured.

"Catherine, why are you bothering? Why are you so loyal to that so-called company? What have these people done for you?"

I said doubtfully, and kindly persuaded me.

"One is a bad face, the other is a red face, isn't it? The plan is good, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me."

Catherine raised her head and looked at me coldly: "I won't tell you any useful news. The best thing you can do now is to kill me."

In fact, I kind of want to agree to her request. Since she is going to be a martyr, it's okay to let her die with honor.

But the one who is in charge now is not me, but Yucheng Yao, and Catherine is not caught by me.

After I went out, Yucheng Yao closed the door again.

Not long after, there was a loud gunshot in the room.

I sighed, it seems that Catherine is dead?

However, to my surprise, Yu Chengyao didn't come out of the room immediately, and the door was closed tightly, which surprised me from the bottom of my heart, nothing will happen, right?

We looked at each other, and immediately approached the door cautiously, and kicked the door open.

And the scene in the room surprised all of us, a little relaxed, but extremely puzzled.

But at this time, Yucheng Yao was wearing a white coat, with her back to us, standing in front of Catherine's body, she didn't know what she was doing.

She wore blue rubber gloves and a scalpel in her hands.

"You are..."

we asked suspiciously.

Yucheng Yao turned around and looked at us with a serious expression: "Catherine is not human at all!"

What she said confuses and surprises us all, what does it mean that she is not human?
Yucheng Yao didn't mean to hide anything, let's go to see Catherine's body.

When we walked over to have a look, we were all stunned.

But at this time, the head of Catherine's body in front of us has been cut open by Yucheng Yao, but the strange thing is that although the outer skin of her head has blood flowing out, there are not only some brain tissues under the bones , and there are many mechanical parts, the combination of flesh and machinery looks very weird.

"I shot her in the head. At that time, I realized that the sound was very strange. I have killed many people, and the sound of the bullet shooting into the skull was definitely not like that. So out of curiosity, I dissected her. She really discovered this shocking secret!"

"She may not be dead!"

Yucheng Yao shook her head, also full of disbelief.

But we were even more puzzled.

What's going on if it's not dead, Catherine's mechanical head can still be repaired?

"Before I came to the desert island, I did a lot of secret work for the organization. Once I stole an important confidential document in the United States. The document was about a bionic experiment called the hand of God. The United States People are secretly creating bionics. Catherine’s situation is very consistent with some descriptions in that plan. She is not a human at all, but a bionic controlled by a thinking chip.”

This sounds like a fantasy.

But in fact, in the world, the science and technology known to ordinary people often lag behind those hidden high-tech technologies by 50 years or even longer.

Some special technologies have been completely concealed once they came out, and are used in some unknown military research.

According to Yucheng Yao, the bionic person Catherine belongs to is an alternative application of cloning technology, and strictly speaking, it is also against ethics.

Those crazy scientists selected special genes and embryos to allow Catherine to develop and grow in test tubes.

Catherine's various physical qualities and indicators are all precisely controlled by humans. No wonder this woman is so perfect, and her physical strength and physical qualities are terrifying.

It turned out to be controlled by science.

Of course, the biggest difference between bionics like Catherine and clones is that their brains are replaced by some mechanical cores, and her thinking is half mechanical and half human.

This has to talk about another legendary technology.

It is said that human thinking and soul are a kind of electromagnetic wave and electromagnetic field.

The so-called thinking coding is to write and reconstruct this electromagnetic field through code signals. Once this technology is successfully realized, human thinking can be directly stored on the hard disk or even the network, thereby realizing immortality on the level of consciousness. .

Of course, once the human mind is separated from the body, no one knows what kind of impact it will have.After all, many thoughts of our contemporary people, such as eroticism, happiness, excitement, etc., are strictly speaking influenced by hormones emitted from the body.

What happens to the human mind once it is freed from these?
Is it like those gods in myths and legends, who have no desires, no desires, no joys and sorrows?
But is there no joy, no sorrow, no mood swings, is it still a human being, and what is the difference between it and a stone?

Thinking coding technology is a thorough challenge to the current social ethics of human beings.

Of course, with our current technology, this is simply not possible.

The reason why Yuchengyao told us this is because she found something that might be a thinking chip in Catherine's head.

I'm afraid this black woman has a very small part of her thinking, which is completed by coding.

To put it simply, Catherine is a bionic person, and her thinking is half mechanical and half human.

And just after Yucheng Yao shot Catherine, the consciousness chip in her body may have uploaded part of her thinking memory to the cloud.

In other words, there is a high probability that I will see a brand new Catherine in the future, a Catherine who has come back to life!

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