Like me, Yuchengyao is also a cursed person, but her mark is on the bottom of her feet, while mine is on her wrist.

Of course, Yucheng Yao has been actively taking suppressive pills, and her curse development is much lighter than mine.

And because of the old thing, the high priest of Luzhi City, the curse is now on the verge of breaking out.

"We found some fragments of ancient savages in the underground ruins. It is said that under the Devil's Lake, the secret of the source of the curse is buried, and there is also the only way to unlock the curse."

Yucheng Yao told me.

After I heard this, I couldn't help but nodded secretly, which coincided with my thoughts. It seemed that I was making the right choice to get into the water.

However, the headache is that this Devil's Lake is too huge.

How easy is it to find the key thing under such a large lake?
"Let's take a step and take a look. I have professional diving equipment in my hand, which is much more convenient than when you go into the water alone. Maybe I can make some new discoveries!"

Yucheng Yao smiled and said to me.

Hearing her words, I was also very happy, because without the relevant equipment, my diving today can be said to be thrilling, and the progress is also slow and scary. There are many deeper and more mysterious areas underwater, and I can't reach them at all. .

Now with the help of Yucheng Yao and the others, everything will go much smoother.

"Take a rest tonight, tomorrow we will go into the water again!"

I said excitedly.

But Yucheng Yao shook her head and said something that surprised me.

"You can let go of the matter of launching, I guess, you will be more interested in another matter!"

What she said confuses me.

However, Xi'er didn't like to play tricks as much as she did, so she quickly told me about it.

It turned out that their people fought against the company's people!

"The people in the company seem to be in that poisonous forest. They encountered very difficult things and suffered heavy losses. We appeared at the right time and fought with them. Although many people ran away, one of their team The key person was caught by us."

This made me extremely worried. Eve will be safe, right?
Seeming to see my worry, Xi'er squeezed my hand comfortingly, "Don't worry, brother Zhang, Eve is fine, she should be the first to evacuate, we caught a black woman. "

"This black woman, as you probably know, is the famous leader of the company on the deserted island, Commander Catherine!"

It turned out to be him, and the scene in the snow-capped underground palace instantly appeared in my mind.

This hot, but fierce and indifferent half-breed chocolate beauty left a deep impression on me.

I was almost killed by her at the time.

However, it seems that Feng Shui also turns around, and she also has a time as a prisoner?
"This woman is now being locked up in our underground temporary base. As a high-level figure in the company, maybe she knows more about this lake of devils than we do. Xiao Wulang, you go and bring her here, and we will interrogate this woman!"

Yucheng Yao and the others came to the death pass this time, and they used the underground passage.

If it wasn't close to the ray of sky, the underground environment is really bad, and it is impossible to continue to pass. I am afraid they can drill directly from the underground to the Devil's Lake.

After Kogoro left, about two or three hours later, he came back again.

Along with him, besides Catherine, there were two island warriors, a man and a woman, who were probably staying at the camp.

Now Catherine was brought over too, so they just came together.

I haven't seen Catherine for a long time since I escaped from the ground last time.

This time when we met, this woman was still the same as before, very indifferent and calm, even at this moment, she was clearly a captive, tied up like a rice dumpling, but judging by her appearance, she seemed to be a guest.

"Catherine, we meet again, unexpectedly in this capacity."

I couldn't help sighing, but reached out and touched her charming face.

Although this woman has dark skin, her facial features are very delicate and she is indeed very beautiful.

At the beginning, I actually wanted to tease her, but unfortunately, she is too fierce, I was afraid of death, so I dare not.

It's a pity, to my great regret, that although she was molested by me, this woman didn't seem to respond at all, she was neither angry nor scolded me, she just looked at me with contemptuous eyes: "So it's you Useless womanizer, how come you have such an ugly face, it disgusts me more than before."

Made, this woman's speech is really ugly.

If it weren't for Xi'er and Yucheng Yao, I really want to show her some color and make you look down on me.

However, having said that, Catherine's powers of observation are really powerful, even Qian'er or Xiao Qing couldn't instantly recognize me with my changed face.

But Catherine instantly recognized my true identity.

I couldn't help but think about it wildly, could it be that this chick has fallen in love with me a long time ago, and her love is so deep that she can recognize me instantly, and the contempt in her eyes is just a cover up...

I was very surprised and asked her, how did she recognize me, but the woman stopped talking, as if I won't tell you, and she was mad at you.

It really pissed me off.

"Forget it, you don't need to talk about this matter, we have more important things to ask you, but if you don't cooperate, I'm afraid the things you have to go through will not be so easy and pleasant."

I said indifferently.

Before bringing this woman over, Yucheng Yao and I discussed how to deal with her.

If she is willing to cooperate with us, that would be the best. If not, Yucheng Yao will personally deal with her and use some cruel methods to torture her.

Although Catherine and I have been through life and death, we are enemies after all, and I can't let my heart soften at this moment.

It's just that I probably can't bear to watch that scene, and leave these matters to Yucheng Yao.

"Catherine, I know that you are a professional who has studied anti-torture. It is not easy to torture you, but we will not give up. This means that you will suffer more. I will give you one last minute, you Think it over carefully."

Yucheng Yao said lightly.

Yu Chengyao told me that when Catherine was caught, this woman wanted to commit suicide, but unfortunately, Xi'er was too fast and stunned her in an instant, taking out the poison she had hidden under her teeth come out.

Otherwise, this woman probably wouldn't have fallen into their hands.

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