It is now autumn, and the weather is not very cold, but the water temperature in Devil's Lake is horribly low.

As soon as I jumped down, I felt the coolness of the skull, as if it was going to freeze the blood in my whole body.

However, when I tested the water temperature by the lake earlier, I knew the result, and I still think it is bearable.

What I am worried about now is that since this lake water is poisonous, even if I have a curse on my body, it can reduce part of the toxin's damage to my body, but after soaking in such lake water for a long time, the continuous toxin invasion will not be able to resist the power of the curse.

Of course, now is not the time to think about these things. I don't have much time, so I concentrate and swim quickly towards the deep water area.

Not long after, I swam out for 30 meters. At this moment, the water here was already very deep. At least when I looked down, I could only see darkness in some depths, and I didn’t see any rocks at the bottom of the lake.

As far as I know, when sunlight shines on the water, the distance that the human eye can recognize is at most 10 to 20 meters, and the water quality of this Devil's Lake is very clear, roughly 20 meters.

Then those water depths may be more than 20 meters.

And in the nearby places with higher terrain, I could vaguely see some things, which made me very curious.

I quickly surfaced, took a big breath, and then plunged down.

Soon, I reached near a higher rock at my feet.But I saw that the place where I was at the moment looked like an underwater mountain, with some strange aquatic plants growing on the surrounding rocks.

After seeing these aquatic plants, I suddenly felt a little strange.

The water in this lake is poisonous. It is said that nothing grows. How come there are aquatic plants under the water?
Since there are aquatic plants, is it possible that there are actually fish, but the number is rare, and the people of the Kewa tribe have not found it?
Such a thought flashed in my mind, and I swam towards the low part of this underwater mountain.

There is nothing special in the area nearby, which disappointed me very much. Now I also began to suspect that the Kova man who survived the drowning was really talking nonsense. There are cities under the water?
This underwater looks too ordinary, too ordinary.

However, I looked at the dark place in the depth of the water again, and felt that it would be better to go and have a look.

Maybe there's something to be discovered down there?

Ordinary people without equipment can embed seven or eight meters underwater, even if it is very remarkable, they will feel very uncomfortable in this way.

And some diving masters may be able to reach a depth of eleven or twelve meters.

And my physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people, and it is estimated that there is no problem for more than 20 meters.

Soon, I came to this dark and icy water area. With the light of the flashlight, I carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Before going into the water, I took everything I could possibly need, a flashlight, a camel bladder, a gun and a fetal sword.

This flashlight was brought with me when I came out of the camp. It has not been used much, but it has come in handy today.

Maybe my luck is really good, not long after I dived, something that people can't even think of, appeared in front of my eyes.

I noticed that just in front of me, about 10 meters away, next to a big rock, there was a black shadow in human shape falling on the ground!

My eyes widened, and I didn't know if I was wrong, so I quickly swam over.

However, the location of that place is even lower than I am now, probably close to 30 meters underwater.

At this depth, even I feel a little uncomfortable in my body.

And when I reached the side of the human-shaped shadow, I couldn't help being very surprised, because I was not mistaken, this thing is not made of stones or water plants, but really a corpse.

What's even more unimaginable is that only the upper body of this corpse is human, but the lower body has a fish's tail.

"Mermaid, mermaid?"

Such nouns came to my mind.

However, unlike the passages I read in myths and legends before, the thing in front of me cannot give me any sense of beauty. On the contrary, its appearance is disgusting.

The first is its face. The cheekbones are extremely prominent, the mouth is very large, and the proportions are very strange. What's more, the two sides of this guy's face are cracked with thumb-sized gaps, which seem to be gills.

The second is its body and skin color, which glowed with a strange dark blue color.

In addition, this corpse has already begun to rot. Although I can't smell the smell as I hold my breath underwater, I always feel a faint smell in my mind, which is uncomfortable.

And finally, and the most important and frightening point, this thing seems to be more than just a monster, because it even wears some kind of bracelet-like decoration on its wrist.

The strange patterns carved on the bracelet surprised me very much.

Being able to wear this kind of thing means that this kind of monster is actually intelligent?

But at this moment, my eyebrows suddenly jumped, and I felt something was wrong.

Just as I had this thought in my heart, the monster's chest suddenly split open, and a strange kind of bug-like fish swarmed out of it, their fish mouths were covered with sharp fangs, It hit me instantly.

From their gleaming teeth, it's clear these guys are no good.

I quickly kicked the sea rock under my feet, and swam wildly upwards.

It's a pity that I'm underwater, where can these fish swim so fast?
They quickly surrounded me.

Even though I hurriedly raised my gun to resist those guys, I was still bitten very quickly and dripping with blood.

What's more, this strange fish seemed to be poisonous. After a while, I felt dizzy and my limbs began to go weak.

If someone else were here, I'm afraid they would have died by now.

Gritting my teeth in anxiety, I had no choice but to pull out the fetal sword slung around my waist, and slashed at the small fishes.

Originally, I didn't want to use this thing. This thing is really weird and may affect my curse, but if I don't use it now, I'm afraid I will die immediately.

This fetal sword is very sharp, and my skills are very good. After some fighting, I finally broke up those fierce little fishes.

But my current troubles are probably far more than that fierce little fish.

Now I have wounds all over my body. Although the wounds are not big, there is a lot of blood coming out.

There is a lot of blood in the forest, and the smell of blood is very easy to attract some creatures at the top of the food chain, such as wolves, tigers and even marsupial lions.

And bleeding underwater is just as troublesome, even more dangerous than in the forest!

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