It's a pity that time passed bit by bit, but I didn't feel anything.

It seems that drinking the lake water directly cannot solve my problem.

Now I can only go to the nearby villages to look for clues.

And those people with sallow faces, one by one, saw that I was not dead after drinking the lake water, and they were all stunned, as if they had seen a ghost.

Their attitude towards me has become more and more respectful, as if they have recognized my identity as the incarnation of the devil from the bottom of their hearts.

When I asked them where the nearby villages were, the sallow-faced people were very excited and led the way excitedly, wanting me to visit their hometown.

We started walking east along the coast, and soon the poisonous redwoods faded away behind us, revealing patches of black cliffs.

Most of the people of the Kewa tribe live on this cliff.

At first, I was a little puzzled, but soon I realized that because the ground is full of toxins, resting below may cause violent death at any time, so their homes are all caves dug on high rock walls, and because The rock wall at the bottom is relatively soft and not suitable for digging. Their caves are basically more than ten meters high.

Every day they go in and out, they have to climb the steep rock wall. If they are not careful, they will fall off the cliff and fall to pieces.

This really opened my eyes. I lamented that human beings are really adaptable. They can survive in this kind of place. It is really not easy for these people.

Living in such a ghostly place for generations, it is no wonder that the people of the Kewa tribe have gone through untold hardships to break through the canyon and enter Moon City.

Because of my special status, I received a very warm reception in this rock village by the sea.

The villagers were very warm to me and gave me a lot of delicious food and drinks, as well as various gifts.

But I didn't ask for too much, because most of the young people from the Kowa Tribe went to Moon City, and those who are still in the village are either old people or children. Taking these things from the poor, old, weak, women and children, my heart Still feel a little sorry.

I stayed in the village for three days, visited their sacrifices, and inquired about many things with the respected old people, and finally got a lot of results!
According to the old people.

The water in the Devil's Lake is the curse of Mu Zhanhuang's reappearance in the world. This water has destructive power. Ordinary villagers don't even drink the water. Even if their skin touches the lake water, they will get seriously ill.

Therefore, all the people of the Kewa tribe are landlubbers and never touch the lake water.

Of course, some people accidentally fell into the lake, and as a result, most of them died. Even if there were some extremely rare cases, if they were pulled back, they would become terminally ill, talking nonsense, and delirious die.

They looked like they were frightened by something horrible in the water.

And what I am very concerned about is that 30 years ago, there was a talented young man in the village. After climbing out of the lake, his mind was not even confused, but what he said was unbelievable.

The guy said that there was a city in the lake, and people lived in it.

The old people in the village said that this guy's brain is still broken, and he probably saw hallucinations.

Is it a hallucination?

Cities in the water?
I always feel that this matter is not simple, but I can't find any useful evidence.

Thinking about it carefully, I couldn't help but recall that in the City of the Moon, there is a widely spread saying that there is an army of Huang hiding in the Devil's Lake. One day, they will break the seal and bring about the end of the world.

During this period of time, I have always believed that the Kova tribe is what the people of Moon City call the Huang sealed army.

However, I suddenly felt that maybe there is another explanation for this legend?
Many clues seem to indicate that this lake has sealed Huang and his servants.

And the curse on his body seems to have an inseparable connection with Huang.

I think, I need to go into the water to have a look!
Of course, this is definitely a very risky decision, my curse is related to the so-called Huang, and now I go close to his seal, it's like throwing myself into a trap.

But there is a saying called put it to death and live later, and there may not be a glimmer of life in it.

Now I have no other choice, I can feel that the curse on my body is constantly strengthening, day and night, every minute and every second!

Maybe the next moment, I will no longer exist in the world.

In this case, what's wrong with going all out?

Even if there is only a slight possibility, I will try it.

And those people with sallow face heard that I wanted to go into the water, they all thought I was crazy, and they all knelt on the ground and begged me not to go.

But how could I give up because of their persuasion?

"If you dare not, go back and report to Her Majesty the Goddess, and no one will blame you."

I said casually and quickly left the village.

If I want to go into the water, I first need to prepare a bamboo raft.

This lake is extremely huge. What I'm looking for may not be in the edge area, and it must be impossible without a boat.

There are other items needed for launching, I also need to prepare.

For example, kill some camels and use their alveoli to make a crude oxygen cylinder.

Of course, this thing is not a bit worse than a professional oxygen cylinder. At best, it is underwater, crush it, and let me take a breath. If the operation is too slow, or even have no time to inhale, this thing will be gone. .

But if it really succeeds, a breath at the critical moment can save my life.

For me without diving equipment, this thing is also very precious.

In the end, the sallow-faced warriors still didn't leave me directly, they were still obeying my orders and helping me collect materials to build the bamboo raft.

During the time when the bamboo raft was being built, I decided to go into the water first and explore the offshore location.

I tied a very thick rope to my body, wrapped it several times, and after confirming that it was correct, I let the people with the sallow face lead me.

"If I pull the rope three times in quick succession, you pull me up!"

Before going into the water, I asked Sallow Face and the others again.

They nodded solemnly, and looked at me with dead eyes.

It seems that these people think that I must die.

"I'm such a simple person to die."

I said with a slight smile, my sallow face seemed to want to say something to dissuade me, but my lips moved, but I just said to let me be careful.

I didn't pay attention to them any more, but started to move my joints from side to side, doing warm-up exercises.

Looking at the pure blue lake water, I concentrated my attention, took a deep breath, and plunged into the water!

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