The little priest and I chatted about other things, such as A Ruo.

After she was taken away by the people of the temple, I have been very worried about this girl. Her voice and smile still come to my mind from time to time.

Seeing that the little priest seems to be very talkative at this moment, I couldn't help asking about the girl's whereabouts. The little priest didn't tell me the specific news, but just assured me that she was safe and well, and nothing would happen in the future, which made me feel a little relieved .

Then, the woman left.

After she left, I was taken to a strange stone house the next day.

This place is a room, rather it is a huge box, because there are no windows in the whole room, only on the top of the room, there is a mesh brick that looks like a vent.

And soon, I realized that the place was not just as simple as ventilation.

Unexpectedly, some dark red gas came out from the hole-shaped gap.

These gases are very strange. After people inhale them, they immediately have a strange feeling of being in the air.

This shocked me and yelled that it was not good.

Before I came here, the savages in charge of this matter told me that this so-called purification ceremony, once successful, will make the participants extremely loyal to the Holy See and will never betray.

At first I sniffed it, how can a person think, you can change it with a broken ceremony, and make it impossible for people to betray, isn’t it funny?
However, after inhaling a little bit of that strange dark red gas, I suddenly realized why these savages dared to say such things.

Because, I realized that those dark red gases were nothing but some kind of drug!
The so-called purification ceremony is a process that makes you addicted. A large amount of poisonous gas is passed in, and some people may not be able to bear it physically and die immediately.

Those who survived became addicts.

The temple holds such a vicious thing in its hands. Do these addicts dare to betray? Once they betray and become addicted, it will be worse than death.

Mad, I really underestimated these savages.

Even in the outside world, the large-scale appearance of such vicious things is a modern thing. Unexpectedly, these savages have developed new uses for this thing.

It is really outrageous to use such a vicious thing in the name of a holy god.

And at this moment, I was standing in the small black room, trying my best to hold my breath, to avoid inhaling the poisonous mist, but after all I am a flesh and blood body, there is no way not to breathe.

More or less, I still inhaled some poison gas into it.

This worries me a lot, am I not going to be a pathetic addict right?

Soon, the first day of this ceremony was over, and I successfully got out of it, but the next morning, I felt very restless inside, with an urge to go crazy.

Fortunately, the curse in my body, to a certain extent, suppressed this vicious thing, and I was able to forcefully suppress those weird insect movements.

You know, the curse in my body can eliminate many highly toxic substances, but now it has not completely eliminated the influence of those vicious substances. You can imagine how addictive this thing is.

If ordinary people are contaminated with this thing, their lives will really be ruined.

Cherish life, stay away from drugs, honesty does not deceive me.

And my nightmare is not over yet, it may be because I am a person involved in the devil incident, the savages think that I have to "purify" several times to be safe, so I have to go into that small black room three times in total.

The next day, I was taken to that place again.

Because I knew I was going to be in trouble, I made a little preparation today. I quietly brought a wet rag with some carbon ash stuffed inside the rag.

Activated carbon can absorb many fine dust particles, which is equivalent to a simple gas mask.

However, at this moment, although I have been prepared, the most terrifying thing for me at this moment is not the poisonous fog, but my own heart.

Because I absorbed some of these vicious things unexpectedly yesterday, and now my body has a certain addiction. Those dark red, ugly mist, at this moment, actually have a terrifying attraction to me, making me want to get rid of it. Rags in hand, go suck them up!
In order to resist this thing, I also made preparations. I gritted my teeth and kept piercing my thigh with a sharp stone. I hope the blood and pain can wake me up!
Maybe it's because the curse offset part of the effect, maybe it's because I'm not deeply poisoned and my willpower is stronger.

I actually made it through.

I dare to say that this is the scariest incident I have encountered so far in my life. The harm this chemical substance brings to human beings is too terrible, no wonder it is banned in this way.

But at this moment, I understand in my heart that for me, this test has only just begun.

As soon as I leave this small dark room, I still have to pretend to be someone who has been successfully poisoned.

In the end, I got through it, and the savages didn't suspect me at all.

After all, they are also very familiar with the effectiveness of this terrifying thing, no one can resist its poison.Those who could not survive died of poison gas overdose, and those who survived became addicts.

If I didn't have a special curse on me, I would never have escaped this test.Of course, in fact, I also have a slight drug addiction now, although it is slight, it can be fatal!
After passing this test, I was finally able to leave the prison. Led by several attendants, I came to a very luxurious looking room. Lying on the bed, my heart was in great pain.

Although I managed to hide the truth from those savages this time, in fact, the influence of those vicious things on me has not been completely eliminated.

I also had to go through a period of extremely painful detoxification.

This is the most difficult period of my life. Once the drug addiction is infected, it is really too difficult to quit.

In the days that followed, I recalled this unforgettable horror memory many times.

In fact, I was not a particularly strong person at first. Apart from the desire to survive and the determination to save those girls, the curse really played a big role in my success.

This experience gave me a profound insight.

Sometimes, people's willpower is really limited, and superstitious belief in it has no effect.

After all, people are flesh and blood, both mentally and physically are so fragile.

A truly smart person must learn to avoid danger, stay away from danger, and stay away from things that we cannot match, such as drugs.

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