"Actually, at the beginning, what came out of their stomachs was not the two swords, but a meat ball. These two meat balls seemed to have the breath of a living thing, and they could tremble slightly, but after a while, this The meat ball is dead, and after cutting it open, there are these two things."

According to the little priest, these two bone swords are not swords, but the bones of the two meat balls.And after the two meat balls were born, Ai Ai and another slave woman died.

Probably these two meat balls absorbed too much nutrition.

Her words were too shocking.

In this world, is there really such an incredible thing?

To be honest, when she mentioned this meatball, I inexplicably thought of the myth and legend of Nezha. When Nezha was born, he was a meatball. Could it be that this legend is not groundless, but has its prototype?
Thinking of this, I stretched out my hand and picked up a bone sword.

The surface of this thing is a bit rough, but it seems to be a little bit smooth, and the texture is very strange, and after grabbing this sword, a strange feeling emerged from the bottom of my heart.

I inexplicably feel that I and this sword are connected together, it is a feeling of blood connection.

What's even more weird is that this sword gave me an extremely familiar illusion, which made me feel a little dazed. It seems that I also had these two swords a long, long time ago.

In addition, holding them in my hand, the desire to kill in my heart also began to frantically agitate.

"What are you thinking about?"

The little priest stared at me firmly, and asked curiously, with an unpredictable smile on her face.

I said, "I didn't think about anything."

As I said that, I quickly put down the two swords.

"Really? I saw that you looked a little strange when you picked them up."

The little priest smiled and said: "Actually, I'm afraid you don't know that I recognize these two swords."

"Do you recognize?"

I feel a little confused, what does she mean?
What does it mean that she recognizes it? Could it be that there is some origin of these two swords?
Speaking of which, the little priest is also a Honglu people, and she is also a special person in charge of the temple among the Honglu people. Does she have some special knowledge about curses?So know something about these two swords?

"Actually, these two swords often appear in the letters handed down from my ethnic group. They are the weapons of the devil Huang."

The little priest said calmly. As she said, she had already taken out an ancient parchment book. The parchment book looked extremely old and was full of historical atmosphere. It was indeed handed down from ancient times.

Unsurprisingly, on the parchment scroll, a very ferocious guy was painted, holding two bone swords, killing all directions.

After hearing this, I was a little puzzled, Devil Huang?
Didn't it mean that the curse on my body was left by God Wang Lu? Why did my bloodline give birth to Huang's weapon?

Could it be that I made a mistake from the very beginning, in fact, the curse on me does not belong to Lu, but comes from his opponent, the so-called devil Huang.

Having said that, I suddenly remembered another detail.

I can still vaguely recall some things in the ancient dream. In that ancient dream, I was a general, and my name was Chung.

Huang and Huang have the same pronunciation.

However, although I wanted to understand this point, at this moment, I felt very vigilant in my heart.

What does this woman mean by saying this to me?
Do you want to confirm my identity as the devil messenger and send me to the fire to be burned?
"I said that all of this is probably a coincidence. If you think about it, you won't believe me."

I said helplessly, but my eyes flickered a little.

Now in this room, there are only me and the little priest, is this woman careless?

I'm wondering if, with my ability, I can catch her directly and use her as a hostage.

"Don't be nervous, relax a little, you and I may not be enemies."

The little priest smiled slightly, and unexpectedly said: "Traveler lost in the dark, I want to congratulate you, because you finally found the organization!"

Saying this, the woman took off her snow-white priestly attire, only to find that the clothes she was wearing underneath turned out to be a strange set of black clothes, which were tightly fitted to her body, with many feathers hanging from the outside.

This made this woman look like a humanoid crow at this moment.

Moreover, what caught my attention was the many dark red symbols on the black clothes. Those symbols gave me a feeling of deja vu, and I vaguely remembered them, which seemed to represent the Devil's Desolation.

I've seen something like this before in the wildling's forbidden area.

Speaking of which, the number two figure in the Holy See, the little priest who wields countless powers, turned out to be a secret agent, a follower of the devil Huang?
In the myth of the savages, Huang and Lu are opposite each other, and they are both extremely powerful existences.But along the way, in the kingdoms and tribes of the savages, I only met Lu's believers, as for Huang's believers, there were none.

And now they finally showed up!
Moreover, the identity of this believer now makes me almost unbelievable.

She is a senior official of the Holy See.

A high-ranking figure in the Holy See like the little priest turned out to be a double-faced person!

For my surprise, she seemed to have expected it, just smiled and said: "Now feel at ease, you don't have to be too wary of me, because we are both dark believers!"

What the little priest said made me nod on the surface, but I still felt a little wary in my heart. I am a fart of a dark cultist.

But at this time, he can only pretend, pretending that he admires Huang very much.

I thought for a while, then asked the little priest, "Can you let me out first, the environment in this water prison is too bad."

"You can change to another prison, but if you want to get out, I'm afraid it's not enough."

The little priest shook his head slightly.

I can't help but have some doubts.

She explained to me: "In Moon City, although my power is great, it is not to the point where I can do whatever I want. Currently, there are still four elders who are hostile to us, so what I can do now is to use You take it to another place and give you a chance to get out."

As far as I know, both the temple and the barbarian royal family are patriarchs. Her words have some credibility.

"what chance?"

I asked quickly.

"Because the things you are involved in are special, you must accept a special purification ceremony. If you can survive the ceremony, then you can successfully leave the prison."

"A special ceremony?"

I'm still wondering.

But the little priest said that I will know when I go, and the process of this ceremony will even make me feel very happy.

This makes me even more puzzled?
What exactly does that mean?
Her words, not coming, gave me a bad premonition in my heart.

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