This embarrassing night finally passed, and early the next morning, I bid farewell to this enthusiastic couple and said that I was going to the devil's lake.

When the two heard this, they were shocked: "Dear warrior, did you make a mistake? Are you going to the Devil's Lake?"

I said yes, the two of them quickly stopped me and kept persuading me, saying that that place is a forbidden place to die, and the people of their tribe even have a prohibition that no one is allowed to approach that lake.

But I will definitely not stop there, this is the key to whether I can lift the curse and survive.

However, to my surprise, Wuka and the others told me anxiously: "No, Brother Qi, if you want to go to the Devil's Lake, you must pass through the Valley of Death, where there is an army guarding the temple, unless there is a great priest personally Order, otherwise no one can pass!"

Now I'm a little confused, there is still an army guarding it?
Although my personal strength is relatively strong, I still have no resistance when I encounter an army of savages.

After all, if I beat the master to death with random punches, even if I killed dozens or even hundreds of them, I would still die myself.

"Is there no other way to this lake? Why doesn't the temple allow people to pass?"

I couldn't help but ask them both.

"Brother Qi, haven't you heard of the horror of Devil's Lake?"

The two looked at me in bewilderment.

"I really don't know about this. My tribe is on the other side of the poisonous forest. In the past, I lived alone on the mountain and rarely had contact with outsiders."

I just told a lie.

The Wuka couple didn't think much about it, they believed me quickly, and quickly explained to me the legend of the Devil's Lake.

It is said that in this devil's lake, there is a huge portal that can lead to the boundless hell.

And hell is the territory of the devil's desert. The people in the temple are worried that if someone goes to the devil's lake, they will be tempted by hell and bring the dead devil army to the world.

Those temple troops guarding the Death Canyon are also known as the brave guards of hell.

The legend they told made me frown.

This sounds like a completely fictional myth.

What the hell is the gate to hell, under that lake, is the underworld?

How could I believe such nonsense.

I think that the people from the Temple of Ana, who control the lake and prevent ordinary people from approaching, probably have some shady secrets.

As for the road to Devil's Lake, Uka and the others said that this is indeed the only way.

The Valley of Death is a very narrow valley, the kind where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it.

As for the guarding temple army, there are about 300 people, not to mention fully armed, there is also a fortification built at the mouth of the canyon, a tower.On the tower, there are things like trebuchets, which are said to guard against wild animals.

This makes me feel very distressed. With this kind of guarding power, if I want to kill directly, it is just courting death.

I stand alone on the plain with two hundred wildling soldiers and fight each other. Maybe I still have a slight chance, but now they are hiding in the tower and shooting arrows with me in groups. If I want to win, it is a dream.

I thought about it carefully and found that there are only two ways I can go now.

The first one is to wait for the people from the company to take action. These people will come sooner or later. They are going to Devil's Lake, and they will definitely conflict with the guards of the temple.

However, when they come, even if I get in, I'm afraid the next action will be very difficult.

This group of people in the company has always had a domineering style. If I want to get something, it will probably be difficult.

And the second way is to sneak into the savage's city, gain the trust of that great priest, and find a way to let him let me go.

This great priest has the same status as the high priest of Luzhi City, but the title is a little different.

Of course, this method is undoubtedly very difficult. So far, I have been at a loss as to how to do it.

However, it is not necessarily impossible to try it.

It's not the first time I've mixed into the savage tribe.

When I was in Luzhi City, I pretended to be a savage prince for a long time.

In the end, I became king, and no one found me at that time.

I thought about it. Anyway, the people from the company haven’t arrived yet, and they don’t have a map. Did it work?
Even if I don't succeed, am I not without any loss?Waiting is also waiting.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly told the Wuka couple that I gave up the idea of ​​going to Devil's Lake.

When the two heard this, they were very happy and warmly invited me to stay for a few more days.

I had no choice but to continue to stay.

In order to better integrate into the Ana tribe, I began to inquire with the Wuka couple about a lot of news about their tribe.

It turned out that the Ana tribe was also a powerful force with a large territory.

I made a rough estimate, and I'm afraid this Ana tribe is not much weaker than the group of savages in Luzhi City.

In addition to those large and small villages, they also have a huge city called Moon City.

According to Wuka, there are about [-] to [-] people in Moon City.

The population of this capital city is a little less than that of the city at the foot of the foot, but some small villages under the Ana tribe have a relatively larger population.

As for the fact that I wanted to enter Moon City, Wuka told me that I had to rely on his help.

"Brother Qi, you have to go back to our village with me. If you want to go to Moon City, you must get a letter of recommendation from the village chief. This letter of recommendation is usually for those powerful warriors. Originally, the village may have Someone has chosen, but I think bro, you definitely deserve this recommendation more than that person!"

The house where the Wukas live now is used when they collect herbs and hunt in the mountains. They have another residence in the village.

And in the past few days, during the few days I lived with the Wuka couple, I also hunted with them a few times, and showed my skills a little, which made the two of them respect and love me even more. My strength is astonishing.

Although the savage is tall and strong, far stronger than ordinary people outside, I am by no means an ordinary person now. I can even challenge the king and tail of the savages, and let Uka, an ordinary hunter, be free. The strength to be ashamed of is still there.

"Look, this is our village!"

The next day, I finally followed Uka to their village.

A group of buildings with a very strange style appeared in front of them.

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