This purple tiger is very explosive, and it can go far away in the blink of an eye. In addition to the dense fog around it, it can't be found for a while.

I looked at it but felt a little regretful, maybe I shouldn't have shot just now, I used a knife to beat it slowly, maybe there is still tiger meat to eat today.

But at this moment, seeing that fierce beast that I couldn't resist was beaten away by me in a single encounter, the savage couple were also a little stunned.

"This mighty warrior, how did you do it, so strong!"

The savage man said in shock, and looked at me blankly.

The woman looked at me with eyes full of respect for the strong.

Seeing this, I couldn't help smiling, and said casually, "It's just that the weapon is powerful, nothing special."

However, although I am humble, those two people did not despise me because of it, but respected and admired me even more.

Savages don't understand that high-tech guns can be used with very simple training. In their concept, powerful weapons can only be used by the strong.

Of course, marksmanship is actually divided into high and low.

Even if my marksmanship is not extremely strong, it is definitely not bad.

While helping them pack their things and treat their injuries, I quietly asked them for some information.

Since these two people are herb pickers, they must sell the medicine they collected to others. This shows that there are savage villages and even cities nearby.

I also want to know where I am.

After chatting for a while, I suddenly realized that we were in the territory of the savage Ana tribe.

This Arna tribe, I saw it on the map, it is near the Devil's Lake, which lifted my spirits, it seems that I did not go wrong!
And the men and women collecting herbs are husband and wife. The man's name is Wuka, and the woman's name is Arlene.

The names of the two of them, in the savage language, both mean that they hope to have a son.

It seems that this Ana tribe is probably also a feudal patriarchal society.

They were very grateful for my life-saving grace, and warmly invited me to their home as a guest.

Their home is on a small hill not far from the poisonous forest.

A typical hunter's lodge.

During this period of time, I have been sitting in the wild, and I have not slept very well. It is a good thing to have a warm bed now.

The two warmly entertained me and brought out a lot of animal meat that I had never eaten before, as well as some delicious fruit wine.

It can only be said that the cooking skills of the savages are unique, and a taste of them once in a while will whet the appetite.

It's just that I didn't expect that after drinking and eating, a very embarrassing thing happened to me.

"Alin, hurry up, serve my honorable warrior brother to bed, and make him happy tonight!"

While drinking, Uka suddenly said to me enthusiastically.

What I heard was a little foggy. Make me happy tonight. What are you happy about?
I was wondering that Uka's wife Arlene came over and warmly supported me, her soft body was very close.

I turned around and saw that her face was also blushing, as if she was expecting something, and she was a little shy.

I was stunned, what kind of drama is this?
"This is how the same thing?"

I hurriedly asked Uka.

He seemed a little unhappy when he saw me, and suddenly showed a sad look, asking if I didn't treat him as a brother or a friend.

What the hell is this?

I communicated with him carefully for a long time before I finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that the Ana tribe where Uka and the others lived had a weird custom called wife guest!
The so-called wife guest means that when a very distinguished guest comes to a family, the host will present his wife to the guest for enjoyment.

In the Ana tribe, wife guest is the highest courtesy to guests.

I was stunned and stunned all I heard, Ma De, there is such a thing?

Speaking of which, Wuka's wife is indeed very beautiful. Savage women seem to have good genes, and there are especially many beauties.

That face, that figure are top-notch.

However, looking at Wuka's enthusiastic expression, I always feel a little weird, and I really can't do it.

I had no choice but to explain it to him. I didn't do it because I looked down on him. It's just that we don't have this kind of custom over there. It's disrespectful and insulting to have sex with a friend's wife.

After Wuka heard this, he still found it inconceivable, saying how could there be such unreasonable and unreasonable things.

"Hey, my warrior friend, the customs of your tribe are too indifferent, why don't you settle down in our Ana tribe, so that you can..."

I'm so convinced, we dare not be unreasonable.

A wife who doesn't sleep with a friend is indifferent or unreasonable?

Wuka's enthusiasm gave me goosebumps all over my body. The world is so big, there are so many wonders!
In fact, speaking of it, the custom of wives and guests is not unique to the Ana tribe. Some African tribes in the outside world also have this custom, and even some areas are still in use today.

Of course, those women in Africa are really ugly, presumably even those who want to experience this custom will not be able to do it.

And the reason why such a custom appears, in fact, there are very objective and profound social reasons in it.

In the ancient times when human beings were still very weak, facing the high death rate, in order to keep the race alive, it was necessary to have as many children as possible.

In terms of probability, a woman is more likely to become pregnant if she has more men.Matrilineal society is like this, a woman has many husbands.

Later, as the mode of production changed and the status of men improved, women could not have multiple husbands. This strange custom of wives came into being.

In addition, in the simple world view of some savages, whether a person is strong or not has a deep relationship with his blood. Let the strong keep a seed for themselves, and after they are raised, they are also heroes.

This concept was also very popular in ancient island countries. In the Tang Dynasty, the little devils often sent some women to officials and scholar-bureaucrats at that time. Once pregnant, these women would return to Japan to raise their children. .

This is the famous borrowing from the west in the history of the island country.

But at this moment, in the end, I still haven't been able to get over the hurdle in my heart, and I haven't spent the spring night with Uka's beautiful wife Arlene.

Arlene also cried sadly, saying that maybe she was too ugly and was rejected by the guests.

Oh, it's really frustrating.

On the contrary, Uka was more open-minded, and expressed apologetically, since I don't want his wife's service, I must eat and drink more, and even send me some money, which makes me very embarrassed.

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