In the Savage King's Court, everyone discussed and decided to allocate an army of one thousand to Lian Shanhu. Lian Shanhu was full of confidence: "I will go out, what else can I do? This time they have to beat them and cry their father and mother No, everyone can prepare for my victory celebration! Hahahaha!"

This guy patted his chest, looking confident.

I just want to laugh when I read it, the sooner you are happy now, the worse you will fall.

In the eyes of this group of savages, 1000 people is a large army, which really makes me speechless.

1000 people, in the past dynasties of my Great China, they were at best a guard of honor.

Of course, the population of the savages is small after all. The city of savages only has a total of 3 to [-] people. Apart from many nobles and women, it is indeed not bad to have an army of [-] people.

However, what I never expected was that on the third day after Lian Shanhu went out, he returned with a full reward.

The guy was all red and excited.

He actually won, with only dozens of people killed, he broke through the "savage camp" and seized all kinds of weird "savage materials".

Carts of things piled up like a mountain on the royal court.

I knew at a glance that they were all high-tech machines, probably used by people from the company for surveying or digging underground.

These savages didn't know what these things were, they just looked at those things that were shining golden, and they looked like treasures.

"I know, this thing is a mirror, look, how clear and smooth it is!"

"No, no, it looks like a table to me. It's used for eating. The height is just right! There's a hole here, it's a good place to put bowls!"

A group of people were so excited.

In addition, they took two captives.

And after hearing the battle, the entire Savage Court was shocked, because according to Lian Shanhu, these "savages" are all powerful wizards, only six of them killed dozens of them, if not for the large number of people, They were no match for these alien wizards at all.

This reminds many people of me who "died" in the arena.

Soon, the two captives were brought to the royal court.

Everyone looked around these two savages.

"These outsiders are really monsters, with eyes of this color, green, blue, monsters!"

"Looks like a ghost, so ugly!"

These people go around judging others.

After I heard this, I was speechless in my heart. You royal families all dragged a tail full of scales, calling them monsters?

And the two captured company people, after they came up, kept cursing in English.

Apparently, they don't know how to speak savage words.

However, I also understand English.

Soon, I figured out the ins and outs of the matter from some of their words.

Damn, I said how could Lian Shanhu win against the company's people. It turned out that a large number of people from the company were not there. When this guy went, the five people who stayed at the base were housekeepers.

There are sixty or seventy people in the whole company.

Now the savages have actually taken over the company's headquarters, and it's fine to rob them of all their supplies, even the machinery and equipment.

That's not bad. When the people in the company came back to see that there were no food or other supplies, they might have recognized it with a small probability, but since the machine was gone, I'm afraid they would never stop there.

I guess, I am afraid that in a few days, people from the company will call the door.

The weapons in these people's hands are quite terrifying. Although there are some towering gates in the city of savages, the dirt is just to stop a mortal like me. Come on, don't you want to fall apart all at once?
As for who wins and who loses, I quickly have a rough judgment.

I have been king for so long, although I don't have much power, but I know a lot about the situation of the wildlings.

In the whole city, there are probably more than 2 people, close to 3 people. I am afraid that close to 60.00% of them are women, mainly men are engaged in dangerous occupations, and the death rate is high, so there are more women.

Among the nearly [-] men, there are seven to eight thousand young and middle-aged men.

The proportion of young and middle-aged people is very high, because savages generally have a short lifespan, and it is extremely rare for an old man like the high priest to live a hundred years.

And these seven or eight thousand young and strong men, apart from the nobles and some men engaged in other occupations, the army totaled only four to five thousand people.

This is still the case when all the people can serve as soldiers.

There are four to five thousand troops, and the wild people have a general temperament and are very tough. There are only sixty or seventy people in the company. If they fight against them head-on, I am afraid that the crowd tactics will kill them.

But I believe that the people in the company will not be so stupid.

They have not only guns and explosives, but also mortars!
This is what I deduced from the words of the two captives.

Of course, even if this is the case, it is still very difficult for dozens of people to slaughter a large tribe of 3 people, so I guess that the people in the company have a high chance of taking some threats like terrorist attacks.

And once that kind of incident happens, the whole city will fall into chaos.

At that time, my chance to escape came!

This made me couldn't help but my eyes lit up, and I became excited all of a sudden.

Unexpectedly, this time it turned out to be someone from the company, who helped me a lot!
In order to deal with the big commotion that came earlier, I have been actively preparing for it these days.

Things really went according to my guess. On the third day after the savages captured the captives, the people from the company shot a piece of blood cloth with arrows.

Among the people in the company, there are also those who are proficient in indigenous languages.

On the cloth, it was written in bright red letters that they don't want to be enemies with the mighty city of savages, everyone should be friends, but they are not soft persimmons, they are not so easy to pinch, the people of the company hope that the savages will take away Return the things, otherwise don't blame them for being vicious.

It's a pity that their letter was treated as a joke by the Savage Royal Court.

Lian Shanhu even took the initiative to ask for a fight, saying that he already had some understanding of these "savages" from outside, and this time he wanted to wipe them all out.

Seeing these guys want to anger the company, of course I wish for it.

So Lian Shanhu attacked again, looking for the whereabouts of the company's people everywhere.

This time, the people in the company were completely annoyed.

Finally, on the night of the fourth day, a light brighter than the sun suddenly lit up in the sky over the dead Savage City.

Accompanied by that ray of light, there was also a deafening, terrifying bang.

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