Lie Shanqiu's attitude towards me was still extremely indifferent.

Qin Xiaolian, on the other hand, seemed shy and a little nervous.

After all, this woman doesn't know that Lianshan Hegu is me, and she thinks she really married the king of savages!
Instead of telling her the truth, I selectively ignored her.

Lie Shanqiu and I spent a very beautiful night.

What makes me speechless is that, I guess, Lie Shanqiu, this woman, probably has a problem in that aspect, which is commonly known as frigidity. Looking at her cold face with her, although she is beautiful, she is really a bit of a villain interest.

What bothered me was that after this night, Lie Shanqiu hated me more and more, and his attitude towards me was even colder.

Even the dosage of the decoction she gave me was increased again.

It seems that Lie Shanqiu wished that I would die immediately.

Damn, murder your husband.

Leaving aside this woman for the time being, from the second day I became king, I started various temptations, wanting to use all kinds of power in my name.

As a result, I quickly discovered that many of the people around me had their own standpoints. Many of them were subordinates of the old man, the high priest, and some belonged to the princes, and even belonged to the previous generation of savage kings.

What the hell, there are almost no people who really trust me.

While I was disappointed, I also felt a little taken for granted. After all, everyone knows that I, a god-given person, can only live for a few months. If these people want to stand in line, there is a high probability that they will not choose me.

Although I am a so-called king now, the power in my hand is really pitifully small.

The high priest, that bastard, seemed to have expected this day long ago, and deliberately made me empty.

It seems that the throne thing is really very limited in helping me escape, so I have to think of other ways.

But what to do?

I feel a little lost in my heart.

However, I feel fortunate that fate seems to be on my side, and my chance to escape will come soon!
The old man, the high priest, is a guy with a strong desire for power and control. As time goes by, his control and surveillance of me have become stronger and stronger.

I almost became a king like a puppet.

This is very similar to when I lived in the palace of Lianshan Hegu, even if I went to the toilet, there were servants and maids following me.

Probably the difference from before is that I have more maids and attendants than before, and the cell where I was imprisoned is also larger than before, from a small bedroom to a huge palace.

I have to admit that when it comes to playing tricks, I'm far behind the old high priest.

This old guy has lived for more than 120 years. I am afraid that more than 100 of them have been obsessed with power struggles. It is only a matter of course that I am a brat and I can't play with him.

Moreover, the worse situation now is not only that.

Lie Shanqiu gave me more and more decoctions every day, and gradually the curse in my body became stronger and stronger, and I actually began to experience auditory and visual hallucinations.

Often, I can hear someone whispering in my ear, but when I turn my head, there is no one around.

The speaking voice was deep and mysterious, as if he was telling some incantation, making people confused.

Moreover, once I fell asleep, the strange dream would overwhelm me again.

Just like when I was bitten by the scorpion, once I fell asleep, I would go back to that horrible and boring mental hospital.

I was locked in that room with nothing to do until I wanted to kill myself.

And once I fell asleep in the dream, the ancient memory from the deeper dream came back again.

This time, I actually remembered some of the ancient dream.

I turned out to be a general under the command of God Wang Lu, Huan is my name.

However, unlike when I was bitten by the scorpion, I was able to wake up on time.

But the time of sleep has increased uncontrollably.

In the past, I usually only slept for seven hours, or even six hours, but now, every day I sleep, I start with at least nine hours.

Moreover, the time spent sleeping is still increasing.

This makes me very irritable.

I guess, I'm afraid that when I can't wake up and completely sink into the dream, there will be a strange soul from another time and space to completely occupy my body!

If I let this continue to develop, I will definitely die!

However, a turning point of fate soon came!
During an early court, a savage aristocratic official came up and said something, which made me very concerned.

"According to the latest news from the Scout Division, there is a group of powerful savages operating within our sphere of influence. These guys are very fierce and murderous. Several subordinate tribes have been slaughtered by them. Those low-level tribes, all They are the tomb guards under our protection. How can we just watch as something happens to them? Ask the king for permission to send troops to wipe out the raging savages!"

"These savages are so brave, they really deserve to die!"

"Be sure to give them some color!"

A group of noble ministers were impassioned in the hall.

After I heard this, I couldn't help but frowned and thought deeply.

These savages called us modern people from outside as "savages". The group of savages they said were slaughtering low-level tribes, there is a high probability that they are the company's people.

They hold many advanced modern weapons. In the jungle, they are like gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas, just like locusts crossing the border.

Moreover, these nobles, the names of those low-level tribes also made me pay attention, grave keeper?
I suddenly remembered the corpses of the Tailmen in those sarcophagi in the forbidden land of the giant tribe.

Is that what gravekeeper means?

But at this moment, seeing that the people in the company want to fight with these savages, then I have 1 supporters, and the more intense the fight, the better.

Neither side is a good thing, it is best to lose both.

Moreover, these savages always feel that they are the center of the world and the kingdom of heaven, and they look down on us outsiders. This time, let the people in the company teach them a lesson and let them know what it means to have someone beyond others and a sky beyond the sky. , is also a good thing.

Of course, the strength of this group of savages is really powerful, especially those with royal blood, and those monsters with tails should not be underestimated.

It was really fun when they fought.

I thought for a while, and then directly suggested that it is better to let Lian Shanhu go. I said Lian Shanhu was very brave, so I asked him to show some color to those savages.

Lian Shanhu didn't know there was a fraud, he thought I was out of my head, and I couldn't be happier to give him such a chance to get credit.

Hahaha, sometimes you cry.

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