This piece of paper made my head go crazy, what the hell?

Dedicated to so-and-so, this kind of sentence pattern is actually very common. Many novels and music prologues will have such a sentence, indicating that this book is written for so-and-so.

There are even some pieces that are simply called dedicated to so-and-so. For example, Beethoven has a famous piano piece called dedicated to Alice.

It's just that I don't have any novels in front of me, let alone music scores. What does the person who left this note mean?

Is this some kind of code?
Thinking this way in my heart, I started to play with the tin box again.

The iron box wasn't sealed, so I opened it with a little force.

To my surprise, this small iron box looks like a harmonica case, but there is actually a small harmonica inside!

The copper skin on the surface of this harmonica has been covered with green embroidery, revealing a long-standing atmosphere of the times.However, this harmonica gives me the feeling that it is still well preserved, except for some rust, I think it can still be played.

Besides the harmonica, there was also a note inside. There was nothing written on it, but a stave was scrawled on it.

This thing is probably left by the veterans of the United States who have been here before.

I wonder if the owner of the harmonica is aware that he is dying, and he is thinking of his beloved woman Angelia in his heart, and then hides this thing that represents love here.

This is to make their love immortal?

Perhaps this will be a very poignant story.

But maybe, this thing is not as simple as it seems on the surface?
For a while, I couldn't think so much, so I had to put this thing in my clothes pocket first.

A small object can't occupy much space.

What I can't think of at this moment is that after a long time, I feel very grateful for my seemingly random action at that time!

This thing will bring a huge change to my destiny!
And I just hid the small iron box. Catherine and the others have finished their discussion and called me to gather.

We gather together to leave the hall and move on!

The exit of this hall is a dark stone gate. Standing at the gate of the stone gate, I suddenly had an ominous premonition in my heart.

Am I being too sensitive?
This dark underground always gives people a very bad psychological hint. My spirit is always under high tension, but it is indeed prone to some bad thoughts.

Under Catherine's indifferent eyes, I took a deep breath, pushed open the stone door, and stepped in.

After entering, what appeared in front of us was another long and narrow passage.

However, unlike the corridor we walked through before, there are many strangely shaped statues on both sides of this corridor.

Those statues were carved with a centaur-like monster, or more precisely, a strange monster with the lower body of a horse, the waist and chest of a human, and the head of a marsupial lion.

The face of the marsupial lion once left a very deep impression on my memory.

Its stern gaze seems to be able to arouse the fear deep in the heart.

We proceed carefully under its gaze.

Because I am afraid of traps, I always throw some stones first, and then move forward.Although I know that this method of throwing stones and asking for directions cannot accurately determine whether there is an agency.Many traps are related to weight. Throwing a stone will not trigger it, but it may be triggered by a person passing by.

It's just that we don't have a better way now.Can only hope for luck.

What made me slightly relaxed was that there seemed to be no mechanism in this passage, and we walked to the middle of the passage in one breath.

However, before I could be happy, I suddenly heard Catherine yelling to be careful.

After she finished yelling, she ran forward.My reaction was also very fast, and I quickly ran behind her.

After I ran a few steps and looked back, I saw a spider the size of a human head fell to the ground where we stayed before!

This human-sized spider, which we have seen before, is the face-hugging spider that killed a wild man.

Seeing that this thing fell from the sky just now, I was immediately scared, and my vest was soaked with sweat.

The scene of the savage being caught in the face by this thing before and dying miserably is still vivid in my mind when I think about it now.

At this moment, although we avoided the pounce of this thing, the danger is far from over.

Seeing that the face-hugging spider did not sneak attack us, it immediately rushed towards Jenny who was closest to it!

Its furry feet with barbs flashed very fast, at an extremely fast speed.

Jenny was also shocked. She raised her hand and shot it out. Jenny used a shotgun, which was very powerful at close range. The spider was shot open by her, and the disgusting green transparent liquid splashed everywhere. .

Seeing that this thing died, I breathed a sigh of relief, but I never thought that Eve would suddenly shout again: "Look, what is that!"

We looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a huge hole in the stone wall of the roof where the face-hugging spider fell.

The face-hugging spider came out of that big hole.

But at this moment, there was a dense crawling sound in the big hole, which made people's scalp explode.

Hearing that sound, there are unexpectedly many human-faced spiders rushing towards here!

And almost at the same time as the sound sounded, spiders, big and small, had already fallen out like rain!
There are too many of them, no matter how good our spear skills are, I am afraid we will be killed after a few shots.

Moreover, the barbs on the feet of these spiders are all poisonous. Once they are hooked a little, they will be paralyzed and their brains will become stupid.

And seeing these spiders in our way, we had to split up.

Me, Eve, and Catherine, the three started to run forward, while Jenny and Professor Sun had to go back the same way.

After running wildly for a while, there was no sign of the spider behind us, so we quickly sat down to rest and recover our strength.

But before he had time to take a few more breaths, the chilling crawling sound behind him chased after him again!

We quickly started running again.

Not long after running, Catherine suddenly dropped her coat. Her graceful figure made my heart beat a little faster.

Although this woman is very violent and vicious, she is really good-looking, which makes people think about it!
However, I don't understand, she is running for her life, what is she doing?

Before I could figure it out, she stared at me again: "You lost your coat too, hurry up!"

I couldn't help being a little confused, what are you doing?

"It's not good, my wife Eve is still here, you are just like this, aren't you too shameless..."

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