What Professor Sun said made me very puzzled. .

Judging by what he meant, he had read many classics of Honglu people.

The Honglu people are those savages on the island. I also went to an exterminated savage tribe, but I didn't find any classics.

Judging by the appearance of these savages, there are very few people who understand words.Whether a tribe has one or two is a problem.

In other words, even if these savages have any classics, they should be very few. Where did Professor Sun read so many?

I couldn't resist asking him this question.

After hearing this, Professor Sun gave me a slight smile: "Young man, you are right, these savages on the island are indeed Honglu people, but what you don't know is that Honglu people are not only found on this deserted island. In addition to being called Honglu people, they are also called Hong people and Lu people. Their origin is far longer than you think. They were already active 4 years ago, or even earlier at the end of the Pleistocene All over the world, we have found their remains on at least three continents..."

The Pleistocene tens of thousands of years ago, wasn't that when human beings were just born?
At that time, they were active all over the world?

I was momentarily speechless in surprise.

As for Professor Sun's words, I also thought of many other details.

There are many flora and fauna from ancient times on this isolated island.

Like marsupial lions, as well as some other ferns, are living fossils that have survived for tens of thousands of years.

I have a vague feeling that all of this seems to be related in some way.

Why are these ancient creatures preserved on this isolated island?

Could this have something to do with the island's ultimate secret?

I wanted to keep asking, but Eve held my hand and stopped me.

I understand, I'm afraid the next thing is another secret I shouldn't know.

Professor Sun also felt that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he shut up and focused on looking at the pillar paintings.

Ben, he just looked at those ancient paintings and was fascinated by them, so he didn't notice them for a while and said something that shouldn't be said.

Professor Sun continued to look at the pillar paintings, while the rest of us took a short break to adjust.

It's just that it's hard for me to calm down, and I'm still thinking about Professor Sun's words.

The so-called Pleistocene is divided from the level of earth history, and that era has a more famous name called the Ice Age.

And if divided according to human history, this period is also called the Paleolithic Age.

I have long heard that humans at that time may have had a complex culture and language.However, not much information has been disclosed to the outside world.

The birth of human beings has gone through millions of years of history. Among them, the early ape man, Homo erectus (late ape man) and early Homo sapiens can be said to have a low level of intelligence, and it is impossible to leave any rich culture.

But about 4 years ago, the late Homo sapiens that appeared were almost indistinguishable from modern humans, and they were very likely to create a splendid culture.

Many legendary lost civilizations, such as the city that disappeared at sea, Atlantis, etc., all come from that ancient era that has no historical records.

In China, our civilization with historical records is at most 5000 years old.So what happened in the remaining 5000 years?What kind of secret?
Unexpectedly, the savages on this island have such a long history, and the temple on the top of the snow-capped mountain may have a very long history, at least more than ten thousand years!

The underground palace we are in now should have been built later than the temple on the top of the mountain, but it is definitely very old. This heavy history almost makes me breathless.

What is buried in this ancient underground palace? Why are these people so persistent and desperate to find it?They have followed one after another, from World War II to now, they don't know how many people have died, and they still refuse to give up!

My heart is getting more and more curious.

Curiosity is like a devil, and it began to hold my heart tightly. I thought that one day, it might lead me down a wrong path...

Finally, Professor Sun finished watching the pillar paintings. He seemed to have learned some great news and became very excited.

However, because of my existence, he couldn't talk about his discovery, and his face turned even redder.

In the end, I was driven to the corner of the hall by Catherine, and Professor Sun and the others started to gather together, chatting about something.

Because the distance is too far, even if my ears are extremely sensitive, I can't hear clearly.Their voices kept ringing in my ears like mosquitoes, which made me feel very depressed.

And in this irritability, I noticed that there were some mottled and peeling off paintings on the wall at the edge of the hall.

I couldn't help but settle down and looked carefully for a while.

However, it didn't take long before I felt a pain in my brain and had to stop.Because these murals are too abstract and blurry. I am not a professional archaeologist. I am confused by these things. I just feel that the painting level of the ancient savages is just like their civilization, which is a mess of development. Oops.

And just when I was extremely disappointed, the corner of my eyes suddenly lit up, and I saw an abnormality!
In this hall, the climate is extremely cold, and the surrounding walls are covered with a thin layer of ice. The ice layer is very shallow, like a layer of ice film, and the distribution is quite even.

At this moment, I was surprised to find that there was a small area where the ice seemed to be much thicker than other areas.

This may seem a little strange.

I looked at it carefully for a while, and I couldn't help mentioning it all at once.

It turns out that the ice layer here is not thicker than other places, but there is a brick protruding from the wall of this place.

I reached out and touched it for a while, and I was sure that this protruding brick could be pulled out. I groped carefully, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be something hidden behind the brick!
I looked up at Catherine and the others, making sure that none of them noticed me at the moment, and they were all paying attention to the painting on the pillar. I moved quietly to block their sight, turned the protruding brick with my back to them, out!
After the brick was taken away, a closed space was revealed, which contained an iron box and a note!
With great difficulty, I pinched the two things out with my fingers.

But I saw that the small iron box was a rectangle, a bit like a harmonica box, and this thing had been kept here for many years, and it was already covered with yellow and green rust.

As for the little piece of paper, it was frozen into a straight piece, and it was written in beautiful English: "To Angelia."

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