After making up my mind, I pointed to the light in front of me and said, "Go into the water now and swim down the cliff. I'll be behind the fire monkey, and we'll meet up at the designated place!"

After finishing speaking, I got a lot of grenades from their rucksacks, and I did not forget to urge: "What are you doing here, do you want those lizard monsters to catch up and eat us all?" ? Why don’t you act quickly?”

Under my scolding, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, seemingly hesitant.

But seeing the lizard monsters swarming densely, they finally acted according to my order.

Taking advantage of the gap between our teammates getting into the water, Fire Monkey and I piled up all the grenades together.

Now wait for the group of lizard monsters to get close to the shore of the lake, as soon as they come up, I will immediately detonate the pile of grenades!

This power is definitely enough for them to eat a pot!

Hearing the hissing of the group of lizard monsters behind him getting closer and closer, it seemed that they were approaching soon.

Seeing this, I hurriedly urged the fire monkey: "Fire monkey, get into the water and retreat!"

As soon as the voice fell, I didn't dare to stay any longer.

In the death-like hissing sound.

I jumped into the water together with the fire monkey, and chased after the team members who had swum some distance ahead.

While sneaking in the water, I didn't forget to look back to observe the movements of the group of lizard monsters.

But he saw that densely packed monster that couldn't tell whether it was a human or a lizard, like a maggot attached to a bone, came to the end of the lake bank in an instant.

Take this opportunity.

I quickly picked up a grenade that had been prepared, pulled off the safety ring, and threw it directly towards the pile of grenades set up on the shore.

After the pile of grenades was detonated precisely by me, the flames soared into the sky, instantly blasting the chasing lizard monsters to bloody flesh and flying limbs.

This wave of explosions temporarily stopped the lizard monster from chasing after it.

And with the speed of the fire monkey and me, we can safely rendezvous with the teammates in front before they chase again.

I was at full speed, and I was thinking about how to find the doctor and the others after reuniting with my teammates.

But before I could think about it, the mutation happened again.

I saw the originally extremely calm lake, but suddenly one after another white giant cocoons drilled out of the water.

Each giant cocoon, almost the size of a human body, floated on the lake and slowly approached where we were swimming.

click click click click——

A crisp sound sounded, and lizard monsters burst out of the giant cocoon.

Seeing this, I secretly thought something was wrong.

If it's on the ground, I'm not afraid of these ghost things.

But in the water, there is no way to borrow strength. Once entangled by this thing, the consequences will be disastrous.

Just when I was anxious, I suddenly realized that my body sank suddenly, and my feet seemed to be pulled by two powerful claws.

At this moment, not only is it difficult for me to continue to move forward in the water, but even my whole body is pulled by the huge strange force underwater and quickly sinks to the bottom of the lake.

Since I stayed at the end to complete the detonation task, even the fire monkey swam ahead of me.

But the sudden accident did not make them aware of the abnormality here.

My heart sank suddenly.

But before I could cry out, the cold water of the lake had already flooded my mouth and nose.

After falling into the bottom of the lake, the wolf-eye flashlight in my hand also sank, and the range of the strong light shrank a lot immediately.

In these dark uncharted waters.

My visual range is only one meter, which is no different from a blind person.

In a hurry.

I quickly held my breath and looked down.

But I saw a lizard monster desperately grabbing my trouser legs with its pair of sharp front claws, and its mouthful of fangs just happened to bite on the military kettle beside my waist.

Fortunately, the military water bottles equipped in the team are all wrapped with a thick layer of canvas.

Although the lizard monster's fangs are sharp.

But it is obviously very difficult to bite off the canvas in one bite.

On the contrary, when the fangs penetrated the layer of canvas, the barbs in the mouth just hooked on the torn fabric.

In this way, not only is it difficult for the lizard monster to hurt me with its mouth, but it is also extremely difficult to get away.

So much so that at this moment, this lizard monster can only use its forelimbs to stare at my thigh desperately, trying to get its mouth out of the canvas bag on the water bottle.

Dark underwater.

Facing the strong light of the wolf-eye flashlight, the face of this lizard monster was even more ferocious.

Especially at such a close distance, its wrinkled skin can be seen very clearly, its slender green eyes are somewhat shiny, and its back is covered with rough bulges, like an old and frail head. Software reptiles!

But fortunately, this time the lizard monster bit the canvas strap on the water bottle cover.

If he was bitten on the leg or the butt by this ghost thing, under the action of the amazing bite force, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

Find out the specific situation underwater.

I didn't intend to get too entangled with it, so without further ado, I quickly untied the water bottle belt tied around my waist.

Because of the time spent fighting with this lizard monster underwater, I felt that my chest was about to explode, and my whole heart was beating wildly. I wish I could rush out of the water to take a breath right now.

As soon as the strap was loosened, the pulling force that had been acting on me disappeared instantly.

Taking advantage of the fact that the lizard monster's mouth was still wrapped around the canvas strap and couldn't open it, I suddenly stepped on the monster's head with both feet and kicked down violently. Swim quickly towards the surface of the water.

It's just that one wave has not settled down, and another wave has risen again!
Just as I rushed out of the water to take a breath, there were two black shadows passing by on the left and right sides.

I saw two giant lizards, twice the size of the previous monsters, attacking me again.

Although they are so huge in size, their movements in the water are extremely agile. They are indeed amphibious creatures!

I complained endlessly in my heart, and I was surrounded by them by accident, putting myself in danger again.

Just as I was thinking about how to escape from their encirclement, the giant lizards on the left and right sides all opened their mouths.

Watching the barbed fangs half hidden in the water.

I almost didn't even think about it, and the whole person escaped directly into the water.

Before the monitor lizard on the right pounced first, I used the cover of the lake water to narrowly avoid its first attack.

Then, I stood upright like a carp in the water, followed the monitor lizard's swooping posture, and rode on its back.

Taking advantage of the gap between the frantic struggle of the monitor lizard.

With quick eyes and quick hands, I quickly took out a dagger from my waist and stabbed it fiercely in the monitor lizard's eyes.

The giant lizard on the other side also jumped towards me. I quickly pulled out the dagger and plunged into the water.

And where I was originally, I was directly bitten by the monitor lizard.

It was the monitor lizard whose eyes were stabbed blind, whose entire waist and abdomen were bitten to pieces by the monitor lizard that rushed up from behind.

Accompanied by a painful hiss!

The green liquid was mixed with blood and spread in the lake.

I just took advantage of this opportunity and swam desperately forward.

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