These lizard monsters are everywhere, forming an encirclement circle unknowingly.

Chen Fang took out a bright flashlight from her backpack.

Perhaps it was a woman's instinctive reaction. She seemed quite afraid of this half-human, half-beast lizard monster, and even the hand holding the bright flashlight trembled slightly.

But under the illumination of these beams of strong light, everyone can clearly see that countless lizard monsters walking on the ground are piled up in layers.

They showed their sharp fangs one after another, and they moved nimbly, always surrounding us in the center.

Looking at the bright green eyes of these lizard monsters, it seems that they have regarded us, the living beings, as their most delicious food.

Just deterred by the strong light in our hands, these lizard monsters obviously hesitated, but it seemed that as soon as the light dimmed, they would swarm up immediately.

However, it is precisely because of this that we did not have a direct confrontation with these lizard monsters in the first place, but temporarily formed the current stalemate.

Our team now has eight people.

Although everyone is equipped with the most lethal modern weapons in their backpacks, the problem is that there are too many of these lizard monsters right now.

It is almost impossible to completely eliminate this group of lizard monsters.

What's more, these lizard monsters are all mutated species, and their bodies are quite special, they can be reborn from severed limbs.

Unless we can destroy their central nervous system in the first place, it will be difficult for us to resist the opponent's attack.

"Let's concentrate our firepower first, we must fight our way out of the siege as soon as possible, otherwise we will definitely be consumed by these gangsters!"

The team members seemed to be aware of this, so they moved side by side and relied on each other.

As long as those lizard monsters show a slight flaw, the whole team will concentrate their firepower on one point, and then rush out a bloody path.

But before breaking through the blockade, I still have to remind the team first.

That is the green liquid in the bodies of these lizard monsters, which may be highly poisonous, so be careful when rushing out of the encirclement, otherwise you will die if you are not careful.

I held the dagger in my right hand and a bright flashlight in my left hand, and shot the beam of light at the lizard monsters crowded in the dark pile, wanting to observe their characteristics.

But these lizard monsters seem to be particularly afraid of bright light!
Almost as soon as the strong light fell on them, these lizards immediately made a weird dodge, and some even climbed up the steep and slippery vertical rock wall.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but exclaimed in my heart.

How could this ghost thing climb the wall, and this movement seems to be more skillful than a gecko, even with amazing arm strength, but on such a completely vertical terrain, it can still walk on the ground, which is simply outrageous!

With doubts, I quickly picked up the flashlight and took a photo of the dead lizard monster on the ground, only to find out that there were dense rows of suction cups on the palms of their limbs.

Right now, both sides are in a state of confrontation.

As the hissing in the darkness became louder, the little man suddenly suggested: "These monsters seem to be very afraid of light, why don't we just rush out?"

His words were unanimously approved by everyone.

After all, in the current situation, it is indeed difficult to find a suitable opportunity to make a move.

Rather than passively waiting, it is better to take the initiative!

I reminded Fire Monkey to quickly take out the liquefied flamethrower in his backpack.

After all, no matter how good something is, it has to be used with a life.

Since these ghosts are afraid of light, they might as well set up a camp on fire, and the team will take advantage of the chaos and run in one direction. I believe they will be able to break out of the encirclement soon.

As the fire monkey took out the liquefied flamethrower, I asked the other team members to prepare the liquid fuel in advance and was about to take action, but the group of lizard monsters couldn't wait.

They seem to have gradually adapted to the strong light of our flashlight, and many lizard monsters approached slowly against the strong light.

Seeing that the encirclement that the team was in was being compressed smaller and smaller.

I took a deep breath, and then said to the teammates beside me: "Everyone, get ready and charge out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a lizard monster couldn't hold back, opened its mouth full of fangs, and rushed towards the team.

In the end, before it could get close, the little man kicked the lizard monster in the air, kicking it in the head and sending it flying.

At the same time, the little man didn't forget to pick up the liquid fuel in his hand and throw it on the front row of lizard monsters.

The fire monkey controls the flamethrower in his hand, and sprays it precisely in front of him.

A cluster of raging fireworks sprayed out a long line of fire in the air, but dozens of lizard monsters that were stained with liquid fuel were instantly surrounded by raging fire, and they all turned into a fireball.

At the same time, an extremely shrill scream came from their mouths.

But the screams didn't last long, because soon, they were burned into a pile of coke.

Although this is not the first time we have used a liquid flamethrower, we couldn't help being secretly surprised when we saw that the power of this thing was so terrifying after it was stained with liquid fuel.

The fire monkey seemed to be accustomed to such a result.

Taking advantage of the gap between other team members throwing out the liquid fuel, the fire monkey found the right time and fired another wave of liquid flamethrowers, directly burning those lizard monsters that were about to bully them.

Accompanied by the screams of being burned by the flames.

I led the team directly and rushed through the weak area of ​​their encirclement.

Under the cover of the fire monkey's liquid flamethrower, we quickly broke out of the encirclement, leaving a place of coke on the way.

Running wildly along the shore of the lake, the lizard monster behind him chased after him.

Until there was no way to go, we were forced to come to a dead-end position. What stood in front of us was a steep cliff, and beside it was the lake of unknown depth.

Hearing a long hiss behind me, the distance was clearly getting closer, and I couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

After all, there is not much fuel left for the liquid flamethrower. Without the cover of this weapon of mass destruction, it is difficult for us to break out of the encirclement as we did just now.

For the present plan, there is only one way, and that is to go into the water and swim along the shore of the lake.

Just at the end of the lake shore, there is still a glimmer of light. If you swim in this direction, you may usher in a different turning point.

What's more, the water area here is vast, and the current is not too fast, and our team is all people with supernatural abilities that are different from ordinary people.

If you swim at the fastest speed, this group of lizard monsters may not be able to catch up!

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