What did you do?
Everyone said something to each other, and the endless questions brought me into deep memories.

It's hard to have a moment of rest and recuperation during this journey. If someone asks me, I'm naturally happy to say it.

After thinking about it for a while, I told them the reason why I became a wanted criminal in the country, and when everyone heard that I was to avenge my father's injury, I disregarded the order of the Ability Management Bureau and killed the enemy in violation of the regulations. They cast sighing glances at me one after another, and many of them complained about my injustice.

"They are all sons and daughters, who doesn't have parents anymore!"

"That son of a bitch! Don't say it's you, if it were me, I'm afraid he would have been torn to pieces! Grandma, the administration is really a little too unreasonable, right?"

"No matter how you say it, you are all heroes who have done your best for the country. It is really too chilling to treat you like that."

A lot of emotions are gradually rising along with what I said.

In a trance, it even made me feel that I was like the leader of some illegal organization, instigating everyone's emotions here, which made me helplessly smile.

In fact, at the beginning, I thought the same as them.

I also felt that the superiors treated me so unkindly, and even made me feel so desperate for my country at one point, but after that, I slowly thought about it.

I am an individual, but the superiors, between the individual and the masses, definitely need to safeguard the interests of the majority.

The specified rules, if the green channel is opened because of me alone, then, under the tense situation of the continuous emergence of supernatural beings, what should the people in the administration use to convince the public?

At the beginning, I only considered the love between my children and my personal grievances.

But as for the Administration, what they need to govern is a whole country. For them, it shouldn't be too difficult to choose between the whole country and a person like me.

The people in the Authority are not stupid either.

They must be well aware of my identity and the contributions I have made. However, in that situation, I violated the regulations, and they had to sanction me.

However, now, those things are actually not important to me.

Now, the only thing that bothers me is the curse on me. As for my old father, I don’t worry too much. After all, with Xiao Qing and the people above taking care of me, my father’s life is definitely I don't need to worry about it, and as for those other people...

As early as when I left the desert island for the first time, relying on the treasures I brought out, the amount of assets I owned in China was already an astronomical figure.

And the money is all taken care of by Qianke and the others, not to mention anything else, even if I'm gone, the money is enough for several generations of them to squander without eating or drinking.

So, the only thing I need to worry about now is actually only myself. As for other people, their lives are much better than mine. At least in terms of material things, they are definitely at the level of a superior person. If there is anything dissatisfied , that's the only thing about my inability to fulfill my filial piety.

I smiled wryly.

But those are things that cannot be helped.

With the curse on me, I am like a bomb that does not know when it will explode. If I stay by the side of my dearest and loved ones, the curse on me may explode at any time.

At that time, they might not be able to control themselves and hurt them.

These are all things that are very likely to happen, so, to some extent, it is even a benefit for me not to be by their side...

Among the crowd, the fire monkey has been in a state of obscurity.

However, although he didn't say anything, he has been listening to my communication with other team members. When he heard about my experience after returning to China, a few bright lights flashed in the eyes of the fire monkey, and his fists slowly clenched. up.

Beneath his calm and calm surface, there is still that iron-blooded man with a hot temper.

"Then why did you follow us to this place?"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd asked a crucial question. After this sentence fell, the voices of other people stopped talking, and even the bald man who hid far away and looked at me displeased. At this moment, he looked sideways at me.

Obviously, he was also very curious about why a person like me would take such a huge risk to come to this place to seek death with them.

"No comment."

However, in the face of so many expectant eyes, I can only give an answer that disappoints them all.

It's not that I don't say it, but that I can't.

The curse on me, for me, is a secret that only I know. I am not sure and dare not bet on how others will react when they know the curse on me.

Especially here.

Although these people in front of me are in the same camp as me for the time being, they have ulterior motives, and I dare not take the risk that would put me in a crisis.


Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all showing disappointment.

Seeing this, I sniffed, smiled and closed my mouth.

Tonight, I have talked enough, and I have slowly released some of the emotions that have been accumulated for a long time in my heart. There are too many mistakes in my words, and if I continue to talk, it will not do me any good, and it is time to stop.

Seeing that I kept my mouth shut, the team members gradually lost the will to continue interrogating and returned to their resting places one after another.

After the crowd dispersed, the fire monkey came to me. He took a deep breath and thought for a long time before he said: "I didn't know that such a big change happened in your family. At that time, I, I have been sent to the island to perform tasks for a long time, and I don’t have much energy to pay attention to what happened there.”

"I know."

Looking at the self-blaming expression of the fire monkey, I don't need to guess what this guy is thinking now. His thoughts are good, but for me, it doesn't make any sense to dwell on the previous things now.

What's more, my father's injury can't be blamed on him.

"If I could spare some energy at that time, at least I could help you when you were running around."

Fire Monkey clenched his fists, "At least, it shouldn't."

"You shouldn't be allowed to be treated like that for a hero who was born and died for them! What they did is really too much..."

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