It was another day of restless rushing, day and night.

The environment here is much better than the road we went to Huxin Island. Although everyone is a little sleepy, it is still within the acceptable range.

And as we got deeper and deeper, the terrain became flatter and flatter. In the end, we even found a wide flat road, and we could tell that people often come and go here at a glance.

"There, there seems to be a city?"

From a long distance, we can see the huge tree in the distance that looks like a mountain top, and the dense branches under the tree.

Here it is.

I suddenly remembered that I once, seemed to have been to this place!

However, I noticed keenly that there seemed to be gunpowder smoke rising there, which surprised me inwardly.

Have people from the United States already reached that place?Sure enough, they had planned it long ago, but one thing I can't agree with is, how did those people in the US know about this place?Could it be that they have already entered if there before?

"what happened?"

The fire monkey saw that my expression was wrong, but I just shook my head.

What do I do if those sons of a bitch kill all the aborigines along the way?
I originally planned to negotiate with the aborigines living here to inquire about the curse on me, but now it seems that this idea has died in its infancy once it was born.

Hope to live.

"Wait a minute, when we get to that place, I hope you can ask the team members to help me find it." I tried my best to lower my voice so that only the fire monkey and I could hear it.

"Looking for what?"

The fire monkey was a little puzzled.

"Look for the local aborigines."

Now, I really hope that among the aborigines there, there are still some lucky enough to survive.

If I still can't get effective information about the curse on my body this time, then I really don't know what to do... Could it be, I can only wait for the consciousness in my mind to occupy me again and again body, until this body of mine does not belong to me at all?

No, I will never allow that to happen!

"it is good."

For my small request, the fire monkey agreed with one bite.

When the sun was about to set, we arrived under the big tree high above the sky. When we looked up, there were various houses built on the branches of the surrounding ancient trees. However, this should be like a fairyland The same place, but now there are corpses everywhere.

"Two pairs, look for it!"

"Dig the ground three feet, and find a native! Remember, you have to live!"

After searching for a while and finding no trace of the people from the United States, Fire Monkey immediately issued an order to the team. Even though many people in the team did not understand why Fire Monkey asked them to find the natives living here, no one Express views.

In this case, the advantages of a large number of people are perfectly reflected.

But ten minutes later, there was good news from someone.

"found it!"

The fire monkey and I looked up and saw two team members holding an aborigine with a crocodile mouth by the tail on a branch more than ten meters away, and brought him down.

Others, however, returned empty-handed.

However, everyone soon gathered around. For them who had lived in a normal society for the first half of their lives, such a creature was as novel as a lion jumping through a fire hoop in a circus.

The fire monkey glanced at me, then took a few steps back, giving me a spacious seat.

I understood immediately, took a step forward, and squatted beside the aborigine who was curled up on the ground, cleared my throat, and after recalling for a while, asked in their aboriginal language: "Are you all right?"

Hearing my words, the aborigine in front of him was stunned for a moment, then he raised his head and said in disbelief: "You can also speak our language? Who are you? Are you the envoy sent by the God King to destroy us?"

and also?
I immediately grasped the key words in his words: "Before, you also met people who can speak your language? Where are they now?"

I asked in a deep voice.

However, when I asked this question, the native in front of me suddenly shrank his neck, buried his head in his knees as if remembering something terrible, and said nothing.


I looked up at the fire monkey, then at the team members who were casting curious glances at me, and then my eyes fell on the ground full of dead bodies.

"I'm not here to destroy you."

I tried to use a gentle tone and said: "On the contrary, I am here to save you, so now you need to tell me where the murderers who slaughtered you are, so that we can help you eliminate the trouble."

The aborigine raised his head faintly, hesitated for a long time, and spit out two words: "Forbidden land."

"Where?" I asked.

"Under Pasa."

I was puzzled for a long time before I finally figured out that what he said about Pasa meant 'mother', and mother was the name for that ancient tree as big as a mountain.

"Take us there." I asked.

But the aborigine quickly shook his head: "Only when the sun rises can you go in."

After listening, I looked up at the sky, and it was just evening. Although the day and night here are very fast, if we waste one night, it will undoubtedly widen the gap between us and those in the United States .

"Can't you go in now?" I tried to shorten the waiting time.

But this aborigine told a premise that I can't help: "We need the power of the sun to make Pasa open his heart."

This sentence is very blunt in their language, but I still understand the meaning.

"How's it going?"

Seeing that I fell silent, the fire monkey asked after holding back for a long time.

"People from the United States have already entered."

I pointed to the towering giant tree, sighed and said, "However, we can only enter that place during the day and after the sun rises, so we have to wait now."


"Rest on the spot, and a group of four take turns to watch, always be alert to any emergencies!"

The fire monkey was straightforward, after listening to my words, he did not suspect him, and quickly gave orders to the team members.

And when all the temporary dust settled, many team members gathered around me during the break, and many people cast curious and admiring eyes on me.

"Have you ever been to this place?"

"I heard from others that you are the most wanted criminal in China. What did a person like you do?"

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