Under the sound of the explosion, there were also countless things like soil, stones and branches, splashing towards me, making me very embarrassed.

That big tree was directly blown off!

I walked over to take a closer look, but saw a huge pit where the tree root was, and a burnt smell filled the air.

The power of this explosive is much stronger than I expected!
It seems that these savages are really going to be unlucky this time!
I returned to the tree house excitedly, quickly took out more than 200 bullets, and made three such bottles of explosives.

I estimated that the power of the explosive just now was too great, so I reduced the amount of gunpowder in each bottle.

Previously a hundred bullets were used, this time eighty were used.

Because the number of bullets in my hand is also limited, although Xi’er has left several boxes, but this thing uses one and one is missing. I made a bomb this time, and I dropped more than 300 bullets at once, which is already against the rules.

But at this moment, temporarily forgetting these trivial matters, I hurriedly took the bomb I made, and couldn't wait to go to the valley of the savages.

These days, Scarface and these guys have made me feel very bad. New and old hatreds are added together. It's time for them to try their best!
Soon I was in the Valley of the Savages.

Today they are very lax, and there are not even patrolling people nearby, which makes me even more pleasantly surprised, God will help me, if you are not unlucky today, who will be unlucky?

I quickly came to the side of the rock on the Hulukou path, that is, next to the collapsible mountain.

This rocky mountain is said to be a rocky mountain, but it's not really a mountain, it's just a bigger strange rock.

In the forest of the Coste landform, there are actually many such strange-shaped stones, and this one has so many cracks, even if I don't blow it up, it might collapse someday.

On rainy days, I would occasionally hear a loud bang from the mountains and forests, usually something like this happened.

Under the Koster landform, flash floods and mudslides are relatively common in rainy days.

I buried three bottle bombs in three directions of this big strange rock.

I also don't know where the mechanical fulcrum of this thing is, so put it in as many directions as possible, as long as one of them works, it will ensure that the explosion will be overwhelming.

After placing the bomb, I pulled the fuse and quietly hid in the nearby woods, quietly waiting for the time to come.

It didn't take long for the sky to get dark. The three savages came back from hunting. It was obvious that they were very happy. They had rabbits in their hands and pheasants on their backs. These guys had a good harvest!

Seeing that they were gradually approaching the big strange rock, I quickly lit a few fuses.

The oil-soaked hemp rope should burn quickly, but I don't know if it's because the nearby grass is relatively humid, but the burning speed at this moment is actually a little slower than when I tested it before.

This makes me feel a little bad, or something went wrong!

If by the time the fuse passed and the explosion occurred, those savages had already passed the range of the explosion, wouldn't I be in vain?
I was suddenly a little annoyed and a little anxious.

What surprised me was that those savages also killed themselves.

After they got to the bottom of the big strange rock, they actually noticed something was wrong. They seemed to smell it. Several people widened their eyes and looked around for where the burning smell came from.

During this period of time, I got along with Chuchu and Keren, and I learned a lot of savage words. I actually understood what they were talking about. These guys said, look for it, something is burning nearby No, don't start a fire.

Not only did they not run away, but they also took the initiative to approach the direction where I buried the explosives.

What the hell, this is courting death!

I don't even want to die!

Immediately afterwards, there was no accident. The three bombs exploded together. I just felt that my ears were going to be deaf. It's coming!
Mudstone splashes and dust fills the sky!
And after the explosion, almost at the same time, it was the sound of the big strange rock collapsing. Countless stones fell from the sky like rain, big and small, densely packed!

This is more terrible than hail hitting your face.

Those three savages were standing in the center of the explosion. When the explosives exploded, they almost killed a few people, and then the stones fell down like crazy, and buried them under the ground in an instant. I'm afraid their bodies were all rotten!
The screams of these guys were also covered by the huge explosion and roar, and nothing could be heard.

And the Hulukou path was almost blocked by rocks.The savages in the valley sensed the movement outside, and rushed out screaming strangely.

The two who came out were Scarface and the remaining unknown wild man.

These savages practiced a hunting system in turn. Today, the three hunted, and Scarface and the other one rested in the tribe.

Now that there are only two of them left, they are no longer a threat to me!

At this moment, Scarface was stunned when he saw the broken corpses of his companions under the stone, and then the two savages knelt on the ground in horror, screaming loudly, as if they were praying to the gods or something.

They thought that such a disaster was brought down by the gods!

I laughed at them in my heart, and quickly picked up the gun in my hand and started aiming at them.

These two people are kneeling and worshiping the gods, and their movements are very small, which is undoubtedly a good time to aim!
I quickly seized the opportunity and yanked the trigger!
Hearing a bang, the savage whose name I couldn't name suddenly burst into blood in the center of his forehead, his eyes dimmed, and he fell to the ground with his head up.

The perfect shot killed him in an instant!
Scarface reacted quickly, and immediately yelled sullenly, shooting an arrow in his hand while sprinting towards me!

Seeing that scar face rushing towards me, I didn't run at all, but pointed at the corpses of his companions in savage language, and shouted at him, I did it!
Now that everyone else is dead, how can I be afraid of him when it comes to heads-up?

Brother, I have trained myself crazily for such a long time, it is not for nothing!
Scarface became even angrier when he heard this, and screamed angrily.

My heart was filled with the pleasure of revenge, but I didn't talk too much nonsense with him. Seeing that this guy hadn't come running over, I quickly pulled the bolt of the gun and fired again!
There used to be a lot of them, and the barbarian's arrow rain could suppress me and make me unable to hold my head up, but now there is only one person in Scarface, and my guns are far more useful than before!
The second shot was fired, and it hit his thigh!

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