After sleeping for a whole day, I was so hungry that I ate something quickly.

After eating, I felt that my body had almost recovered, so I picked up my weapon and hurried to the top of the tiankeng.

Although I told Xiao Qing and the others not to worry, I still decided to go up and have a look as soon as possible.

Even if these savages couldn't come down, they might have a lot of tricks.

Last time, didn't they almost kill us with those pot snakes?
I can't be careless!

I came to check around the Tiankeng cliff, and I didn't find anything worth noting. However, I was not at ease, and continued to walk quietly towards the savage valley.

I didn't get too close, but stood at a distance and watched them with a telescope.Soon, I discovered that these guys are now more vigilant. There is a savage near their valley, constantly patrolling.

But that's all.

The savages didn't know that I had found their hiding place, and we didn't take the initiative to attack these savages. They have always refused to let us go.

The wildlings underestimated our desire to attack.

After careful observation and making sure that these savages are not tricky, I returned to the Tiankeng again.

This time I had such a big fight with the savages that even I almost died. Chuchu and Keren naturally knew that there were still people alive in their tribe.

However, what reassures me is that the two girls did not behave abnormally, let alone say anything like going back.

They said that their relationship with Scarface was not good.The closest person to Chuchu and Keren in the tribe is their mother. Now that she is dead, the two girls have nothing to worry about.

This time I used the heart of a villain to save the belly of a gentleman.

I think, we must be more careful next time, never meet those savages again, just wait quietly for the avalanche to come.

But what I didn't expect was that we didn't trouble these dogs, but they took the initiative to come to the door.

During this period of time, the scarfaced people often came to the edge of the tiankeng. These guys couldn't get down by themselves, but they carried buckets of black water and dumped it below the tiankeng.

They would never do this kind of thing for no reason.

This makes me very wary.

I took a closer look, and suddenly found that a lot of small red bugs began to gather near the black water they poured down.

Over time, these bugs have grown in such horrible numbers that it looks like clouds are moving around in the woods!
What's even more frightening is that once any animal encounters them, it will soon bite and turn red all over, with spots everywhere.Those red spots are as dense as a honeycomb, and the scalp of those who look at it feels numb.

Of course, this erythema is not just ugly.

Generally, after being bitten, the animals will feel pain and itching.I saw with my own eyes that after a pheasant was bitten, it frantically pecked itself, and almost all the hair on its body was pecked off, and its flesh and blood were bloody.

Moreover, I think these bugs may be the same as mosquitoes, and they can also transmit diseases such as malaria!
Xiao Qing and the others were terrified, but fortunately we still have Chu Chu and Keren here.

They have lived with us for so long, and they have also learned a little simple Chinese.

"This bug is called Kebuwa..."

Chuchu told us.

Kebuwa is a transliteration.

Chu Chu said that to deal with Kebuwa, you need to soak the stamens of the purple mountain vine in water and smear the body.

With the liquid medicine prepared by Chuchu and the others, when I go out, I just need to smear some on my body, even if I walk in front of the insect cloud, those insects will automatically scatter and avoid me.

But after all, this is too troublesome. After a long time, we all feel very headaches. Scarface and these guys are getting more and more shameless, and they come to pour the black potion every day.

Now, the number of those worm clouds increased greatly, and they started to move towards the center of the tiankeng.

I'm afraid it won't be long before Xiao Qing and the others have to smear the liquid medicine on their bodies if they want to go out.

My patience with the savages like Scarface was also exhausted, and my killing intent became stronger and stronger.

"I can't go on like this. I have to beat these bastards as soon as possible. Do you really think I'm made of mud?"

I can't wait for the day of the blizzard, and I'm going to kill these dogs now.

It's a pity that for a while, I didn't come up with any good solution!So whenever I was in a bad mood, I had to disassemble the gun and load the ammunition over and over again.

This is good for my training and it also makes me feel more peaceful.

But one night, when I came to count the ammunition, I found that the end of one of the bullets was broken, and the powder flowed out.

I felt a little pity. I threw away this bullet, and then searched carefully in the ammunition box. This bullet had leaked gunpowder. The gunpowder is very flammable, and it is somewhat dangerous to leave it in the ammunition box.

After cleaning for a while, my eyes suddenly lit up, and a great idea appeared in my mind!

The bullets of firearms are generally divided into two parts, one is the bullet and the other is the shell.

When we shoot, the firing pin hits the bottom of the shell, the primer at the bottom of the shell is ignited, and then detonates the gunpowder in the shell, which then generates force to drive the bullet out.

In other words, the gunpowder inside the shell can be used to make explosives!
All this time, I have been very sorry that I had no explosives in my hand, and if I had, these savages would have been unlucky.

Now it seems that there is no explosives around me?

The gunpowder in the bullet can make explosives!

I just need to take out some gunpowder and pour it into a closed container, such as a beer bottle or something. Once it is ignited, it is an explosive.

Although the effect of this kind of explosives may not be very good, but I have observed the rocks on the Hulukou path for a long time. They are already fragile, and they don't need powerful explosives at all, and they can collapse with a light touch!

"Mad, these damn savages, you are finished!"

I can't help being a little excited, he's been really frustrated these past few days.

That night, I took out more than 100 bullets, pried open the shell casings, took out the gunpowder, and poured it into a beer can.

However, I didn't use this thing to deal with the savages directly, but tried it myself first.

Throwing this thing under the root of a big tree, I ran far away in a hurry, and then ignited the fuse made of oil-soaked hemp rope.

The lead wire ignited quickly, and the flames jumped towards the soda can in an instant like a long snake.

Under my concerned gaze, the soda can exploded with a bang!
In the extremely quiet Tiankeng Forest, the sound of the explosion was like thunder, extremely terrifying!

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