"Did you hear anything?"

Less than 10 minutes before and after, I vaguely heard a whistling sound coming from the west, which was extremely rhythmic, and was rapidly approaching us.

When I realized it, the hairs all over my body stood on end in an instant.

Because no one knows better than me.

No one understands better than me what this means. Being able to dispatch armed forces like helicopters in China proves how much the higher-ups attach importance to this area.

The people from the Ability Management Bureau have arrived!

"What?" Feng Han who heard my words was still in a daze. He looked at me puzzled, but in turn, he could already hear the sound of the helicopter approaching us at a very high speed.

Needless to say, Feng Han's face suddenly changed, and he was ready to enter the fighting state at all times.

I gritted my teeth.

Although I know that the next fierce battle is inevitable, but... my eyes gradually shifted to the direction we came here. This place is not far from the hiding place of Lao Zhao and the others, maybe not even 1000 meters away.

I hope that the battle here will not affect them...

The smoke and dust above the head, under the action of the helicopter propeller, began to rise vertically, and the strong wind swept away the dust in the area we were in, leaving only those large cement bricks, which remained firmly on the ground.

And we can see clearly, the helicopter parked 20 meters away in front of us.

The whole body is green. After the stop, six people, including the pilot, got off the plane in unison. Three men and three women were wearing uniforms, but they were not equipped with any weapons. They only walked in the front and wore sunglasses. The man with a black suitcase in his hand.

Obviously, these six people must all be supernatural beings.

It's just that the first wave of advance team came with six supernatural beings. It can be seen from the level of treatment how much this new area is valued.

"Tell me, surrender or die?" The man in the lead simply stopped 20 meters in front of us and stopped with his team.

Then we were presented with an extremely difficult choice.

"I surrender."

I glanced at Feng Han, and before he could speak, I raised my hands first.

"What are you doing?" Feng Han, who saw me like this, asked me in a low voice with hatred on his face: "Are you fucking playing with me? Aren't you going to take revenge? look?"

"While it's not ready."

After uttering these four words without a trace, I slowly lowered my head.

I'm here to seek revenge. Before the big vengeance is avenged, I certainly won't choose to be caught without a fight. The reason why I am doing this now is to dismantle the vigilance of these people, and wait for the opportunity when they are completely relaxed. .

Yes, from the moment these people arrived here, I have been murdered.

They are the obstacles in my quest that I have learned to remove over the years.

Even though this will make me more guilty on the most wanted list, I don't care about those anymore. It's just running away. I haven't run away less these years?

"I surrender too!"

As soon as I lowered my head, Separation standing next to me chose the same posture as me, while the man opposite us nodded in relief.

"very good."

Before, he put the suitcase in his hand on the ground with a half-smile, and then he kicked, and with a bang, the nearby suitcase flew straight towards us.

However, just when the suitcase was about to fall in front of the two of us, the suitcase stopped strangely.


The leading man raised his eyebrows.

Obviously, this miraculous scene aroused his curiosity. He turned his head and ordered to his team members: "Find out who these two people are from, and their abilities."

The suitcase was stable and suspended two meters in front of Feng Han and me. Then Feng Han used his own ability to open the suitcase, and there were three black collars in the suitcase.

"Put it on and you can go with us." The man folded his arms around his chest and said very easily.

"If you refuse, it's not impossible."

The man pointed to the concrete floor under his feet: "I will bury your corpses here."

The tone is calm, but in fact this is a blatant threat. If we dare to resist, it is estimated that these six people will attack at the same time. At that time, few people will survive.

"This thing will interfere with your brainwaves, thereby limiting your abilities. At that time, you will be no different from a waste, and you can only be at their mercy."

To my surprise, Feng Han knew more about the equipment of the Ability Management Bureau than I did.

He looked at the collar full of resentment: "If you really want to be a softie, then you can do it alone, I don't care so much!"

Seeing that the plan was about to explode, I simply stopped pretending to surrender.

The right hand turned into sharp claws in an instant, and the left foot stomped heavily backwards, and the whole body shot out in front of him, aiming directly at the leading man.

Catch the thief first catch the king!

And that man seemed to be used to such scenes, and I didn't see him move. I felt something suddenly grabbed my ankle. I looked down, and in the shadow formed by the sunlight under me, there was something out of thin air. A hand grew out.

And what was pulling my ankle was this hand that grew out of nowhere!

This scene looks haunted in broad daylight, but I understand in my heart that this is really the ability of this man!
Where there is light, there are shadows, and where there is no light, shadows are everywhere. This guy's ability is simply impossible to guard against!
No wonder he was sent to such a place by the Ability Management Bureau!

I raised the knife and fell, and in a flash, I cut the hand holding my ankle in two. However, before I took the next step, more hands came out from the shadow.

"Stop struggling, it's all futile."

The man said casually: "It's like a quagmire. The more you struggle, the deeper you sink. I'll give you one last chance. Come with us or die?"

I tried to break free from the shackles of these ghostly hands, but, as this man said, the more I struggled, the tighter these hands grasped me.

I think my strength is not small.

Even if it's an ordinary car, I can easily overturn it with my own strength, but I can't do anything about these ghost hands protruding from the shadows.

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