What do you mean?
Feng Han's attitude changed so quickly that I didn't even realize for a moment, what kind of medicine this guy took wrongly.

Feng Han seemed to have guessed my thoughts from my expression. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said to me slowly: "The actual area of ​​this new area has grown. There is a shortage of manpower, and no matter how dense their eyeliners are here, it is impossible to take care of all the locations."

"And since those workers will hide in this area, it proves that in this area, the power of the Ability Management Bureau must be the weakest."

"That is to say, in this generation, there are very few people in the Ability Management Bureau."

"Instead of the two of us trying our best to find the people from the Ability Management Bureau, it would be easier for them to come here to find us directly!"


I suddenly realized and nodded, yes, the Supernatural Management Bureau has set up a tight line of defense here, in order to catch those supernatural beings who fled here.

As long as there is any trouble, they will definitely come after them.

How can there be any need for Feng Han and I to throw ourselves into a trap like fools and send them to our door?
I smiled and looked at Feng Han. I was very grateful for the decision I made before I set off. Sure enough, one more person and one more brain. Running around in the new district.

However, before I had time to be happy for a long time, I saw a few cement pots on the side of the road flying up in front of me.

"What are you doing..."

I was startled, a bad idea suddenly appeared in my mind, but before I could finish speaking, Feng Han, standing in front of me, waved his hand lightly.

In an instant, more oil tanks filled with cement flew into the air.

One by one, like cannonballs, they hit the unfinished building next to us at an extremely fast speed.

And these cement tanks hit the load-bearing walls of those unfinished buildings. It doesn't matter if one is there, but if seven or eight dozen of them hit together, it is enough to smash the unfinished buildings that are less than half completed!
Good guy!
I immediately stared at him, and the anger in my heart suddenly came up. This guy is crazy. With such a serious symptom, I am afraid that not only a few members of the Ability Management Bureau will be attracted.

I'm afraid that the people in the Ability Management Bureau of this entire new area will know the area we are in.

I thought this guy was enlightened, but I didn't expect this guy to be enlightened, he was simply insane!
"You are crazy!"

I cursed secretly, and before I could move, those cement tanks had already reached the load-bearing wall. After a few bangs, the load-bearing wall on the second floor was broken, and this unfinished building lost its load-bearing capacity. The support of the wall has become precarious.

And the last two cement pots!

I watched those two cans fly by five meters away from my head, but I was powerless until the two iron cans with a size of three to four square meters hit the crumbling unfinished building.

The fragile unfinished building finally collapsed at this moment!
The deafening roar, mixed with the dust flying all over the sky, almost buried me and Feng Han alive!

"What the hell are you doing!"

I'm a little angry, because this guy's actions have completely broken the plan I just made in my heart. What I want is to find that supernatural person, and then wait for the opportunity to take revenge.

Although the process is a little more complicated, it takes a little more effort.

But for the two of us, it is indeed the safest countermeasure, and this guy, who suddenly developed such a serious symptom, will make us face all the personnel of the Ability Management Bureau staying in the new area at this moment.

And once discovered by those people, I, the 'traitor' of the Ability Administration

I am afraid that more reinforcements will be dispatched from various places at that time, run?Don't even think about it, it would be nice to save the dog's life!

I took two strides forward and slapped Feng Han in the face.

There was a snap, very crisp.

You must know that as a supernatural user, in a state of rage, the strength of my hand is not small. Not surprisingly, Feng Han, a supernatural person with a relatively fragile body, was directly attacked by me. The slap knocked out two big teeth, and the right cheek swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The corner of his mouth was still bleeding, and his speech was a little unclear.

But he opened his mouth in a weird way and laughed, letting the halazi mixed with blood flow down from the corner of his mouth bit by bit.

Coupled with his current smile, I have no doubts that this guy has gone completely crazy.

"do not worry!"

However, what surprised me even more was yet to come. After being slapped suddenly by me, Feng Han not only didn't get angry, but smiled even more happily: "You are too timid. If we follow your plan, I'm afraid There is no way to leave Huaxia in the year of the monkey."

"Trust me, listen to me, we can find your enemy faster, and leave Huaxia as soon as possible!"

you fucking!
I was already trying my best to restrain my temper. As my chest heaved and fell, I turned my head to look at the ruins beside me and the dust flying in the sky.

Under the effect of the damage prevention ability, none of the flying gravel and soil slag fell on us.

It seems that we are hiding in a glass cover in a smog, and the noise and pollution outside have nothing to do with us, but in fact, such a huge noise must have completely attracted the attention of those in the Ability Management Bureau.

Next, there is bound to be a bloody battle!

I raised my hand again and aimed it at Feng Han's forehead, but after hesitating for a long time, I didn't let it go. The thing has already happened, and now even if I kill this guy, it won't solve any problems.

Instead of competing with him for a moment, it is better to think about how to deal with the next situation.

"You don't trust me so much?"

Suddenly, Feng Han, who was still bleeding from the corner of his mouth, faced me, opened his mouth and laughed loudly: "Since you don't trust me so much, why do you still ask me to cooperate? We are grasshoppers on the same rope, listen If I've been with you for so long, now it's your turn to trust me, right?"

I opened my mouth, feeling angry.

I wanted to speak but it was stuck in my throat, and I couldn’t utter a word. For 10 minutes, the dust flying all over the sky hadn’t cleared away, and my vision was extremely blurred. Even with my super-normal vision, I could only see a few meters clearly. The scene outside.

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