Hearing the words "wife and child", Charles immediately poured cold water from head to bottom like a basin of cold water, and immediately calmed down.


He angrily smashed the seat with his fist.

"Stop! Or we'll shoot!"

At this time, the police officer who noticed that instead of slowing down our RV started to speed up, he had already started firing shots in protest.

"Give me your head down!"

As I roared, I grabbed Charles's cap and pushed his head down.

The RV was under my control and drove straight towards the police officers. After the other party saw that something was wrong, he immediately started shooting at our RV.

"Bang bang bang!"

The caravan we drive is a very common civilian equipment.

The front windshield couldn't withstand the impact of the bullets at all, and it was shattered into pieces in minutes, and the left side of my face was also scratched by a bullet, but there was no way we could perfectly avoid these police officers. leave directly.


Seeing that the interception was unsuccessful, those police officers were not fearless, and retreated towards the sides one after another.

rushed out!

After more than 20 police officers got out of the way, I increased my speed even more.

If it weren't for my driving skills, I'm afraid the RV we were driving would have been smashed into scrap metal at this time.


Just when I was excited about rushing out of the barrier, the rear wheels suddenly roared.

Oops!Flat tire!

Obviously, the tire was blown out. When the thrust generated by the exploded tire, I almost failed to control the steering wheel in my hand. Fortunately, the tires are double-wheeled. After one blows out, there is another one that can Barely used.

I corrected the direction in time, which avoided the tragedy of the RV hitting the wall pillar directly.

After finally rushing out of the underground parking lot, we came outside. Just as we drove the car out of the crossbar, what we saw in front of us was a circle of police cars parked outside the exit of the parking lot, but the police force in them had already left. , Only two or three police officers stood there to maintain law and order.

"Oh shit!"

After seeing us rushing out, several police officers immediately drew their guns.

Fortunately, they only hold pistols in their hands, and the power of pistols is not great, so they do not pose any threat to us.


I hit the brakes hard, slammed the steering wheel, and after a drift knocked out a police car blocking our way, I immediately drove onto the road.

From the cracked rearview mirror, it can be seen that the few police officers are contacting their superiors angrily.


But what I am sure of is that we have escaped, and it is useless for them to report to their superiors.

After all, the United States is vast and sparsely populated. Except for the most prosperous metropolises, the population of other places is not very large. It is precisely because the population base is too small that their constant vigilance is not enough.

I drove all the way out of the city, and it wasn't long before Charles asked me to pull over.

After getting out of the car, he immediately rushed to the rear compartment.

I knew that he was worried about his wife and children, so I followed his footsteps. As soon as I opened the door of the rear compartment and walked in, I saw Charles' wife hugging her two children tightly and crying bitterly.

But fortunately, there are many cabinets and the like installed in the rear compartment of the RV.

The bullets fired from the outside into the inside are blocked to a large extent.

That's why the three of them, the mother and the child, were not harmed. Of course, except for Charles's wife's forehead, it seems that my car braked too hard, causing her to accidentally bump into the corner of the cabinet in the compartment.


Charles hugged his wife and children tightly, closed his eyes and prayed devoutly to heaven.

After the family of four had survived warmly, we embarked on the journey again.

Now, we are only 1000 to [-] kilometers away from the east coast. If there is no accident, even if we count the rest time on the way, we will be able to arrive in one and a half days at most.

"Where are you going when we get to the East Coast?"

In the middle of the night, I was still sitting in the driver's seat, driving the RV. Charles was sitting next to me. Looking at him who was always looking out the window, I couldn't help asking a question curiously.


"Iceland?" I was a little surprised.

From my previous conversations with him, I learned that he is a native American, including his wife.

Although he is in the transportation industry in his home country, the furthest distance is only a few nearby states.

I suddenly had to take a family of four abroad, and it was still as far away as Iceland, which I didn't expect.


Charles turned around and said to me with a serious face: "It is said that Iceland is the only place where there are few supernatural beings. There is a relatively high acceptance of supernatural beings there, and there is no special control against supernatural beings."

"Only there can our family live peacefully."

Judging by his serious appearance, it was obvious that he made this decision after careful consideration.

I opened my mouth, wanting to say something, but the words came to my mouth and I didn't ask much.

It doesn't make sense to say too much, anyway, we met by chance, and there is no chance to meet a second time in the rest of our lives.

"Then why did you return home?"


I shrugged my shoulders while driving.

I haven't been home for a long time, and now, a simple sentence from Charles can arouse my homesickness.

Charles heard this and nodded.

After being silent for a while, he suddenly said to me: "As far as I know, the Chinese authorities are very good at the intelligence of the country. Not long after the supernatural beings appeared, they issued strict terms."

"China is a country with a large population. Based on the huge population base, there are also a large number of supernatural beings that emerged after the rain."

"But the survival status of the supernatural beings in China is much better than ours."

Compared to me, an old hat with closed news, Charles is like a know-it-all in front of me. He knows much more about the current world situation than I do.

"Then why don't you go to Huaxia with me?"

"Because I have better options."

Charles smiled a little reluctantly. It could be seen that it was not his original intention to be thousands of miles away from home, but he was indeed forced to do nothing.

If he continued to stay in his native land, he would definitely be caught and used as cannon fodder.

That's it, we have nothing more to say.

With the high-speed driving of vehicles, the distance between us and the most remote cities on the east coast is gradually shortening, [-] kilometers, [-] kilometers... [-] kilometers.

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