Among the huge waves of flames rising in front of him, there was such an unobtrusive white spark, following the ups and downs of the flame waves, it was about to float to the other side.

As everyone knows, I have already stared at it.

I have been watching the battle for a long time, and even a fool can tell that among the large flames around here, only this white flame plays a vital role for the white people.

Perhaps, this white flame is the real one!
Capture the thief first and capture the king first, destroying this white flame, I don't believe that he can still dominate.

The sharp claws that my right hand transformed into quickly degenerated, and in the blink of an eye, it became a human palm again. I raised my hand and stretched forward, with half of my arm passing through layers of flame waves. Under the burning of the flames, my skin quickly Cracked, the blood evaporated before it could flow out.

But I didn't care about it, and when the white flame was about to float away, I grabbed it in the palm of my hand.

Forcibly pulled it back from a large wave of flames.

The speed was so fast that the wind and waves rolled up almost blew out this small flame. I retracted my palm, and the burnt part of half of my arm was returning to its original state at a speed visible to the naked eye. The white flame made a subtle sound.


If it hadn't been for this scene, if it had happened in front of my eyes, I would never have believed that a flame could speak.

It's just that I don't have much time to witness this miraculous scene.

Today, the official police stations of the United States are equipped with weapons specially designed to target supernatural beings, and now, this block has been surrounded by police stations. If the Charles family and I don’t leave here quickly, I’m afraid this gang attack Anti-riot actions will also affect us.

You know, Charles and I are both on the wanted list.

Although with the help of Charles, we arrived at fake identity certificates and other documents, but it is still difficult for these things to get through in front of the officials.

I must not take that risk.


I smiled slightly at the little flame floating in my palm, and put my two palms together and clenched them tightly.

The combustion of the flame needs oxygen, and the outside air is isolated, and it will not take long for this small flame to be completely extinguished.

I can feel the scorching temperature in my palm, and my flesh is being burned by the flames.


What's even more ridiculous is that I even smelled the smell of barbecue, but the meat of this barbecue is my own...

In just ten seconds, the temperature of the flame in the palm of his hand dropped rapidly.

until it disappears.

I opened my palm and saw that the blood scab in my dark palm was falling rapidly, and new flesh grew out of the ground, while the small flame that was originally in the center of my palm had disappeared.

After the white flames disappeared, the flames floating around the street also returned to their original appearance.


I strode back to the entrance of the supermarket and shouted to the Charles family hiding in the rows of shelves: "It's time to go!"


Mr. and Mrs. Charles guarded their two lovely children tightly, carrying big and small bags, followed my pace, and rushed towards the parking lot across the street.

At this time, on both sides of the street, the two gangs that were originally confronting each other had already had a direct conflict with the local police station.

They had no time to take care of us crossing the road.

On the scorched road that was burned by the fire, there were dead bodies everywhere, some of which were almost burned to charcoal.

They can all be used as specimens...

Maybe it's because I'm used to all kinds of scary scenes. I've long been used to such scenes, but the Charles family is different. Before that, they were just ordinary people living an ordinary life. Like a scene from hell.

Adults can't hold it, let alone children.

Charles and his wife could only free one hand to tightly cover their children's eyes, so as not to expose their children to such an environment prematurely.

After crossing the road and coming to the underground parking lot, it was finally much quieter here.

The burning smell was no longer in the air.

Throwing all the big and small bags into the RV, Charles' wife took the child into the rear compartment, while Charles and I sat in the main driver's seat.

"Get out of town, go east!"

Charles' face turned pale, and after barely holding on to tell me a word, he poked his head out of the car window and vomited.

Obviously, even he, who is also a supernatural being, couldn't stand the bloody and cruel scene just now.

Disgusting, indeed disgusting.

I stared straight ahead, started the car, put it in gear and stepped on the accelerator.

There are a total of four exits in this empty underground parking lot. I specially chose the exit opposite to the block just now, but only halfway through, I found that many local police stations had poured into the parking lot. Those who walked in the front still held blast shields in their hands.

After seeing us driving over, the police officer walking in the front immediately took out his badge and gun.

"I order you to stop and be inspected!"

There was a roar that resounded throughout the underground parking lot. Seeing this, Charles immediately clenched his teeth, stopped retching, and clenched his fists into balls.

"We fought them!"

I never thought that this guy would plan to use violence to counter violence at this moment?

Are you kidding me?
With his current state of unhealed injuries and the toughness of these police stations, isn't it clear that he is looking for death?Although the policemen who stopped us were ordinary people, they were not vegetarians with the weapons against the supernatural beings.

If there are bullets specially used to deal with supernatural beings, then there are bombs specially used to deal with superhuman beings.

Or something.

The era of technology is not a primitive world, and problems cannot be solved by relying on brute force, and even if we can confront those police officers head-on, there are still his wife and children in the car.

"You sit down for me!"

Seeing that Charles was going to open the car door, when I got out of the car, I freed up a hand to hold his shoulder firmly, and pressed him back to his original position.

"what are you doing?"

Charles was very puzzled and yelled at me: "Do you want to be taken back to District [-] as cannon fodder?"

Why is this stupid thing so angry at me?

In a hurry, I didn't bother to argue too much with him, so I stepped on the gas pedal and rushed straight to the policemen blocking us: "Not only do I want to be cannon fodder, but I also want to take your Wife and children together!"

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