Or... the owner of the mine is really from Nordic Spear.

The reason why this place is such a tragic scene is that there is a high probability that those guys who arrived here before us are not from the Nordic Spear.

In other words.

The people who drove the Nordic Spear helicopter to Walvis were actually the same group that slaughtered the Nordic Spear personnel.

The two sides meet and exchange fire.

Obviously, the owner of the mine suffered a disastrous defeat, and those people entered the mine unimpeded.

Our convoy stopped in front of the checkpoint. After a dozen or so people cleaned up the corpses blocking the road and the checkpoint covered with thorns, we continued on the road. At the end of the day, driving on the rough mountain road, there are wheel shaft gullies pressed out by mining vehicles everywhere, and the gullies are full of stagnant water. Fortunately, the off-road performance of the jeep we took is not bad. Although the speed has slowed down, it does not slow.

After wandering over two hills, about four hours later, we finally entered the range of the mine.

Because of copper mining, the mine was dug into a sinkhole. From the entrance to the bottom, there was a visual drop of about [-] meters. Several large mining equipment and transport vehicles were parked in the center.

Around the bottom of the pit, there are several mining holes distributed at equal distances, and three trucks are parked outside one of the holes.

"It seems that we are still one step late..."

Number Seven frowned, and muttered to himself, "Fortunately, they haven't left yet."

That's right, looking at the bottom of the mine, those guys who arrived before us should have entered the mine.

Soon, our train team stopped outside the mine in a uniform manner.

The entrance of the mine is very large, with a dim light bulb hanging from the top, and two rails at the bottom. Hiss... I took a deep breath. The depth of this kind of mine is more than [-] meters, and the branches in it are even more horizontal. What's more, the oxygen in the depths of the ground is very scarce, and it is very likely to be filled with various toxic gases.

Entering such a place without the help of professional equipment is tantamount to courting death.

Of course, my physique is invulnerable to all poisons, and I can survive in an extremely harsh environment without caring. However, except for me, no one else in our team can care about environmental factors like me.

And it is impossible for me to go down into the mine alone.

"what are you worried about?"

Just when I was thinking about what to do, No. [-] had led the dozen or so people to open the trunk of the jeep. Only then did I realize that these cars were not as simple as I imagined. Every trunk opened, There is a mezzanine inside.

After removing the casing, what appeared in front of my eyes were all kinds of weapons.

Some of them have weird shapes and weird metallic textures, and I don't even know what they are used for.

The bottom layer is a uniform type of tight protective equipment, which can tightly wrap a person from head to toe.

"A set?"

"Need not."

I shook my head, rejecting Seven's offer.

For me, protective clothing is basically a burden, and there is no need to wear it at all. As for those weapons, I can’t use ordinary firearms, and I don’t know how to use those strange things, so I might as well just use my own claws convenient.

In ten minutes or so, a dozen or so people were all equipped with their equipment.

No. [-] and I are exceptions. His ability is quite special. If he puts on the protective suit and uses his ability, it is estimated that the protective suit will be evaporated into ashes in an instant. It is better not to wear it, so he just brought a Poor breathing gear.

Ready to go, No. [-] and I will be the first to enter the mine.

Originally, we should be able to enter by mine cart, but we were late, so we could only step on the rails and walk slowly down the track.

Fortunately, there is no lack of light sources inside the mine. There are wires on both sides of the mine, and the dim lights fill the entire mine. It seems that it will give people a very strange sense of warmth, but I know that in What happened inside, and what will happen in the future, can't be regarded as warm.

After all, I have heard more than once about mine collapses in the early years.

Those mine accidents still happened in countries with relatively complete policies, such as the private mines in South Africa, which are relatively more cruel.

The facilities are incomplete and the insurance factor is extremely low, but under such conditions, there are still a large number of laborers who come here to work as miners. Without him, the laws of Namibia have not been perfected since the founding of the country, and the local government is so weak that it is like buying and selling women. , The slave trade abounds, and it cannot be contained, nor can it be contained.

And those coolies who were kidnapped and sold here, even if they knew that they would die in the mines, they could only fight with their own lives.

No way, coolies are coolies. Under such social conditions, the result of their resistance is to be thrown into the wilderness, or even worse, because the owners of private mines don’t care about these slaves. The only thing they care about is naked money, and the real benefits these slaves can bring to them.

Inside the mine, it slopes downward.

The deeper one travels, the more ore glistens with a brassy sheen on the surrounding cave walls.

"I think we can stop."

Until facing the first fork, No. [-] stopped, and now there are three forks in front of us. Even if we split up, it is difficult to ensure that we will not encounter such a situation again, and we rarely The population is simply not enough to support our separate actions.

No. [-] waved to the dozen or so team members behind him, and one of them immediately took out dozens of metal balls the size of ping-pong balls from his backpack. original glass.

I was about to ask a question, but saw that person took out a handheld device, and after clicking a few times, the mechanical structure at the top of these metal balls slowly opened, and a small propeller popped out from inside.

It's a drone.It dawned on me.

"The electronic eye can quickly scan the terrain ahead, and then generate a 3D image of the terrain for us, which saves time and effort. Although there is a possibility of being discovered by the enemy, we don't have to worry too much in this environment." Seventh explained it to me in detail.

I nodded and couldn't help but laugh.

It's funny to say that, as the leader of this team, I don't know as much about the team's situation and the characteristics of various equipment as No. [-].

After the electronic eye flew away, each of our communicators lit up.

On the screen, a 3D modeling of the mine is being rapidly generated...

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