We arrived in Namibia by helicopter, all the way unimpeded, without any obstruction, when we finally landed in Walvis Port, the sky had completely darkened.

The place where we landed is on a hill on the edge of Walvis. This is a manor with a relatively old decoration. The European-style castle-style buildings are particularly eye-catching on this hill, but it’s okay, nearby There are almost no houses, and there is still some distance from the city.

At a glance, fishing lights flicker in the distance, and the neon lights are eye-catching.

The moment I got off the plane, I stepped on the marble floor and walked through the corridors of the old castle manor. The simple and simple atmosphere that rushed to my face gave me a very peaceful feeling.

Of course I know that everything I see and feel is just an appearance. There is already an undercurrent surging behind the surface of this peaceful and peaceful city. Maybe bloodshed will happen soon.

The premonition is very strong, but these are events with a high probability, and the possibility of being avoided in time is zero.

The owner of the manor is also a member of the company. It seems that his status seems to be very low, because after welcoming us, he has always treated us with respect. The attitude and temperament similar to that of a servant cannot be concealed.

After getting off the plane, Number Seven went to negotiate with the owner of the manor.

Five minutes later, he walked towards me frowning.

"Find it?" I asked.

"They landed at the other end of the city and went to Mount Erdos. According to what I just learned, there is a private mine that mainly produces copper mines. The output is average. The owner of the mine is a Scot. It is estimated that There is a 70.00% probability that he is also a member of the Nordic Spear."

As he said that, No. 2 paused for a moment, and then said again: "If we leave now, we can arrange vehicles within [-] minutes, but that private mine has private armed forces, and there is only one way in, we Entering rashly, there is a high probability of conflict, and now we are suffering from serious shortages..."

"Leave immediately."

I said lightly.

"But..." No. [-] wanted to say something, but after being glared at by me, he immediately kept silent, and obediently went to arrange vehicles for us, the dozen or so people, with the owner of the manor.

I know what he's worried about.

There is no doubt that the gap between the enemy and our manpower is huge, but the problem is that we don't know how much information the Nordic Spear has about the white woman, let alone whether they have found the white woman. With the arrival of our backup, I am afraid that at that time, the people of the Nordic Spear have already got everything they want, and walked away swaggeringly with the results of our mission.

I don't want to be so busy that the bamboo basket fetches water in the end.

It's not in my character, and most importantly, we don't have to fight them head-on.

We are small in number, so let us take advantage of the small number, flexibility, and convenience of deployment, let some people contain the opponent's firepower, and the rest of us will directly break into the enemy's camp with a brain, and let the ancestors of our nation play badly guerrilla tactics.

I personally think that such a plan is not difficult to implement. After all, the people sent by the company to support us are all elites among the elites, ruthless masters, and guerrilla tactics can just play to their strengths.After the analysis, even I felt a little stunned. After all, I have never discovered that I have the talent of a leader, but it doesn't matter. The most urgent thing is to quickly find the woman we need , their importance to the company and to me is self-evident.

A few minutes later, seven uniformly equipped black jeeps set off from the manor.

Each car is equipped with a maximum of three people.

No. [-] and I, as well as a driver, were in the same car. No. [-] and I sat in the back row, watched the car pass through the noisy and bustling Walvis quietly through the window, and then started Enter the suburbs, mountains and forests.

For some reason, when the car drove out of the urban area, I suddenly felt a very strange feeling, as if our mission this time was destined to fail.

Yep, that's how it feels.

In the past few days when we arrived in Africa from the company branch, we spent most of our time on the vehicle, and only a small part of the time was spent on survey tasks. Constraining us to run around, but in the end it always came to nothing...

I hope it won't happen this time... the further you go into the mountains, the fewer trees there will be.

The stream on the right side of the road has changed color due to mineral mining.

Inside the network, the road began to become potholed, and all the hills on both sides were cut down, leaving only one bare tree stump after another, which looked somewhat bleak.

"Is it on fire?"

No. [-] and I were sitting quietly in the rear compartment, but at this moment, we suddenly heard the driver muttering to himself.

At almost the same time, No. [-] and I looked forward together. Through the windshield in front of the car, we could clearly see that at the right turn [-] meters ahead, a group of continuously clustered flames reached four heights. There was more than enough rice, mixed with billowing black smoke, and went straight up.

"Everyone is on alert!"

After No. [-] expressed his sincerity, he acted as the vice-captain in the team. Under normal circumstances, he was the one who gave orders on my behalf.

I have no objection to this, because by doing so, I can really save a lot of worry, and most of his judgments and decisions are the same as mine.

Because No. [-] and I are the top forces in our team, the jeep we are riding in plays the leading role in the convoy. After passing the turn first, No. [-] and I are ready to fight However, the sight of the goal made us all stunned.

It was a wooden watchtower that caught fire.

It seemed that it was originally as high as three or four floors, but now, the middle part of the watchtower has been burned to ashes.

The crackling sound can be clearly heard even through a layer of car body.

Beside the fallen watchtower, there are several corpses lying in a haphazard manner. The corpses still hold guns. Some of the corpses seem to have been run over. Their bodies are full of marks of wheels, and they are all twisted by the ground. It's out of shape, and the private roadblock set up next to it is also in a mess.

It seems that the owner of the mine is not from the Nordic Spear, otherwise, it would not have ended up in such a tragic scene.

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