Check, what check?
When the doctor kept saying yes, he didn't tell me that I needed to be checked.

I frowned, with some resistance in my heart.

If these people find out that I can remove the things the doctor installed in my body, will they not give me money?
The girl is still lying in the hospital now.

Money is an essential material for the water man to take the girl from Mexico to China. If they don't have money, they don't even think about leaving.

"This is the regulation from above, please understand."

Seeing my indifferent attitude, the black man withdrew his hand calmly, turned around with a smile on his face, and strode away.

Seeing this, I can only keep up.

Take the elevator downstairs from the apron and stop on the third floor of No.30.

As soon as I got out of the elevator door, I saw a company with the same type of laboratory with the same interior decoration. This kind of place gave me a bad feeling.

Then, under the arrangement of this black man, I took off my clothes to cooperate with the inspection.

It took less than five seconds for the instrument to sweep across my body.

"What about things?"

Seeing the data displayed on the screen, the black man's face suddenly darkened.

"There." I pointed to the rotten clothes that I took off.

The black man took a look at me, then let the secretary who was with him walk over, and rummaged through my clothes.

After a few efforts, the secretary found those metal pieces dug out of my body.

"Wait here, don't go anywhere."

At this moment, the black man's attitude towards me is completely different from before, but what his attitude is is not what I care about.

All I need now is a sum of money.

After the black man finished speaking to me in a commanding tone, he left the laboratory, and hurried back after about ten minutes. Although I don't know what he saw, he looked at me when he came back. It looked extremely weird.

"There is an explanation from your superiors. You only have six hours of free time. You must come back here within six hours, understand?"


As soon as he opened his mouth, I guessed why his attitude towards me had changed so much.

It is estimated that [-]% of the doctor gave me some kind of privilege, right?

"Do you want cash or?"


"it is good."

The black man nodded, then waved to the secretary: "Lisa, take him there, change him into decent clothes, and prepare some money for him by the way."


The secretary complied, and took me out of the laboratory, went downstairs, walked through the quiet corridor, and soon the secretary took me to a lounge.

It's luxurious and has everything you need.

After taking a shower, the secretary sent me a suitcase, a suit and leather shoes. After I changed into my outfit, I took the elevator and walked out of the skyscraper.

Walking on the street full of people, for no reason, I felt that I was out of place with the surrounding environment, very awkward.

After enduring all the way, I finally came to the hospital and walked into the ward where the girl was.


As soon as I entered the door, the water glass on the girl's bedside cabinet moved, and the water in it flowed out as if alive, and turned into a human being.

"Brother, why are you here!" The water man seemed very excited about my arrival.

"Send you money."

I threw the suitcase to the water man, and he quickly opened it to see that it was full of dollar bills neatly.

Brand new, let alone a few million.


This parallel importer probably saw so many for the first time in his life, he gasped at that moment, then quickly closed the box and hugged him tightly in his arms.

"You are so rich!"

"You can dispose of the money as you like, as long as you contact the organization as I said, and then leave here." I didn't feel much about money, so I glanced at him lightly and continued: "At that time, your benefits will be indispensable, and , you don’t have to worry, you may be out of medicine.”

"Ha ha……"

As soon as he heard my words, the water man's face became a little weird: "You left too hastily before, and you haven't told me, what should I do if this little girl gets sick again?"

This is indeed a problem, but it is not on my mind, because I have less than four hours left.

After four hours, I had to go back to the building and follow the company's arrangements.

"The money is not given to you for free. If something goes wrong, you can figure it out yourself. Anyway, no matter what, you have to promise me that she must live." Actually, I don't want to hand over the girl to this parallel importer, but I really have no choice room for it.

"Dude, this..."

The waterman struggled for a long time, and finally, he agreed in front of me.

Of course, at this time, I was actually ready to accept the worst outcome, after all, I still have no way to fully trust him.

I feel that even if he left the girl halfway and ran away alone, it is not impossible.

After instructing the water man again, I was ready to go back to the skyscraper, but as soon as I got out of the ward, I noticed two men looking at me not far away.

Moreover, when they noticed that I was looking at them, the two men immediately looked away and pretended to chat.

This kind of little trick is okay to deceive others, but how can it escape my eyes?
I felt that there was something strange about these two people, so I walked towards them.

When the two of them saw this, they immediately planned to run away, but I took three steps in parallel and stopped them before they could escape.

I held down both of them with one hand and one shoulder.

With my strength, even an elephant has to stand obediently for me.

"You two? You seem to care about my appearance?"

"I can not understand what you say."

I looked at the two with a smile on my face. The person I held down with my left hand pretended not to know anything, but the cold sweat dripping from their foreheads had already betrayed them.

"Who are you?" I asked softly with a smile.

At the same time, increase the strength of the hand.


We all heard the crackling of bones, and a little more force from me could crush their bones.

One of them couldn't stand it anymore, he gritted his teeth and said, "The superior sent us to monitor you, you'd better let us go, otherwise..."

As soon as he finished the first half of his sentence, my face darkened.

Spy on me?
In other words, the existence of the girl may have been exposed?

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