"Lord, please protect your devout believers from being harmed by strangers!"


Among the crowd not far away, several believers who knelt and worshiped and prayed attracted my attention.

To be more precise, it was their prayers that attracted me. The word 'foreigner' in it touched my nerves. I am sure that this so-called foreigner must be referring to me.

So, I took a step and walked towards those angles.

But when the crowd noticed that I was walking towards them, there was a commotion immediately, and those people ran wildly as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

In an instant, the place where nearly a hundred people had gathered originally dispersed cleanly with a crash.

Only those few believers are still worshiping.

That's enough, with a few of them here, I should be able to learn a lot of useful information.

I sighed helplessly.

Modern information technology is so advanced, but I can only use the most old-fashioned and slowest way to answer the doubts in my heart, which is also a kind of sadness...

As the distance between me and these believers gets closer, I can clearly feel that as the distance shortens, the pressure they are under is gradually increasing.

It's just that, to my surprise, none of these people ran away even though they were afraid to play.

Is this the power of faith?
"Oh God!"

I just glanced at these people, but I saw those people suddenly shouted, and then they also ran away in all directions.

Let me say a little bit, no matter how pious they are, the nature of human existence cannot be changed, and they will instinctively avoid danger in the face of danger, but there is also such a tough guy. Folded together, holding a cross necklace.

It was as if that little necklace could save his life.

Looking down, I found that his legs were trembling. Maybe he didn't run because his legs were weak and he couldn't run?


I tried to say hello in a friendly way, trying to make him relax. After all, I am not a man-eating monster, so there is no need to be so afraid of me.

It's just that it's fine if I don't speak, but the young man was startled by my words, and the cross in his hand fell to the ground.

His knees softened, he knelt down with a plop, and lay down in front of me, chanting prayers continuously, as if this could save his life.

I feel a little funny, but at this time, I can only comfort him: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt..."


However, as soon as I was halfway through my words, I was shot in the right shoulder. The pain was indeed painful, but I was used to this level of pain, so I didn't think it was a big deal.

Just as I was about to look in the direction where the bullets were coming from, a burst of gunfire crackled like rain.

Before I could see it, I quickly covered my head.

Da da da!
In an instant, the area where I was was covered by a hail of bullets, and many bullets hit me, causing blood to splatter everywhere.

Damn, am I caught?
The fire was suppressed, and I couldn't raise my head for a while. Although this level of attack couldn't hurt my life, the anger in my heart couldn't be suppressed anymore.

5 minutes, a full 5 minutes.

The number of bullets hitting me was at least a thousand, so that the area where I was standing was so dusty that I could barely keep my eyes open.

I looked behind me.

The young man lying on the ground just now has been beaten into a sieve, and he can't die anymore.

Looking forward, one can see a team of more than a dozen people. From their equipment, it can be seen that it is definitely not the government army.


I squinted my eyes, if this is not a human society, they would have become corpses at this time.

But I don't want to cause trouble.

Just let them live...

After making a decision, before the smoke cleared, I took the first step, quickly left the slums, and headed towards the jungle.

However, those people didn't seem to let go of my plan.

The engine roared behind me, and I turned my head to see that two jeeps followed closely behind. The people sitting in the car were the same people who just shot at me. They screamed strangely and looked very excited. The machine gun on my back fired at me frantically.


I was shot several more times in the back, I cursed secretly, and rushed into the jungle as fast as I could.

Maybe it's because I've been separated from human society for a long time. I'm quite used to this kind of environment, and the jeep can't drive in, which saves me some trouble.

It was almost six o'clock in the afternoon, and the day was coming to an end.

I found a relatively clean place, sat down to rest on the spot, and waited for the people sent by the doctor to pick me up.

The waiting time is very long.

During this period, I thought about many things, but most of them were still at a loss.

If I had followed my plan, I should be one step closer to breaking the curse, but now I have become a minion of the company, and I have to obey their orders.

But this is also a no-brainer.

I can not care about the time bomb on my heart, but the lives of those close to me are in danger, I cannot care less.

There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, so let's go.

At night, I was lying in a clearing in the woods, staring directly at the starry sky. I don't know how long it took, and there was a rumbling sound coming from far and near.

I feel that someone should be looking for me, but I just don't know if the person looking for me is sent by the company or the local gangsters.

I stood up, alert.

A moment later, a helicopter hovered over my head, and then a ladder was dropped from the helicopter.

It's someone sent by the company.

With a sigh of relief, I boarded the helicopter, and all the seats were empty except for one pilot.

After going up, I glanced down subconsciously, and I still remember the moment when I fell from the helicopter last time.

It was also that time that I finally fell into the hands of the company.

"Sit still."

The sound of the propeller is very loud, so the driver speaks in a roar.

The plane flew over the sky, and could see the dark woods and clusters of slums, and soon arrived in the urban area.

Two or 10 minutes later, the helicopter landed me on the top floor of a tall building.

As soon as I got off the plane, a black man in a suit and leather shoes walked towards me, followed by a sexy and hot female secretary.

"Hello." The black man extended his right hand towards me friendly.

But I didn't intend to shake hands with him, I just said indifferently: "What do I want?"

"This one……"

The black man smiled awkwardly, and then said, "Sorry, you have to cooperate with us to complete the inspection before you can take away the things."

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