"Tens of thousands of pills? Are you kidding me?" I almost laughed out of anger.

My fellow, he dared say so.

I'm not a drug dealer, so tens of thousands of pills?

Let alone whether I can get it or not, even if I take out all the stocks of the old man, it is estimated that there are not so many, right?


The water man rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and explained: "The main reason is that this medicine needs to be taken every six hours, and one bottle of medicine is only enough for two days."

"I don't want to die, so I have to make sure that I will always have medicine after I leave here."

What he said gave me a flash of inspiration, and I immediately came up with a good solution.

The medicine used to suppress the side effects of the modified person and the use of the ability is not only available in the company nowadays, assuming that I can leave here after the girl, the matter of the medicine will be solved!

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that this method was feasible, so I said, "I will try my best to help you get a batch of medicine from that old man first, and I will give you the rest after I leave here safely."


As soon as I finished speaking, the water man shook his head and said, "After you leave, if you don't keep your promise, then I can't do anything about you. Besides, can you get this medicine from other places?"

"Believe it or not."

After speaking, I turned around and left.

It has to be said that Shuiren's IQ is still very high, but he has something to ask for.

Relatively speaking, what he wants is more difficult to get, and it is also related to his own life, which makes him a disadvantage in this negotiation.

Since he inadvertently revealed the effect of that drug on him, he has put himself in a passive position.

I walked slowly on purpose to give him time to think.

I believe that with his IQ, it shouldn't take long to figure out what it means to change a bicycle into a motorcycle.


I had just stepped out of the stone room, when a stream of clear water rushed over from the wall behind me.

"I think we need to discuss it again!" The water quickly condensed into a mimesis in front of me, which made it easy for me to distinguish the expression on his face.

very urgent.

It seems that he has already figured it out, if he doesn't agree with my conditions and continues to stay here to be ordered by that old man, then in the end there is probably only a dead end waiting for him.

"I don't think it's necessary." Having taken the initiative in the negotiation, I felt more relaxed.

He gritted his teeth, his body suddenly changed, and a water curtain was formed directly in front of me, stopping me here: "I can agree to your conditions, but before that, you have to come up with something to make me believe in you!" Capital, at least, you have to tell me how you gave me medicine after going out."


I spit out two words lightly.

But the water man who heard this term looked puzzled, and I was a little helpless. Only then did I realize that before he became a reformer, he was just an ordinary person with no experience.

He has never heard of the secret that I know.

"As long as you can get me out of here, I can let you enter an organization in Huaxia, and they also have medicine to treat people like you."


"It's true." I nodded.

The organization's research on human transformation is quite fast. Before I joined the company, they had already developed drugs to suppress side effects.

The water man was silent for a long time, and then he said: "Give me some time to think, and I will come to you after I think clearly."

After speaking, his body disappeared into the crack in the wall.

I smiled lightly, he will definitely come to me soon.

If he doesn't agree to my conditions, my loss is just a chance to escape, and he will lose his life.

Comparing the two, he actually needs this deal more than I do.

After the water man left, I started to wander aimlessly in this place where the corridors criss-cross. The purpose of doing this was to wait for the water man to come to me.

Because from the bottom of my heart, I don't want to stay in this dark place for even a second.

But after several hours, I didn't wait for him.

In desperation, I could only go around and go back to the old man's laboratory again.

As soon as I came in, I saw the old man lying on the rocking chair, and beside the rocking chair, there was a cold corpse, and this corpse was the blind man who was killed by the water man a few hours ago.

"He, did he take you there?"

To my surprise, I didn't say anything, and the old man gave the answer as if he knew everything.

"how do you know?"

What the old man said made my heart sink to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

If he knows everything here, should I believe what the water man told me?
"Let me tell you, before he became a reformer, he had paranoia."

When the old man said this, he seemed a little helpless, "It's also ridiculous. Among so many experimental products, it was hard for a stronger one to stand out, and it turned out to be him."

"I won't let him leave here, of course, and you."

"And there is only one way out of here. If you want to believe his nonsense, you can try it."

As the old man spoke, he pointed to the stone pillar in the laboratory.

Only then did I suddenly realize that the girl was gone!

"Where did she go?" I asked quietly.

I miscalculated!

"If I want to tie you down, I can only hide her. Only in this way can you stay here with all your heart."

The old man stood up, walked to the laboratory table, pulled out a needle, and strode towards me: "But as long as you cooperate with me, I won't hurt her."

I knew from the way he looked at me that he wanted to draw my blood.

If it were someone else, I might have cut him into eight pieces at this time, but this old man always makes me feel very dangerous.

From the moment I met him until now.

Except for the matter related to the experiment, he was calm about everything, and that kind of strategizing made me a little afraid to do it lightly.

Helpless, I can only let him take a tube of my blood.

Although I don't know what he wants my blood for, it's definitely not a good thing.

"Performing well."

After the blood was drawn, the old man smiled easily, and then pointed to a floor tile under the laboratory bench.

"If you feel hungry, there is enough rations at the bottom, and you can try it anytime."

Then, he took my tube of blood and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

The footsteps got farther and farther away, and when they were about to disappear, I set off to follow.

I have to go see, at least, let me meet the girl!

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