I have to admit that after seeing such a thing, I was very disappointed in my heart.

And what the water man said next made me a little annoyed.

"Isn't it, buddy? Give me some reaction, you're acting too plain for such a disgusting thing, right?"

"Nothing else?"

I sneered and didn't even want to talk to him anymore.

That lump of carrion in a jar might be a novelty to a man like him, but what haven't I seen?

A mass of moving carrion, to me, is nothing more than pediatrics.

"Is that not enough?"

The water man twitched the corners of his mouth, scratched his bald head, and said in surprise: "I've heard that this thing seems to be brought back from another world, and it's said that it cost a lot... ..."

Brought back from another world?
The water man's hippie smile can prove that he doesn't understand the meaning, but I'm a person who came back from that world!
Earlier, I did bring back some things from that different world for the company.

Of course, the most valuable among them, apart from the piece pulled from the tree, is the body of Wu.

At that time, I had no choice but to sacrifice the trust between me and Wu to attack him in order not to expose my identity, but Wu was stronger than expected, and finally he ran away.

But the company obtained a sample of his body anyway.

The reason why I immediately think of Wu is because I have been devout in the company long enough to know what the specimens they bring out are.

All the creatures they transported outside for research were mutated creatures.

People like Wu who are affected by unknown forces and turned into monsters, the company has no samples so far...

No, they have!
That's what I brought out!
"Hey, buddy! Did you hear me? Do you know what another world is?" Seeing me in a daze, the water man stepped forward with a puzzled expression, and patted me on the shoulder.

I took a quick step back, startling him instantly.

But what I want to do is not to do anything to him, but to turn around and quickly go back to the stone platform, and take the jar up.

This time, I directly lifted the entire jar, and through the dim light bulb in the corner of the stone room, I could see the contents of the jar thoroughly.

Although the mass of meat inside has been rotten after being continuously soaked in nutrient solution.

However, the general shape can still be discerned.

Palm, this is the palm, I looked carefully for a long time before I was able to determine which part of Wu's body this mass of carrion was.

However, this is only a small half of the palm.

It has been at least a month since I came out of another world last time.

But even after such a long time, the abandoned limbs of Wu Broken still have not lost their vitality. The nutrient solution must have occupied part of the function, but it can't hide the magic of this mass of carrion.


My actions were incomprehensible to the water man, and I could hear him muttering behind me.

But I don't care about him at all now.

My thoughts turned quickly, and I didn't realize until now that the importance of that old man was probably far beyond my expectations.

Because such important samples are absolutely out of reach of ordinary people.

But the old man was able to steal it, and at the same time mastered the core technology related to transforming people.

I'm curious, at the risk of being hunted down by the company, he uses the technology of transforming people as a bargaining chip, what exactly does he want to get in exchange?

After a long time, the water man standing behind me sighed slightly: "You Huang people are very cunning, you can only talk about it, but your body is very honest."

"what do you want?"

Hearing what he said, I smiled slightly, put the pot in my hand back on the stone platform, and then slowly turned around and looked directly at him.

As soon as the words fell, the water man was happy.

He stretched out a palm, and the palm composed of water molecules kept surging, and a gray-black pill slowly emerged from it.

"that's it!"

I know this kind of medicine, and it is used to suppress the side effects of the modified person's ability to use it.

This drug is not a rare commodity.

Almost every force that can transform people can also produce this kind of medicine, but the efficacy of the medicine is slightly different.

"Brother, seriously, do you think I look cool now?" the water man said suddenly after showing me the pills.

I looked him up and down, then nodded.


I've seen a lot of reformers, but this is the first time I've seen someone as peculiar as him.

The whole body is made up of water molecules, a modified person like him is completely immune to physical attacks, and severed heads and feet are nothing to him at all.

In some respects, his ability is even stronger than my self-healing ability.

"I think so."

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders, but then his whole body fell down, and his whole body was uncontrollable, rippling water splashes round and round.

"But, without this medicine..."

Said, the water man threw up the pills in his hand, and swallowed them in one gulp with precision.

I watched helplessly as the pills flowed down his throat to his abdominal cavity, where they were quickly digested until they disappeared.

It was at this time that his entire face became blurred.

The originally mimicked human body loosened at this moment, turning into a puddle of water, and in an instant, it resumed its human form again.

"If I want to live, I have to take this drug continuously, otherwise, once the effect of the drug wears off, I will turn into a pool of stagnant water in an instant. It is precisely because of this that the old thing controls all of us .”

"It's okay not to listen to him."

"But we're all going to die, I don't want to die, I'm only 24 this year! I'm only 24!"

Speaking of the last sentence, the water man's emotions collapsed.

His whole body seemed to be boiling, and the roar was trembling and deafening.

"So you want me to help you get this medicine?"

I rubbed my nose and revealed his purpose.


After a few minutes, his emotions calmed down, and he continued to nod at me with a playful smile.

"It will cost tens of thousands of pills. As long as you can give me the medicine, I will tell you the way to take that chick out. This deal is a good deal, buddy?"

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