Next, there was the sound of a woman struggling.

I don't know what she's going through now, but her howling screams are simply shocking.

The girl twisted her body uneasily. Fortunately, my arm is strong enough to control her and prevent the two of us from falling.

The woman's howling was accompanied by vague footsteps, and she became farther and farther away. After ten minutes, her voice was no longer heard.

I felt my palms become moist, and when I looked back, the girl's silent tears flowed down the corners of her eyes to my arms. I could clearly feel her sadness without expressing it in words.

But I have no choice but to do so. My first consideration is our safety.

After she calmed down a little, I withdrew my hand, made a silent gesture, and then slowly moved down a little bit.

Soon, I came to the end of the stairs, which was about two meters above the ground and less than three meters high.

I held my breath, and after making sufficient mental preparations, I jumped.

Just now, I have listened carefully. There are at least a dozen breathing sounds coming from here. In other words, there are more than a dozen people gathered here. It is hard to say how many of them are reformers, but what is certain is that, The further you go, the more dangerous it is. I have to be extremely vigilant in order to have a chance to take care of me and the girl at the same time.

The moment I jumped, my two hands had turned into sharp claws.

I'm ready to face several reformers at the same time, and kill them by surprise.

However, when I landed, I realized that this was just a transformed cell, in which many locals were imprisoned, as well as a few white men and two strong black men.

Men, women, young and old, everything is available.

Among them, except for the two black men, the rest of them looked sluggish, their faces were pale, and their lips were peeled and cracked due to lack of water.

A low-quality light bulb connected to wires hung from the top of the prison, and the dim light illuminated the stone room less than fifty square meters in size.

After I landed, everyone's eyes focused on my paws, but they didn't feel afraid. On the contrary, they looked away from me with a dull expression and fell on the girl.

Maybe it's not surprising...

I frowned slightly, and was about to demolish the cell, but before I could do it, one of the men with brown paint on his face suddenly stood up like crazy, and rushed towards us.

He looked like a ghost who hadn't seen meat for decades. If it wasn't for the iron fence, he might have ripped us apart.


However, the moment the man hit the iron fence, a puff of scorched smoke came out from where he touched the fence.

Obviously, in order to better control these captives, this fence is electrified.

In the cell, the other people watched this scene, unmoved at all, just huddled quietly in the corner, staring at me with gray and lifeless pupils, or at the girl behind me.

These people have lost their desire to live. If they weren't still breathing, they would look no different from dead people.

In comparison, a man like a hungry ghost is still alive.

Perhaps stimulated by the electric current, the man's emotions gradually calmed down. While trembling, he slowly climbed up the money, and opened his mouth that was stuck together because of being too dry through a layer of iron fence. He murmured a few words dryly.

I didn't understand a single word he said.

But the girl understood, she pointed to the prison in frustration and excitement, and then pointed to my paw.


I nodded, stepped forward, and cut off the cage in front of them under a series of lifeless gazes.

The moment the cage was cut off, the girl rushed in and embraced the man. The man held the girl's cheek in his cracked and rough hands, and shed two lines of tears like he had found a treasure.

What surprised me was that although the obstacles that stopped them had been cleared by me, these people didn't seem to have any intention of escaping.

Although the expressions of a few of them changed slightly, they did not take any action after all, and they still lay in the corner without saying a word.

Running out of energy?
I sighed, and I could see from their refugee appearance that they should have been trapped here for many days, without food and water, and their hunger had worn away their last will to survive.

Now they have no energy to escape.

The spirited man in front of him is probably the girl's relatives, father, uncle or something like that.

I stood quietly aside, watching the moment of tenderness between the two.

Most of my attention is on the only passage here, and I always pay attention to the movement coming from the passage. The direction where the woman's screams disappeared just now is the direction of the passage. There must be a hole in the ruins.

But, now there is a difficult choice before me.

To withdraw, or not to withdraw?

People can be regarded as being saved, but the real situation of the task assigned to me by the company far exceeds the information they have.

The best policy, of course, is to evacuate immediately, and then leave the rest of the matter to those people in the company. After all, the problem of poor information is caused by them, and I don't have to be responsible.

"Forget it, why don't you go in and have a look, try, and rescue that woman."

Suddenly, another idea popped up in my mind, which was so abrupt that I was caught off guard, and even made me feel that I might have schizophrenia to a certain extent?

After all, I still know who I am.

It stands to reason that such thoughts would never appear in my mind at this time, as if, as if there was another person living in my mind, trying to give orders to my soul and even my body to influence my thoughts .

Thinking about it this way, a sudden feeling of rancidity spread all over his body.

This feeling has become stronger and stronger since I entered this ruins, and it is definitely not my own problem.

Is the environment here too depressing, or am I too anxious?
I thought about the reasons, but none of them made me happy.

Suddenly, a light flashed in my mind.

no, no...

Could it be that there is a powerful reformer who can influence other people's thinking?

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