All kinds of weird and bizarre things, I have experienced a lot.

But I still can't figure out why these things just hit me.

Evil door...

Staring blankly at the darkness in front of me, it took me a long time before I suddenly came back to my senses.

What the hell am I thinking?

I noticed that my thoughts are a little floating now, maybe the environment here makes me feel too depressed.

Shaking my head fiercely, after putting away the messy thoughts in my head, I raised my hand and cut a palm-sized stone on the wall.


The stone flew a long way in the darkness before landing with a crisp sound.

I can't help but frown.

So it can be seen that there is nothing blocking the passage in front of us, but why can't the light pass through?
But now that he has come here, he can only bite the bullet and go on.

Both the girl and I lightened our steps, tried our best to avoid making noise, and groped forward bit by bit quietly.

The light of the flashlight can only illuminate the road less than three meters ahead for us.

three meters.

Not too short, not too long.

The darkness that hit my face gave me a sense of fear from the bottom of my heart. I haven't experienced this feeling for a long time.

It's not like I haven't encountered more horrible and worse scenes.

But the strange thing here is that there is nothing, but it makes me feel a creepy feeling.


After walking more than ten meters away, the girl suddenly called me softly.

The sound was not loud, but it was exceptionally loud in such an almost enclosed space, and it directly broke out in a cold sweat on my back.

Looking back, there was nothing behind him.


It wasn't until this time that I suddenly realized that the entrance we came in had disappeared!
Instead, there is darkness.

Logically speaking, no matter how deep we go, we can still see the light of the entrance.

This place is very unusual!
I patted the girl's head to comfort her.

The girl raised her small face, bit her lower lip and looked at me with some fear.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

As soon as I finished speaking, I suddenly heard a slight wind, as if something was approaching me.


I raised my head sharply and raised the flashlight at the same time.

It's just that in the darkness in front of him, a cloud of black mist suddenly rushed out, and a twisted and hideous human face protruded.

Although I was terrified, I didn't panic at all about this scene.

It doesn't matter what it is, just cut it and it's over.

Let go of the flashlight and raise the paw.

Cut this distorted face directly into five pieces.


What I didn't expect was that this one turned out to be a solid body. After being cut off by me, it fell to the ground, and the thick black mist dispersed, revealing its true colors.

It was a person, a person less than fifty centimeters tall.

His big head occupies nearly half of the height, and the small body supports the head, which looks a bit weird.

Transformation of people?

Death is already dead, and I didn't bother to observe him anymore. After taking a look, I took my eyes away from him.

Then, I found that the whole passage became extremely bright.

It seems that the reason why I couldn't see the road ahead was because of this reformer.

It's not very strong...

I shook my head, feeling a little bit grateful at the same time.

Fortunately, although so far, I have encountered a lot of reformers, but at least there has not been one that makes me difficult to deal with.

"Let's go."

The girl tightly clutched the corner of my clothes. To reassure her, I withdrew my sharp claws and took her hand.

The reformer who created the black mist died, and the road in front of him could be seen clearly at a glance.

This channel, sloping downward, is about 50 meters long.

Now that I could see clearly, I quickened my pace.

When I came to the end of the passage, what appeared before my eyes was a vertical staircase.

very long.

There are traces of recent man-made excavations.

At the bottom, a glimmer of light can be seen faintly.

I know that I have already arrived at the other party's base camp. Fortunately, judging from the current situation, we should not have been discovered yet.

I pointed to the ground under my feet, signaling for the girl to wait for me here.

But she shook her head and insisted on going with me.


I calmed down my agitated heart, bit the tip of my tongue hard, and the severe pain calmed me down.

The stairs are vertically downward, easy to go up and difficult to go down.

But this is only for ordinary people. For me, it is not too simple, and I can even jump directly if I want to.

Just to avoid making too much noise, I can only climb down slowly.

I picked up the girl on my back and quickly climbed to the last step.

Here, I stayed for a long time, relying on my keen sense of hearing to judge whether there is anyone below.

It doesn't matter if you don't listen to it, once I hear it, my heart is half cold.

The sound of breathing was rough, and it was roughly estimated that there were at least dozens of people.

Damn, are the remodelers here mass-produced?so much?Even if they are not strong, it is impossible for me to deal with so many of them at once...

What's more, I also brought a weak human girl with me.

If you withdraw, you have to withdraw...

The number of people is beyond my imagination, there is no more, and there is no need to explore further.

But just as I was about to evacuate with the girl, I suddenly heard a voice in English.

"Who will be next?"

"Ah, I chose you!"

This voice sounds a bit vicissitudes, an out-and-out native American accent.

In this area, I met not many Americans.

Even with my knees, I can guess that the person speaking below should be the target of my mission.

Rush in, knock out, take away!
A short and quick idea suddenly appeared in my mind.

However, just when I was hesitating whether to make a move, a woman's voice suddenly came from below.

There was a burst of gibberish.


The girl who was hugging my neck tightly became excited. If I hadn't reacted quickly and quickly covered her mouth with a hand, I would have screamed out.

"Woman, um, if the experiment can be successful on you, you will definitely be able to sell it for a good price."

Ready to experiment?
Hearing this voice, I vaguely knew something.

The traitor of that company is selecting experimental products!And this test product has an extraordinary relationship with the girl!

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