
In an instant, the cooking smoke I saw before flashed in my mind.

Those people must have planted the landmine that I stepped on just now.

It's unclear whether it's an enemy or a friend, so I asked the girl to hide first, based on the principle of being cautious.

As for me, the injury on my body is quite serious. I don't want to move for a while.

A few minutes later, a group of people appeared in the jungle.

They were wearing green camouflage uniforms, everyone was fully armed and looked cautious.

Little by little, I was groping towards where I was.

Roughly estimated, the number of this team is probably more than 20 people.

Their leader is a woman, her facial features are not very delicate, but she gives people a heroic feeling.

She was also the first to discover me.

Originally, I planned to greet them in a friendly manner, but the moment the gun went off, I knew it was impossible.

Fortunately, a bullet hit me like a tickle.


Seeing them take out the grenade, I immediately yelled.

Why do these people look like lunatics?

Obviously, this is the first time I've seen them, why do they look at me like they have deep hatred?
The female leader seemed to understand what I said, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

More than a dozen grenades were thrown towards where I was.

In this case, even if I want to hide, I can't hide.

After avoiding a few grenades dangerously, it was inevitable that I was still hit by a grenade, and I was thrown upside down immediately, with my chest covered in blood and blood.

I couldn't move, those people surrounded me from all directions, and everyone had a shiny knife in their hands.

Obviously, they didn't intend to keep alive.

"I am not your enemy!"

I suppressed the pain and whispered angrily.

But my words didn't work, seeing more than a dozen blades getting closer and closer to me.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a slightly immature voice.

It's that girl.

Everyone looked at the girl, and it was obvious that these people were puzzled as to why the girl appeared in this place.

I saw that the girl stood in front of me recklessly, protected me behind her, and then said a lot of things to the female leader that I couldn't understand.

Although I can't understand it, I can roughly guess it.

She is protecting me.

I can't help but smile.

Originally, I didn't pay attention to this girl at all. After all, compared to me, she is an ordinary person, a useless burden.

But in this case, it was this ordinary voice that saved my life.

The female leader and the girl chattered for a long time.

The eyes of everyone looking at me changed slightly. Under the signal of the female leader, two strong men came out, one left and one right, and stood me up.

Then, they took me carefully across the minefield.

What are they doing?

I really want to know their purpose, but unfortunately, I can't understand their language at all.

I have always been fortunate that at present, my life should not be in danger.

These people took me around the forest area for nearly an hour, before they came out.

Then, I came to a camp.

The conditions are very simple, except for tents and some military supplies, there is almost nothing else to see.

Everyone here looks like a well-trained soldier, very vigilant, especially when they saw me, the hatred in their eyes almost flowed out.

They threw me into a tent.

Then, two guards were left at the door.

After an hour of recovery, I supported myself and still had the strength to sit up.


Suddenly, a dark-skinned young man poked his head in from outside the tent.

Speaking English is like finding a bosom friend for me.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

I try to speak in a kind tone.

But even though I said that, the guard on his face still remained. Obviously, they didn't like me as an unexpected guest.

"If you don't want to die, just stay here honestly, otherwise, we will definitely chop you up, understand?"

After the young man threw a threat at me, he left in a hurry.

At this time, the sky outside has begun to darken, and the clouds are thick. If I guess correctly, there should be a heavy rain next.

I tried more than once to communicate with the two guards outside the tent, but they couldn't understand what I said, so I had no choice but to give up after trying in vain.


Lying in the tent, I took a deep breath.

If my body wants to fully recover, I will not be able to act tonight, so I can only rest for a while and wait until tomorrow to set off.

As far as I'm concerned, it's pretty good.

Although I don't know what these people are doing here, at least with the care of these people, I don't have to worry about the danger of the girl following me.

In my plan, I will spend the night peacefully tonight, and then I will sneak away from here before dawn.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and everything was far from smooth as I expected.

When night came, it was windy and windy.

The bright lightning streaked across the night sky, as if it was about to tear the whole day into pieces, it was thrilling.

Bored in every possible way, I slowly closed my eyes.

But before I fell asleep completely, I suddenly heard a gunshot, followed by intensive firing.

It was as if an enemy army was attacking.

The entire camp turned into a battlefield in an instant.

"what happened?"

Two guards also rushed in at this time, and Hei Youyou's muzzle was pressed against my head, threatening me not to move.

Under their coercion, it is not easy for me to do anything to them, so I can only wait and see what happens.

Judging from the direction of the gunshots, there should be a lot of enemies.


Just then, thunder struck again.

With the bright light from the lightning, I vaguely saw a black figure flashing past not far from my tent.

But what I saw was only for a moment.

I have some doubts, I am dazzled.

But then, the tent I was in was blown away by a huge force!
The torrential rain slapped on my face, and a gigantic monster appeared naked in front of me!

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