The originally green and beautiful mountains and rivers and trees now show mottled rock ridges as if suffering from psoriasis.

The traces of artillery bombardment are very conspicuous, and it is hard to imagine what a tragic battle took place here.

Destroyed trees rolled down the hills.

Looking around, dilapidated corpses can be seen everywhere, and they seem to be able to smell the pervasive stench of corpses from a long distance away.

If ordinary people saw such a scene, they would have turned back a long time ago.

But we didn't stop there.

"I'll carry you."

I tried my best to gesture to the girl.

The mountain on this side has become very fragile after being bombarded by artillery fire, and it may cause disasters such as landslides if you are not careful.

For me, of course, this is not a big problem.

The girl tilted her head and looked at me for a long time, then nodded.

My speed is very fast, even if I carry her on my back, it will not affect my progress.

Without much effort, we came to the top of the opposite mountain.

It was noon at this time, and I was not at a high point, so the line of sight was excellent.

The terrain ahead is much calmer.

About a few hundred meters away, you can see bursts of green smoke rising from the jungle. It can be preliminarily concluded that there must be someone there.

Further away, one kilometer away, you can see a protruding stone spire covered with moss.

It is very close to the destination.

While I felt very relaxed, I was a little puzzled, how could there be cooking smoke in this deep mountain and old forest area?
what's the situation?
I don't know why, but I know very well that the closer we are to our destination, the more dangerous our situation will be. We must be cautious and act cautiously.

Even at the speed of normal people, we can reach our destination before the sun goes down.

So I was not in a hurry, and moved forward cautiously together with the girl.

The environment here has also been damaged by explosives. The ground is full of bomb craters, and there are quite a few scratches on the trunks of some century-old trees.

good guy...

I'm always on the lookout for movement around me, lest we encounter an ambush or something.

But walking in the jungle has a huge drawback.

Here, the line of sight is blocked by dense vegetation, and the only thing you can rely on to determine whether there are people in front of you is your hearing.

But in this environment, sound propagation conditions are very harsh.

I can only be more careful, but even so, it is still inevitable that I will be tricked.


A foot fell, and suddenly there was a crisp sound, as if stepping on a metal soda can.

For a moment, my nerves tensed.

I'm pretty sure that the thing that stepped on my feet wasn't a soda can.


I immediately gestured to the girl following me to stop.

She stopped obediently and looked at me curiously, not understanding what happened.

I tried to keep my right foot still, and then slowly, little by little, I squatted down, and then carefully cleaned up the dead branches and leaves around my feet, and scraped away the humus soil on the surface.


When I saw the metal objects under my feet, my heart was more than half cold.

What kind of wicked thing would plant landmines here?
The only thing that makes me happy is that this landmine is not triggered, otherwise it would have exploded the moment I stepped on it.

Although I think I should be able to survive, but the girl standing behind me will definitely be blown to pieces.


I cursed in a low voice.

I have seen a lot of advanced weapons, but there is really nothing I can do about this traditional sharp weapon.

After all, I don't know anything about the craft of bomb disposal.

How to do?
I took a deep breath, looked back at the girl who was looking at me curiously, then, I pointed to the direction we came from, signaling her to stay away from me.

Although the girl was a little puzzled, she was still very well-behaved, and quickly walked ten meters away.

After confirming that even if the landmine exploded, it would not hurt her, I turned my gaze back. To be honest, I am in a terrible mood right now.

The joy of being about to reach the destination was also swept away by this landmine.

Even though my self-healing ability is superb, if this landmine explodes now, I, who is in the center of the explosion, will definitely not feel well.

Fortunately, having experienced too many storms and waves, I am not nervous at this time.

I was extremely careful and cleaned up the soil around the mine bit by bit.

Then slowly bent down and looked down.

The manufacturing method of this landmine looks very rough, and there are three red lines falling outside.

Can it be dismantled?
I took out the dagger, intending to try to cut the three wires, but just when the blade was about to touch the lead wires, I had an ominous premonition in my heart.

What if you make a mistake and cause an explosion?
I'm a little tangled, but I can't just stand here forever, can I?

A few minutes later, I gritted my teeth and cut off all three threads with one knife.

At this moment, I closed my eyes, but there was no explosion.

succeeded?It shouldn't be that simple, otherwise, wouldn't everyone be a bomb disposal master...

Right now, the only way to verify my success is to test myself.

Fuck it, fight it!
I counted five silently in my heart, then I jerked my feet out, turned around and rushed towards the place where the girl was.

But at the moment when my foot was lifted.

A 'click' sounded.

What followed was deafening explosions, splashes of shrapnel, and mud and stones.

At this time, I was only two meters away from the center of the explosion.

Inevitably, he was directly thrown away by the shock wave generated by the explosion, and the feeling of the skin and flesh on his back being torn apart by the explosion and then healed quickly was simply not too sour.

In a blink of an eye, I fell hard to the ground and ate a mouthful of dirt.

All that can be heard in the ears is a buzzing sound.


I spat out the dirt in my mouth, supported my sore body in a bit of a mess, and slowly got up, just now I saw the girl who had rushed to my side.

She helped me slowly sit aside.

I looked sideways, and saw that the skin on my right shoulder was ripped open, and even the bones were cracked. Fortunately, the healing speed was astonishing. It probably took more than an hour, and it should be almost done.

good guy...

Looking at the location of the landmine just now, there was a smoking pit with a diameter of more than two meters.

The smell of gunpowder is a bit pungent.

It took a long time for my hearing to recover, but before I could breathe a sigh of relief, the sound of hurried footsteps not far away made me vigilant again.

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