On the surface, the attack method he exposed at this moment is like a ferocious beast.

But I'm not sure what other abilities he's hiding.


When the monster raised its head, harsh noises erupted from that sharp mouth.

Then, he flapped a pair of fleshy wings on his back, rolled up gusts of wind and waves, and swooped towards me.

In this case, I dare not underestimate the enemy.

Especially in such a dangerous place, once the fighting time is too long, it is likely to attract other people.

After all, I have no way to be sure, he is the only reformer around here.


Several thoughts flashed through my mind.

In the blink of an eye, the monster had already pounced on the sky above my head, and my right hand had turned into a claw covered with hard scales at this moment.

But at this moment, there was a sudden noise from the truck not far away.

This movement attracted the attention of me and the monster at the same time.

is a child?

When my eyes fell on the jeep, I saw a girl about seventeen or eighteen years old, with brown skin, who should have some Indian blood.

The girl looked at me and the monster in panic, then suddenly thought of something, and fled towards the forest.

Maybe it's because the girl's meat is more tender.

After seeing the escaped girl, the monster immediately shifted its target and gave up attacking me.


At the critical moment, I gritted my teeth and sighed secretly about my stupid behavior, then rushed forward.

From a rational point of view, since someone has helped me attract happy attention, then I should flee at this time and complete the tasks assigned to me by the company as soon as possible, which is the first choice.

But if I leave at this time, the girl in front of me will definitely not escape the claws of death.

Unsurprisingly, before the girl ran far, the monster had already approached her.


The monster opened its blood-mouthed fangs, and as soon as it saw it, it bit the girl's head.

And I just arrived at this time, looked at the right moment, raised my sharp claws, and pierced the monster's throat directly!

The nail, which was nearly thirty centimeters long, pierced through the monster's neck and protruded from the back of its head.

Blood gushed out as expected.

Instead, its blood is extremely thick.

It felt like super glue on my paws.

However, the vitality of a large part of the reformed people is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

With such a wound, an ordinary person would have died long ago.

But he was different, although at the moment of the injury, his huge body became stiff, but immediately after, he slammed the fleshy wings on his back and slapped me.


The girl screamed in fright at the brutal scene before her.

And I subconsciously chose to avoid it.

The moment I pulled my claws out of his neck, I realized that although the guy wasn't dead, he had been badly injured.

The monster clutched the wound on its neck, flapped its wings, rolled up a huge wind and waves, and fled towards the depths of the jungle.

I retract my paw.

With a thought, the sharp weapon transformed into a human palm again.

"Don't be afraid, little girl, it's all right..."

I tried to use English to comfort this frightened and panicked girl.

But she didn't seem to understand what I said, she stared blankly at the direction where the monster disappeared, and whispered some languages ​​that I had never heard before.

What does it mean?
It took more than half an hour for the girl to recover from the extreme sky, but after she glanced at me, she backed up again and again, as if I was the man-eating monster.

poof.The naked eye visibility of ordinary people is extremely low, and it is in a backward situation. The girl accidentally stepped on the ground and fell to the ground and shrank into a ball.

"Don't be afraid..."

In order to alleviate her fear, I tried to put on a smile that I thought was amiable, and squatted in front of her.

I also don't know why I'm doing this.

After all, I'm meddling in my own business, and if I analyze it from an objective point of view, I will definitely think I am a fool.

Perhaps because she felt that I would not hurt her, the girl finally raised her head to look at me.

Even in the dark night, there is a flash of light in her agile eyes, which I can't describe.

In her pupils, I see myself now.

At this moment, I understood why I meddled in my own business and chose to save her.

Because of the conscience in my heart.

My physical body has undergone irreversible changes, which may turn me into a complete monster at any time. I choose to do kindness, purely to comfort myself.

Even though my body has changed, my soul is still human at heart.

But suddenly, the girl got up from the ground, turned around and ran towards the direction where Guan I disappeared.

Before leaving, she looked back at me.

At this time, I was shaking people back to my senses, looking at that look, I was slightly taken aback.

She seems to hate me very much.

I obviously saved her!

I'm a little confused, so I originally planned to show kindness and send her back to the human habitat, but now it seems that there is no need for that.

However, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the girl's direction is in the same direction as my destination.

My speed is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people, so it is not difficult to catch up with the girl.

But I didn't do that.

I followed closely behind the girl, keeping a distance of about 50 meters, and slowly moved forward.

I really want to know why a person who just escaped from the claws of death flees in this direction?
My intuition told me that she must have a reason for doing this.

When I followed her, I had guessed countless times what the reason for her doing this was.

But just a few hours later, a scene that I never expected appeared before my eyes.

The road here is not spacious, and the branches and leaves on both sides are lush.

All kinds of flowering vines climb and intertwine.

But the smell of blood mixed in the fragrance of the flowers became more and more intense.

The girl stopped at a distance of 50 meters in front of me, then raised her head, looked at the monster hanging upside down on the tree, and called a few words in a crying tone that I couldn't understand.

Is she looking for death?
I was taken aback for a moment, never thinking that I would see such a scene.

When this thought came to my mind, the monster also opened its green eyes and stared straight at the girl.


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