After I figured everything out, I suddenly felt pressure doubled.

Other forces sent people here, it must be for the scientific researcher who spread the news in the black market.

I have to find him before anyone else, otherwise, [-]% of the tasks assigned to me by the company will be counted as failures.

The punishment I will face can be ignored.

But Yucheng Yao is still in their hands.


The man with the scar looked at me cautiously, and asked cautiously: "I've told you everything I know, can you let me go now?"


I replied without thinking.

Immediately, I grabbed his collar and threw him out of the window.

I have no doubt that these vicious people have several lives in their hands, and they sell and trade things, driving countless people to the abyss.

In other words, they don't regret dying.

Everyone else was terrified by what I did, they looked at me in fear, only a few of them got up the courage to shoot me.

In an instant, gunfire raged.


It was also at this time that sirens sounded from the street facing the window.

Don't stay here for long.

I have murderous intentions. As an outsider, if the local military family finds out that I have contact with these dirty guys, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

This is not conducive to my mission.

Within a few breaths, I broke the necks of the remaining dozen villains in the room one by one.

Then, in the blink of an eye, I went back to my room, closed the door, cleaned up the blood on my body, and stuffed the blood-stained clothes into the toilet tank.

Deng Deng Deng!
Soon, a rush of footsteps came from outside the stairs.

I could tell just by the sound that the invited local police station had entered the room next to me.

A few minutes later, they bluntly knocked on my door.

I leisurely walked forward and opened the door, looked at the slightly fat police officer in front of me, shrugged my shoulders, pretended I didn't know anything and said, "What's wrong?"

"Sir, a murder happened next door to you, please cooperate with my investigation."

"Murder case?"

I looked at him incredulously, and said in a questioning tone: "I did hear gunshots from the next door just now, but there shouldn't be anyone dead, right? How could someone kill someone in a place like this in broad daylight?"


After hearing my slightly childish words, the fat police officer frowned, pulled the brim of his hat, turned around and left, cursing in a low voice.

I closed the door and relaxed on the bed.

Transformation of people……

It was about five o'clock in the afternoon when I fell asleep, and when midnight was approaching, I woke up, lifted my luggage, opened the window, and jumped down in the night like a nimble civet cat.

Before I came here, I had heard about it.

The law and order here is very poor, perhaps because of this reason, so at this point in time, the street is pitch black, and there is no light at all.

In the night, this small town next to the jungle adds a bit of depressing atmosphere.

After finding the right direction, I ran away from this small town.

It didn't take long before I came to the edge of the jungle, and one step further, it was the most active area of ​​their criminals.

It is precisely because of this that they should have opened up a series of intricate trails in the jungle that should have dense vegetation and nowhere to stay.

"Hundred kilometers..."

In the night, I glanced at the map and couldn't help but smile a few times.

According to the data, the defected scientific researcher was hiding in an undeveloped Mayan ruins, and the reason why the ruins have not been developed is because it is located in the deep mountains and old forests.

And in the area around it, there are still a large number of drug dealers hiding.

And now, I have to beware of other people whose goals are the same as mine.

Those who can be sent to carry out this kind of mission must be extremely capable, and any one picked at random is an extremely strong opponent.

Based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, I definitely don't want to meet them.

But in reality, things often backfire.

As I gradually went deeper into the jungle, the night was getting darker, the moon was on the branches, and the road ahead began to become clearer.

Faintly, I heard a shrill cry.

There are also some indistinguishable sounds mixed in.

I stopped and checked carefully, a little hesitant.

The source of the sound was directly in front of me. Although it is not clear what happened there, if I did not choose to detour, I would definitely collide with them.

To go around or not to go around?
After a little thought, I hid my figure, slowed down my forward speed, and tried not to make any noise to avoid being discovered.

After advancing about half a kilometer, a clearing appeared in the jungle in front of us.

A Jeep, with its lights still on, was in the middle of the clearing.

The screams came from the back of the car. I noticed with sharp eyes that there was a black shadow shaking behind the car. Looking carefully, it seemed to be a person, but I don’t know why he was wearing a cloak, and he was making waves. There was a piercing sound, and it was unclear what he was doing.

Cautiously, I walked half a circle through the woods at the edge of the clearing, only then did I see clearly what was under the black cloak.

It was a face with flaring nostrils, large eyes, and a face covered with fine black down.

The mouth is open, with four sharp canine teeth protruding.

And his rake-like hand was clutching a bloody arm.


I have long seen this kind of cruel scene, but what makes me feel a little fucked is that although I have expected it, other reformers have also come here.

But I didn't expect to see you so soon.


I didn't want to conflict with him, but just when I was about to leave, he suddenly raised his head and looked at where I was.

Made, can you see me too?
In an instant, the hairs all over my body exploded, and in the dark night, his eyes shone with a faint green light, staring straight at me.


Suddenly, a pair of fleshy wings with a wingspan of four meters opened from behind him.

My intuition told me that this monster had already regarded me as a prey target. Originally, I wanted to use my speed to escape, but the moment he flew up, I knew that there was no way I could retreat.

Between this monster and me, only one can survive!

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