"No, you haven't seen me."

He spoke in a hoarse voice, and I could hear that there was a hint of teasing in his tone.

But the moment he spoke, I was [-]% sure that I had indeed seen him!


Isn't he already dead?

My memory is thousands of times stronger than that of ordinary people. I clearly remember that he died in the pool full of sulfuric acid a long time ago.

Every detail is vivid, and I'm pretty sure I'm not mistaken.

The man in front of him should indeed be a dead man!

But how could he, who was already dead and could not die again, stand in front of me again?

Suddenly, I seemed to understand something, and suddenly realized: "You are..."

But he was one step faster than me. Before I finished speaking, he grabbed the plate in my hand, opened the door and walked out in a hurry.

My voice also stopped abruptly.

I looked at the closed door quietly, and there was a voice in my heart telling myself that I absolutely did not admit my mistake.

But just as I was thinking, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

Just when I thought it was the person who left just now and came back, I found out that the person who came in was a doctor.

Behind him, there are two researchers who are similar to assistants.

When I saw that face that made me sick from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't control the hatred that surged in my heart, and I wished I could screw their heads off right now.

"It looks like you're recovering pretty well?"

The doctor waved his hand casually, as if calling a dog.

"Come with me, we are going to conduct a set of tests on you. I hope you can fully cooperate with us in this test. This will be very helpful to you or your little girlfriend."

As he spoke, he didn't forget to threaten me.

"You know."

I couldn't help smiling, lowered my head, and didn't speak.

I understand, I understand your grandma's size!
Ten minutes later, I followed the doctor and his party to a huge training ground, which was empty except for the four of us.

But there are a lot of weird training equipment.

Under the direction of the doctor, the two assistants pushed trolleys one after another. On each trolley was a square piece of metal the size of a washbasin.

"First, we need you to use your claws to cut these alloys, starting from left to right."


My body has changed, and I am very sensitive to this word. I subconsciously looked at my hand, and my heart was full of resistance to this test.

In the final analysis, I actually do not accept the fact that my body has changed again.

But I also know that I don't have the right to choose now.

With a thought, the skin on the surface of the harvest began to crack, blood dripped onto the ground, and then protruded, the sharp claws hidden under my skin grew rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the sharp claws grew to the size of a volleyball, and the protruding nails looked like sharp long knives.

The pain from the torn skin made me look at the metal block in front of me numbly.

I put my target on the first one, which looks like a piece of metal.

It was easy and effortless, and I remembered that it was cut in half, and the cross-section was smooth and flat, which even made me feel a little surprised.


As a bystander, the doctor gasped in admiration.

And the two assistants beside him lowered their heads and took notes on the tablet.

I really want to know the significance of this test, but it is a pity that the doctor will not tell me. I know this well, so I want to end this farce as soon as possible.

After easily cutting through three pieces of alloy one after another, I saw a familiar material, pure white, just like the wall of the room where I was imprisoned.

Composite materials of the same material?

I looked at my claws, then at the material in front of me, slowly stretched out my hand, and landed the tip of the claw on the alloy.


Without any hindrance, or even a sense of stagnation, the piece of metal in front of him had broken into two pieces.

I was stunned, that is to say, as long as I want to, I can go out of the room where I was imprisoned effortlessly, which is simply too convenient for me now.

As long as, as long as I use my claws.

Soon, all the metal presented in front of me was cut into two pieces by me. The doctor was obviously extremely satisfied with the result.

If it weren't for the protruding claws on my hand, I feel that he even has the urge to come and hug me.

"Very good, very good, perfect."

While the doctor was talking, the two assistants quickly brought two more guns, which looked like normal caliber pistols.

From the way they look, they want to shoot me.

At that time, two ideas emerged in my mind, either avoid or kill these two people.

But when I saw the doctor's eyes, I knew I had to be a living target standing still.

The two assistants pointed their guns at me and shot me without hesitation.

After a dozen gunshots in succession.

My body was already dripping with blood, which made me feel helpless and at the same time feel my dignity being trampled upon.

"how could be?"

The doctor looked at the gunshot wound on my body suspiciously, then pointed the gun from the assistant's hand at my paw, and pulled the trigger.

I clearly saw that the moment the designed bullet hit my paw, it began to deform.

Then it was thrown out.

Although during this, I felt that my hand was subjected to a strong impact, but I did not suffer any injuries.

What's more, my paws are intact, not like being shot at all.

"So that's how it is..."

The doctor nodded suddenly, looked at me with burning eyes, and said excitedly: "I can't wait, I want to see your body completely changed! I promise, it will be an extreme The state of evolution!"

As soon as the words fell, an ominous premonition sprouted in my heart.

This dog thing...

Could it be that you want to turn me into a monster completely?
I even have a scene in my mind of the doctor using me to do horrible experiments, and it is also mixed with the appearance of me completely turning into a monster.

You know, if my body completely transforms into a monster, then by then, my consciousness will not belong to me.

My body will become the body of another creature!

I don't know what that creature is, but I absolutely don't want myself to disappear from this world!

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