"Now you are not qualified to know this, you just need to obey the order absolutely."

The doctor easily put the head back on the neck. It was visible to the naked eye that new granulation sprouted at the fracture and healed quickly.

The company's artificial human technology has reached a level of proficiency.

From the appearance alone, even the skin and flesh can't tell the real from the fake.

If I hadn't cut off his head just now, I wouldn't have thought that he was just a robot.

"Isn't it interesting, amazing?"

The doctor had already noticed my strange expression. He squatted down and faced me, touched his neck and said, "Does it look familiar? Yes, this is the technology I extracted from your genes. "

"Unfortunately, it took so long, and we only managed to extract a little bit of fur from your memory, alas..."

At this moment, I can't wait to tear out all the parts in his brain.

But I know that now both my life and Yucheng Yao's life are firmly in his hands.

I can disregard my own safety, but Yucheng Yao can't.

I will never allow her to suffer any trauma.

I straightened up and watched Yucheng Yao's side face silently, struggling in my heart for a long time, in the end, I had no choice but to lower my head helplessly.

"That's right."

The doctor looked at me like he was looking at a loyal dog, and he clapped his hands proudly.

Immediately, a burst of orderly footsteps passed.

More than a dozen armed personnel hurried in from outside the door, and they took Yucheng Yao away in front of me.

"Take him down too."

The doctor glanced at me leisurely and easily waved his hand.

"I will let you know when I can use you. I hope you will behave better during this time, otherwise it will not only be you, but also your little girlfriend..."

He said, making a gesture of wiping his neck.

I understand what this means, but because of my reluctance, I can only allow myself to enter a small room of more than ten square meters under the leadership of these armed men.

There is only one bed and one bathroom.

The lights above my head were very bright, and the spotless white walls made me feel a little dazed.

"Is it a dream?"

I looked at my hands and muttered to myself with some disappointment.

I closed my eyes again, raised my head, and opened my eyes after a long time. Everything in front of me has not changed, it is still the same.

Not a dream.

I murmured again.

I know very well in my heart that everything that happened now is real, and even if I deceive myself, I can't change the fact.

I punched the wall hard enough to cause an ordinary concrete wall to collapse.

But in front of me, this kind of white wall is not an ordinary thing. After being hit by such a fist from me, it didn't move at all.

A guinea pig in captivity?

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, and I sat down slowly against the wall.

I still don't know what kind of changes have taken place in my body, but my intuition tells me that I am stronger than before, but at the same time, I am one step closer to being occupied by my body. Maybe in the next second, the world There will be no more me in the world.

And the worst thing is, for some unknown reason, Yu Chengyao was also involved.

If the plan went as I expected, then I should have left the company by now, but who knows, I was firmly held by the company instead, and I had no choice but to work for them.

I know that next, I will definitely do many things against my own will.

"Tsk, it's all life."

I looked down at the dark cloud mark on my chest, then slowly stood up, dragging my heavy body towards the bathroom.

Since there is no other way for the time being, we can only learn to accept it.

Because only in this way can I save my life and Yucheng Yao's life.

After taking a shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. It was obviously the same as before, but no matter how I looked at it, I felt strange.

Am I still me?
Scenes from the dream kept appearing in my mind. I looked in the mirror and touched my face subconsciously.

It is human touch.

I got a little bit of relief in my heart, but just when I was about to turn around and go to bed, I saw a slight change in me in the mirror.

Accompanying me for more than 20 years, that familiar face has become green-faced and fangs, extremely ferocious.


Even though my concentration has been trained beyond ordinary people, when this kind of thing happened to me, I couldn't help being shocked.

He stepped back a few steps in succession before stabilizing his figure.

Look in the mirror again, everything is as usual.

I took a few deep breaths one after another, and didn't dare to look at myself in the mirror anymore, because I was afraid, really afraid, afraid that suddenly I would become a strange self.

Lying on the bed, I tossed and turned. I don't know how long it took, but it was difficult to fall asleep.

He could only keep his eyes open, quietly staring at the lights above his head.

Without a clock, I can only tell the time by my senses.

In this way, I probably spent three days in this small house. During these three days, I was awake all the time and dared not fall asleep.

"Boom boom boom!"

About every six hours or so, someone would come in and deliver my food.

Food and drink, meat and vegetables, everything is available.

The people who came in looked at me like they were looking at monsters, holding their own guns all the time, as if I would pounce on them and tear them apart at any time.

At first I still felt awkward, but later on, I gradually became numb.


This time, a man entered, wearing a mask and goggles so I couldn't see what his face looked like.

This kind of dress gave me an extremely familiar feeling, and I thought of a person almost instantly.

But soon I dismissed the idea.

After all, that person fell into the pool full of sulfuric acid a long time ago, and he couldn't die anymore, not even bones left.

I picked up the food and ate it quickly.

But when I looked up, I found that this man hadn't left yet, and he was standing quietly at the door.

Before I knew it, he had already closed the door.

I looked at his face, and the familiar feeling came to an end again. I frowned slightly, put down the plate in my hand, and stared at him for a long time.

In the end, I couldn't hold back the doubts in my heart, and asked word by word:

"I think I've seen you somewhere."

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