"Then what do you think should be done?"

After reading the information, the doctor suddenly said such a sentence.

The corner of my mouth twitched, knowing that this lunatic would not allow others to disobey his character, and even if I made an opinion, he would not necessarily accept it.

So, I could only lower my head and say, "Please give me instructions."

The doctor was silent for a while.

"In an hour, I will send a top scientific research team. Your task now is to fully cooperate with them and find out the reason, and I must know the result as soon as possible, do you understand?"

"As ordered."

After saying this, the doctor passed me by.

Although this guy has an interesting personality, he is indeed a smart guy.

Under such circumstances, it is better to first find out the cause of the riot than to send a large number of people in to suppress the riot.

Otherwise, rashly betting on a large number of people is very likely to have the opposite effect again.

During this hour of waiting, I stood quietly in the empty laboratory, facing five armed men like stone sculptures.

An hour later, a team of ten researchers arrived on time.

Behind them, a few assistants followed, pushing a trolley with dozens of storage boxes, large and small.

Among them, the leader was a bald man with a thin body and a skinny face.

If it weren't for his piercing eyes, I would even suspect that this guy has just experienced a famine.

"Let's go."

As soon as this person opened his mouth, the words he said gave people an irresistible taste, which made me feel uncomfortable all over.

I was the first to bear the brunt and walked into the stone gate first.

Looking down from mid-air, one can clearly see that there are nearly 2000 people gathered in the open space below the stone gate.

Karen, on the other hand, was sitting on a high platform, looking at these people boredly.

I raised my eyebrows, knowing that those who are still gathered here are probably people who have not been affected yet.

In less than half a day, another 1000 people were lost.

If this situation is allowed to continue, I don't think it will take long for me to become a polished commander.


Just as I was about to go down, I saw an armed man in the crowd screaming strangely, then pushed away his companions and squeezed out of the crowd frantically.

And those around him, fearfully and consciously, made way for this man.

Karen, who was sitting on the high platform, saw all of this.

However, she didn't care about it, and saw that she snapped her fingers casually, and the person who was running wildly turned into a mummy and fell to the ground, followed by blood flowing all over the floor.

This scene made many people's eyes focus on her.

The breath of fear spread in the crowd, and everyone was panicked, for fear that they would be the next person to go crazy and turn into a mummified corpse.

But even so, under Karen's deterrence, does anyone have the courage to give up?

The best way to eliminate fear is to confront them with even greater fears.


Similarly, the team of researchers who came with me showed interest in what was happening before them.

I don't see any fear in their eyes.

This reminds me of Keller. As our internal agent, he is also responsible for scientific research tasks in the company, but he has absolutely no contact with such bizarre things, or about transforming people.

Our arrival has attracted the attention of many people.

But I didn't give any explanation, but after nodding to Karen, I directly led the pair of researchers to the laboratory here.

Since the base has not yet been built, the facilities are not perfect.

The conditions in the laboratory are also extremely simple.

However, all the necessities have been brought by us.

After arranging personnel to pack everything up, I completely acted as the subordinate of these people, obeyed their orders, and acted strictly according to their words.

"We need live infected people."

With just a word from them, I arranged for more than 100 people to bring all the infected people from the world in the prison.

Without the high-voltage electricity, the dozen or so people became restless.

In fact, it seemed quite difficult for several strong men to press down.

But right in front of us, these scientific researchers carried a scalpel and started vivisection like killing a fish.

Watching such a cruel scene up close, many people have already started to retch.

However, these researchers acted as if they were doing a very ordinary thing, taking the excised tissue for experimentation.

During the experiment, I noticed that they took out a frozen muscle tissue from a storage box.

They are worthy of being the top researchers in the doctor's mouth, and they came to a conclusion in less than three hours.

The man raised his thin face, and said flatly, "It's radiation. The harm to ordinary people is immeasurable, but it has no effect on reformed people."


What he said made me understand why this batch of people who came in were equipped with chemical defense equipment, but in the end many people were still affected.

"I'm going to give you two tasks now."

Suddenly, the man said with a blank expression, "No matter what method you use, we need to determine the location of the radiation source in the shortest possible time. At the same time, we need to be the first to infect the living bodies of the waiting group of people for experiments."

"This is an order."

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to add one sentence.

My brows suddenly frowned. Although I knew it early on, all tasks related to this international world must be much more difficult than I imagined.


What is the difference between the task they entrusted to me now and courting death?
Those affected people frantically gathered towards the small island in the lake, without even thinking about it, they knew that the radiation source must be on that small island.

However, more than 6000 people gathered on that small island!No, including the group that went crazy just now, there should be more than 7000 people!

Even if Karen, a human killer like this, is thrown in, there is probably no way out, right?

After all, although the cyborgs have powerful special abilities, if they use the abilities at high intensity for a long time, the onset of side effects will also occur earlier!
"Execute the task as soon as possible."

After the man added another sentence, he turned and returned to the laboratory bench.

Cooperate fully with them in carrying out their tasks.

Thinking of the words the doctor said to me, my teeth itch with hatred, but at this time, even if I am no longer willing, I can only obey orders.

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