Suddenly, the guard in front of me exploded into a cloud of blood.

The splashed blood was fixed in front of my pupil, less than three centimeters away.

This, this is dead?

I raised my head in astonishment, glanced at Karen, and without even thinking about it, I knew she did it.

Karen looked at me with a half-smile and snapped her fingers lightly.

The blood mist condensed into a ball and fell to the ground.

"He saved your life, don't you thank him?
"How did you come?"

I stood up and glanced at the other cells behind me. These people maintained a common posture, dumbfounded.


Hearing my question, Karen's smile disappeared instantly, replaced by a serious face, "He is not the only one who became like this."

Karen pointed to the guard who had turned into a mummy and said.

Not only him.

These words echoed in my mind, and I rushed out immediately. At this moment, as far as I could see, many of the guards were struggling to escape under the constraints of their companions.

They all looked crazy, as if they had mad cow disease.

And those companions who stopped them were mercilessly attacked, and what's more, their heads were directly twisted off.


Another massive riot.

Roughly estimated, at least one-third of the people went crazy.

Those crazy people are all extremely powerful, and they seem to still retain the basic ability to shoot.

After the initial confusion, no one dared to stop them.

I stood quietly where I was, and silently took off the gas mask on my face. After the last riot, every person who is still here is equipped with anti-chemical equipment.

But that doesn't take away the maddening effect.

The situation has become so serious that I should report it to the higher-ups...

Immediately, I turned to face Karen, and said slowly, "I leave this to you, I'm going to see the doctor."

"pass it to me?"

Hearing this, the woman immediately lowered her face, "What if this kind of influence is also effective in transforming people?"

"This is an order."

I threw her a bottle of medicine, and then left without looking back.

It is definitely an unparalleled panic for those who have not been affected by such things happening one after another.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to guarantee that those who are not affected will not do anything extraordinary.

At this time, you have to either guide them, or put pressure on them on the spot.

And Karen happened to be an excellent candidate.

When she made a move on me, everyone was watching. These people's fear of her just happened to force them to obey her orders.

Of course, what Karen just said is indeed a serious problem.

I keep her here, although it has advantages, it also has disadvantages.

As a special ability, a powerful transformation person for human beings, if she is also affected by that kind of influence, who knows what will happen.

But it is undeniable that I have no choice now.

The riots are still going on, and I have already passed through the stone gate and left this strange world.

This in and out, I spent less than six hours,

But in just six hours, my heart became extremely heavy.

This is not because of the riots in the strange world.

It's because, after this kind of thing happened, the base construction task will most likely be postponed indefinitely, and I will be forced to be trapped there.

Subject to who I really am.

As long as I am still in the company, I will be in a state of fear all the time.

Since my ex-husband joined the company, I have been here for more than a month, but it seems that I am getting farther and farther away from the original purpose, and the plan to smuggle Shimen away does not know how long it will take to complete.

And as I stay here longer and know more, I feel that the difficulty of the task is also increasing.

I have a hunch that even if I really start to implement the smuggling plan, the mysterious organization named Nordic Spear will become the biggest obstacle in my plan.

"I want to see the doctor."

When I came out of the stone gate, there were only six people in the empty laboratory.

The leader was the short Asian woman, and beside her, five armed men stood by at all times.

"follow me."

The woman was a little surprised by my appearance, but she didn't say much, just frowned as always, then turned around and took me to find the doctor.

This time, the woman led me to the door of a conference room.

Unlike usual, I was able to see the doctor immediately. For the first time, I followed this woman and waited at the door for more than 20 minutes.

During this period, I glanced at this Asian woman from time to time.

She belongs to the kind who looks very ordinary and has an ordinary figure, and she can't be found in the crowd.

But my intuition tells me that this woman is not as simple as it seems.

She is playing the role of a doctor's assistant, and the last woman who played this role is dead, and that woman is a modified person, so this Asian woman should also be a modified person.

But unlike other reformers, this woman doesn't feel that dangerous to me.

On the contrary, although she looks cold on the surface, in my opinion, she looks like a docile cat.


Suddenly, the door opened.

In an instant, I turned my gaze away, and through the slowly opened door, I saw the gloomy face of the doctor.

This surprised me a bit.

Because in my memory, this lunatic rarely showed such an expression.

However, the moment this lunatic saw me, the haze on his face was swept away. He tugged on his tie gracefully, stepped out, and closed the door, "I hope you told me that the task Already done."

"There was an accident. I think it is necessary to ask you for instructions."

I bowed my head slightly and said lightly.


The smile on the doctor's face froze for a moment, then fell silent, waiting for my next words.


I nodded, and told the doctor everything that happened in that world in detail, and even handed him the video I found in the command room.

But at this time, the picture I saw just now kept appearing in my mind.

The meeting room is very large, with at least 50 seats, but I only saw the doctor.

Just now, what happened?
What made him so angry?

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