Seemingly aware of my malicious eyes from time to time, Xiao Qing turned around and stared at me several times while swimming.

I had no choice but to look at her innocently.

However, maybe it was retribution, once I was so engrossed in watching it that I stepped on a moss-covered river rock, almost lost my center of gravity and swam out.

After swimming for a short time, a long and narrow stone cave appeared in front of us, and Qian'er took the lead to get in.

After entering the long and narrow stone cave, I didn't even feel like teasing Xiao Qing anymore.

The interior space of this cave is small, giving people a strong sense of oppression, and we are still in the water, the feeling of suffocation is even stronger.At this moment, I even have a feeling that we are swimming to hell!
We swam for a total of about 2 minutes. Song Qi and Xiaomeng were so weak that they almost couldn't take it anymore. We finally arrived at the destination!
At the exit in front, there was a light, and I heard the sound of water, it was Qianer who went out,

This narrow and long stone cave actually leads to a space without water!
I rushed out of the water holding Xiaomeng, who was not moving at all, and both of us gasped for breath, not to mention, Xiaomeng's panting sound was quite nice.

Greedily absorbing the oxygen in the air, feeling the strength of the body slowly recovering from the lungs, then raised his head and observed where we were.

It was pitch black and there was no light source other than our flashlights.

And with the dim light of the flashlight, we can see that the place we are in is actually a somewhat damp cave!

This cave is exactly the same as the underground caves we visited when Sister Man disappeared. There are jagged stalagmites and stalactites everywhere. They are in the shape of claws and claws, like monsters.

Unexpectedly, through a long and narrow cave underwater, you can come to such a cave without water. The uncanny workmanship of nature is amazing!

At this moment, I thought this phenomenon was incredible, but later I consulted an expert in geology. She told me that although this kind of situation is rare, it is actually not so rare in nature. Pressure and terrain changes will cause changes in the water level.

What should make me feel incredible is not the appearance of this terrain, but the people who discovered this terrain!

You know, the narrow and long cave is so deep that you can't see the bottom at all. What if it is a dead end?Whoever dares to go through that cave first is definitely a true warrior!
"With the blocking of the river water, it should be difficult for those pot snakes to find us. The estrus period of pot snakes is only seven days, which is the only time for them to find a host. As long as they survive these seven days, the savages can only take those pot snakes away. , otherwise these sacred objects will all die..."

After coming here, Xi'er breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the ground and said with a smile on her face.

River water is the easiest way to dilute the smell. If you are chased by bears or wolves in the wild, jumping into the river and swimming is a good way to get rid of the pursuit, because the river is flowing, and the constant flow of river water will wash away your smell and make you feel better. Those beasts can no longer track you.

But at this moment, after listening to her words, we all felt like we had survived a catastrophe. We sat on the ground and rested in peace.

If it weren't for this place, it would be a very bad time for us to fight those terrible pot snakes head-on this time.

"Everyone, don't be too lax. It may not be completely safe in this cave." I thought for a while, and warned while lighting a fire.

After coming to this underground cave, the scenes of Sister Man's disappearance couldn't stop reappearing in my mind, which made me feel very heavy.

Moreover, I clearly remember that when I was in the underground cave, I encountered many strange things.

Those albino vampire bats, and the strange feeling of being watched!
There may be large creatures in this cave!
Xiaomeng is the most careful among the girls. She quickly found out that I was in a low mood, so she couldn't help but walked over and hugged me gently, trying to comfort me.

Her soft and warm body made me feel very comfortable, and I couldn't help but relax a little.

My bonfire was quickly lit, and we couldn't help forming a circle, getting together, and began to get busy with meals.

When we first came down, Xi'er and I both brought a lot of supplies. I counted them, and the food was still a little scarce. It was only enough for us to eat for a day or two. It seemed that we had to look for food underground.

However, I'm not particularly worried, although generally speaking, food in underground caves will be very scarce.

Because of the lack of light underground, plants rarely survive, and in almost all biospheres, plants are the most basic life. Without a large number of plants, there will be no large number of herbivores, and naturally there will be no carnivores.

Underground life activities are rare, which is the consensus of the biological world.

But I always feel that this ghost place seems to be different.Of course, even if there is nothing to eat in the cave, but there is water and a river near us, so thinking about it, we should be able to catch fish.

While eating the barbecue cooked by Xiaomeng, Xiao Qing secretly stared at me several times, she hesitated for a while, and then said, "Zhang Qi, did you sneak up on me just now under the water! You scoundrel !"

I couldn't help being wronged when I heard it. Damn, I just looked at it a few more times at most. When did I touch you?

However, I don't think Xiao Qing looks like the kind of woman who likes to slander others by slandering herself. It is estimated that in all likelihood, she was touched by some kind of seaweed.

"No, sister, you guard me like this every day, how dare I?"

I muttered innocently.

"do not have it?"

Xiao Qing wasn't sure at first, seeing my innocent expression, she couldn't help but believe it.

But I don't know why, I feel that she is slightly disappointed with her head down.

Damn, this woman is really weird, if you touch her, if you say you are a beast, if you don't touch her, you are worse than a beast, it's all my fault anyway.

Alas, being a man is hard, being a man is even harder!
I have a faint feeling that our Mr. Xiao seems to be really interested in me, but for a while, I never thought about formally pursuing or accepting her.

The matter between Eve and Sister Man still haunts me to this day.

We are on this deserted island, precarious and in danger all the time. Sister Man has not avenged her, and Eve has not been found yet. For a while, I don't want to have anything to do with these girls anymore.

But at this moment, when I was thinking wildly, I heard Xiao Qing who got up to find a place to go to the toilet, and suddenly let out a scream of panic.

I was startled, jumped up from the ground and rushed over there.

After passing by, when I saw the scene over there, I was also taken aback from the bottom of my heart, and shouted that it was not good!

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