At least eight or nine or more snakes drilled out of each clay pot!

And those savages pushed seven or eight carts of jars towards the sky, at least nearly a thousand rotten human heads fell to the ground.

In an instant, the bottom of the tiankeng, near the stone steps, completely became a snake nest.The ground was densely covered with red snakes, they writhed and entangled each other, the scene was both spectacular and disgusting!
"This thing is called a pot snake. It is a monster cultivated by savages using human flesh. It is said that these monsters can smell people even if they are miles apart. The most frightening thing is that the poison of these red snakes is not fatal. Once Bitten by them, the body will be quickly paralyzed and unconscious. At this time, the pot snake will take the opportunity to get into people's ears, nose, mouth, etc., and finally swim into the brain. They will produce blood in the human brain. egg!
This is no ordinary snake, but a parasite!Those who are parasitized will go mad and die in agony.And if a person's head is cut off before death, soaked in a special liquid, and packed in a jar, this kind of head jar can be made.

"And to keep these jar snakes alive, every once in a while, the savages have to feed fresh human flesh into the jars..." Xi'er said with a pretty face. When it comes to these, she obviously has lingering fears and is very worried. Fear.

And when the few of us heard it, we felt even more chills down our backs and bursts of discomfort. What the hell, those cold red snakes like to live in people's heads?
I have heard before that there are also some parasites in the outside world, which can parasitize the human brain, such as pork tapeworm and so on.But I feel that those insects are not as disgusting and frightening as this strange red snake.

"What to do, what should we do, those strange snakes have started to crawl everywhere!"

Xiaomeng, Xiao Qing and Song Qi were so frightened that tears flowed down their faces.

As soon as those strange snakes landed on the ground, they began to spread out in all directions, and of course more of them swam towards where we were.

The pot snakes must have sensed the scent of our hosts!

The barbarism and weird methods of these natives have exceeded my imagination.It's really too perverted, too insidious!How could they think of raising this kind of monster, and still put it in the so-called holy place.

Looking at their appearance, they still worship this thing!

The tiankeng we are in is not big at all, its radius is only a kilometer at best, but this pot of snakes can detect the smell of people within a few miles.In other words, the tiankeng we are in has been completely covered by their tracking range, and we can't escape wherever we go!

What's even worse is that the tiankeng is surrounded by cliffs. If we want to leave, we can only pass through the ancient stone steps, and the vicinity of the stone steps has become a snake's nest, and there are many savages watching it!
If we climbed up, the wildlings only need to throw a few big rocks down and kill us all.

Mud, these savages are much stronger than I expected.

We thought that we were almost foolproof staying below, but now it has become a flaw, trapping ourselves.

"Yeah, what should we do?"

At this moment, I have no idea, everyone is staring at Xi'er.

"Don't... don't worry, we still have a place to go, maybe avoid these pot snakes..."

Xi'er frowned and said, but obviously she was not too sure, so she quickly picked up some necessary items, turned around and left.

We quickly followed behind her.

We ran wildly all the way, but we also looked back at the movements of those pot snakes from time to time, and paid attention to those wild men.Soon, we found out, damn it, besides those pot snakes, there were also a few wildlings coming up from below.

These savages didn't know what method they used, but the pot snakes didn't attack them for a while.

Under the guidance of the pot snake, several ferocious savages followed and rushed towards us!
If we don't have a telescope and can't detect their movements in time, I'm afraid we are absolutely dead this time.

And now, the situation is also extremely dangerous. We ran desperately, and soon followed Xi'er to a small river.

"Everyone jump into the water with me, the river water can cover our smell, so that those pot snakes can't find us!"

Time was running out, and Xi'er couldn't say much. After saying this, she was ready to go into the water, took a deep breath, and jumped in.

"Follow me closely, don't swim around!"

Xi'er's last words were still echoing in our ears, and we didn't dare to think too much about it, so we quickly followed and jumped in.

In fact, I am very puzzled in my heart. Water can indeed block our smell, but we can't stay underwater all the time, we have to breathe!

However, at this time, I have no other choice but to choose to trust Qian'er.

Soon, I plunged into the water, and now it was almost summer, and instead of being cold underwater, it made me feel very refreshed.

As soon as I stepped into the water, I saw Xi'er in front of me, swimming fast like a mermaid.

The heavy backpack on her back did not hinder her speed at all.

Xi'er should have been prepared a long time ago. She actually wrapped the backpack with a waterproof oily material to protect some of the items inside, so that the clothes and other things would not enter the water.

After I got into the water, I didn't swim directly with her, but stayed for a while, waiting for Xiao Qing and the others to come down, and let a few girls swim ahead.

And I chose to cut off at the rear of the team.

In this way, if someone really went wrong, I should be able to find out.

It happened that the person in front of me was Xiao Qing. When she got into the water, she realized that it was me behind her, her pretty face blushed, and she subconsciously put her hands behind her to cover herself.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but give her a blank look, and then gave her a push, telling her to swim quickly.

When is it, do you still think about this?
Isn't it just wearing swimming trunks, why are you being pretentious?
The seaside is everywhere, I have never been to the seaside?
Do you think brother, I swim at the end, because I want to peek at you?
...Well, it seems that you can really see twice.

After swimming for a while, I also figured it out a little bit. Xier seemed to want to take us somewhere underwater.Once someone falls behind, it will be a big trouble. I have to be responsible for everyone's safety.

However, having said that, I am also very curious in my heart, what is so strange about this underwater?

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