This Asian woman seems to belong to the petite and exquisite type, but she always gives me a feeling that I should not be underestimated. In her words and deeds, the irresistible smell makes people feel uncomfortable.

However, it can also be seen from this that her status in the company is not low.

"Are you disobeying orders?"

Seeing that I was unmoved, the woman frowned.

At the moment when her voice fell, all the armed men under her took a step forward and put pressure on me.

"Don't dare."

I shook my head cooperatively, and followed her out of here.

On the way, the woman didn't say a word, but with a straight face, she led me in the direction of the laboratory.

I clearly remember that the lunatic doctor said that I can freely spend one day.

But it was obviously only half a day.

After arriving at the empty laboratory, the woman led me to a machine similar to CT.

"You got up close and personal with that oil drum, didn't you?"

Oil drum?

I didn't expect her to ask this, but I nodded affirmatively.

When that thing was mined, earth-shaking changes took place at the bottom of the tiankeng, and thousands of people died there. I gritted my teeth and tried my best to bring that thing up from the bottom of the tiankeng.

If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid they'd have to do secondary mining by now.

"Then go up."

The woman said blankly.

I looked at the dozen or so armed men who followed me all the way, and then looked at this woman.

Although I don't know what happened, it's definitely not something I can dodge if I want to.

I lay down on the cold iron bed as I said, quietly watching the machine scan me from head to toe several times.


The woman looked at my scan results and let out a light snort, as if she was a little puzzled.

"In the end what happened?"

I couldn't help but ask her.

"That's not your concern."

The woman glanced at me coldly, and then said indifferently, "Now, you can go back to your own residence."

Which one is this playing?
I'd love to know the answer, but at the same time I know this is not the time to get to the bottom of it.

If you ask too many questions, it will inevitably arouse their suspicion.

Confused, I returned to my residence and had a good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, I came to the laboratory, walked through the staggered corridors, and entered the room divided into two by bulletproof glass.

Sure enough, the doctor has been waiting here for a long time.

He glanced at me lightly, but didn't speak, and I stood aside with great interest.

After an hour like this, Vijay came here.

His wife has always been his biggest worry. Now that he has solved his wife's problem, he has become much more cheerful, with a flushed face and full of vigor.

Of course, it can be seen that his loyalty to the company has reached the point of death.


Although his wife's affairs were perfectly resolved, I am also happy for him.

But things have developed to this point, but it is not what I want to see.

Sooner or later, he and I will stand on opposite sides and become enemies of each other. At that time, either you die or I die.


Vijay scratched his head with a smile and stood beside me.


The doctor got up, nodded indifferently, then opened the door first and walked out, "Follow me."

On the way, I whispered to Vijay about the Asian woman I met yesterday.

"I was also taken for an examination."

Sure enough, Vijay, who also had close contact with oil barrels, also experienced the same thing as me.

But he told me that it was a man who took him for an examination yesterday.

Vijay recalled thoughtfully, "If I heard correctly, he seemed to say that many people died again, but we have nothing to do with those people anyway."

Dead again?

Hearing this, I couldn't help but think of the scene under the Tiankeng again.

It took nearly ten thousand lives just to extract the oil barrels. Among the tens of thousands of people who entered that weird world, only Vijay and I survived without being killed.

Now, everything has been brought out, but people are still dead?
It seems that there are still many secrets that I don't understand in that dead oil barrel.

If I can win enough trust within these few days and be sent to perform escort missions, then even if I rack my brains, I will find a way to take that oil barrel away.

There is only one chance.

Under the leadership of the doctor, we walked through the corridor and came to a place I was familiar with.

There are many living mutant creatures kept in captivity here.

That's right, this is exactly the place I came to yesterday, and the fire monkey was sent here to carry out the mission.


Fire Monkey led a dozen armed men and had been waiting for a long time. After seeing the doctor, he saluted solemnly.

Compared with me, the fire monkey has received strict professional training, and his words and deeds have a taste of iron and blood, and he does not squint.

This seems to be in line with the doctor's taste.

The doctor glanced at the fire monkey appreciatively, and then said, "Open the access channel for the No. [-] breed."

number four?

Hearing what he said, he set his sights on the mutants behind the glass on the left and right sides.

Sure enough, each side is placed in the lower left corner of the glass and has a number.

On the other hand, number four was imprisoned with a depilated chimpanzee.

Nearly three meters tall, with thick muscles, the arms alone are thicker than my thighs. Moreover, after we arrived, this mutant chimpanzee stared at us with a fierce grin.

this thing...

Looking at this chimpanzee, I couldn't help but twitch my mouth.

When I was still in Brazil, I encountered this thing.

Not to mention the rough skin and thick flesh, his strength is surprisingly strong, and his threat level is no less than that of Yu Chengyao's level of reformer.

This lunatic, isn't he going to watch us fight this thing?
As it turned out, my guess was completely correct.


Afterwards, Fire Monkey led a dozen team members and quickly opened the passage leading to the room where the mutated chimpanzee was.

The tunnel is just under our floor, and only one person can climb in and out, and the relatively large chimpanzee has no way to climb out of it.

Vijay stared blankly at the chimpanzee, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

It seems that he also guessed what will happen next.

After the passage was opened, the doctor smiled at us.

"Who will come first?"

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