Escort mission?
What Keller said made me realize that the opportunity has finally come!

At first, I thought that we need to steal the things ourselves, and then find a way to transport them to the outside world.

The large amount of work and the high difficulty of the task made me a little bit exhausted.

But what I didn't expect was that the company's next plan directly saved us the most difficult step.

But one thing, how can I win enough trust in these few days?

"Where's the fire monkey?"

Suddenly, I thought of the fire monkey that I hadn't seen since I entered the company. For a long time, I even thought he was dead, but I didn't expect him to live much better than me.


Speaking of the fire monkey, Keller felt a little helpless, "He is defined as an ordinary employee, but he has performed well recently. If there is no accident, he should be able to participate in the accompanying escort mission."

"But it's up to you."

"Because according to your current status, if you can participate in the escort mission, you must be able to get close to the delivered goods, which will make our actions more convenient."

After saying this, Keller got up to pack his things and planned to leave here.

"That's all I have to say. What to do next, you will naturally know when you participate in the escort mission."

It doesn't matter if I know too much for the time being, after all, if I can't participate in the interactive mission, I won't be of much help.

I nodded, and before he left, I asked, "Can I meet Fire Monkey?"

At the beginning, when I guessed the news of the fire monkey's death, the feeling in my heart could not be described in words.

After all, we have been born and died together for so long, it is not an exaggeration to say that we are half brothers.

After all, people are emotional animals. Although I know that he is safe and sound now, I still can't help but want to see him.

"Yes, I can still help with this little matter, come with me."

Under the leadership of Keller, I once again stepped into the central group of the branch, but perhaps it was the reason for my change of identity. After stepping into this area, I did not receive any warning and was unimpeded.

After turning around several criss-crossing corridors, Kaile led me to a place similar to a zoo.

There are many rooms on both sides of this place, and the walls are replaced by thickened bulletproof glass.

It can be seen through a layer of glass that in each room, there is a locked mutant creature.

A real zoo.

"The fire monkeys are here to perform guard duties and are responsible for feeding them with scientific researchers."

Keller stopped and pointed to the closed solid wooden door at the end, "If you want to find him, you can go in. If there is nothing else, I will leave first, see you later."

I don't doubt that there is him, and of course there is also an element of boldness due to skillful people.

He walked straight up and pushed the door open.

Inside was a huge hall similar to a gym, with all kinds of fitness equipment readily available, and a row of rifles were all placed on the shelf next to the door.

More than a dozen armed members were scattered in the gym.

Boy, are they here to enjoy themselves?

All this in front of me reminded me of all the difficulties and obstacles I encountered after entering the company.

I'm working hard over there, and they're enjoying themselves here?

I'm still worried about his safety!
The huge gap made me very uncomfortable. After scanning a circle of more than a dozen people in the gym, I saw the fire monkey lifting iron.

The two-hundred-jin dumbbell seemed to be playing in his hand.

These team members turned a blind eye to my arrival, and I just leaned towards the back of the fire monkey without making any sound.

Seeing him put the dumbbell down, he kicked his ass hard.


After swearing, the fire monkey fell heavily to the ground.

The surrounding team members also stopped, looking at us curiously.

Watching the excitement is not too big a deal, there is great hope, we mean to fight.

They all know the rules here, if they fight within the company, they will die.


After being kicked by me, an ordinary person would have fallen to the ground long ago and couldn't get up, but the fire monkey's physique is not ordinary, and a carp stood up straight, turning its head so suddenly that it was slightly taken aback when it saw me.

"Damn it, you came back alive, why don't you tell me!"

I glanced at his neat attire, took a deep breath and said, "Didn't I come to see you?"

"Then why the hell are you beating me..."

Before Fire Monkey could finish his sentence, I rushed forward again and gave him a hard right uppercut.

Of course, my control over Lida is extremely precise.

This sword will definitely not cause any harm to him, at most he will feel a little pain.

With one punch and one kick, the unbalanced anger in my heart disappeared.

"Are you crazy?"

Fire Monkey never thought that I would tell me the first time I saw him, and suffered a few times in succession, "You have been brainwashed? Why did you hit me?"


I glanced at him lightly.

Good guy, it's much whiter than when we came here from the Middle East. It seems that this guy has had a good time.

Look at me again, eating ashes from the gunfire all day long.

They are also undercover agents, why is there such a big disparity in treatment?
Originally, I wanted to chat with him, but after thinking about my current identity, I dismissed the idea.

Just seeing him and seeing that he is still alive and well, I can rest assured.

But Fire Monkey seemed to want to say something, but he didn't have the chance.

The moment he just opened his mouth, several armed men rushed in from outside the door. The first time they came in, the muzzle of this gun was aimed at me and the fire monkey.

"Infighting is prohibited within the company."

Then the short Asian woman I'd seen not too long ago walked in and looked first at me and then at the fire monkey.

"I don't care what grievances you two had before, but here, you must obey our management."

"You, you shouldn't be here, come with me."

Is her real purpose here to take me away?
I glanced at the woman, then at the fire monkey, bowed my head and walked out without saying a word.

The moment I turned around, I made a gesture to the fire monkey that only he could see.

see you later.

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