The woman took a step back, and immediately after, countless delicate scales emerged on the surface of her body.

And her pupils also turned into needles at this moment.

She looks like a femme fatale!
She licked her scarlet lips, smiled at me, and said, "I'm curious about your abilities, come, let me see."

Her killing intent towards me has almost condensed into substance.

I can feel that this woman will never leave me alive once she starts to fight.

The lunatic doctor should also understand this, but he quietly watched this scene outside the glass and didn't express anything.

Obviously, he tacitly allowed this woman to do something to me.

The next moment, this woman suddenly rushed towards me. The moment she approached me, her body twisted in a strange posture, easily avoiding my punch that hit her in the face.

Then, her arms wrapped around my neck.

Instantly, I felt a bone-chilling coldness from her skin, as if she was really a cold-blooded animal.

"not bad."

She bent her head next to my ear and blew into my ear, which made me feel a chill, and when I turned around to fight back, she fell softly to the ground like a puddle of mud.

But her eyes were staring straight at me.

I had an ominous premonition in my heart and body, and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but this woman was extremely fast, and before I had time to retreat, she grabbed my ankle with one hand.

"Ha ha……"

The woman smiled disdainfully, her body was as soft as a snake, wrapped around my legs and wrapped around my waist.

"Why, only run away?"

Is she a snake?I couldn't help raising my eyebrows.

Since this woman made a move until now, her every move, including the characteristics of her body, reminds me of a creature like your snake.

The body is soft and boneless, and the reaction speed is quick.

Just like a poisonous snake,
However, apart from the characteristics of these animals, she doesn't seem to have any other special abilities. This kind of modified human is relatively easy to deal with.

Because no matter how strong it is, the body is still a body of flesh and blood.

If it is like Yucheng Yao, who can crystallize his body and can teleport special abilities, it will not be so easy to deal with.

"I'm going to be serious."

The woman stretched out her scarlet tongue and licked her slender nails. The tips of her nails glowed with dark green light, and she could tell that there was something poisonous at a glance.

Seeing his nails grabbing towards my thighs, in order not to expose my overly obvious self-healing ability, I could only explode at my fastest speed, and when his nails were about to tear my pants, I ruthlessly He punched her hard on the head.


Even if I don't expose my self-healing ability, my speed and strength are far beyond ordinary people. A punch with all my strength is enough to smash a normal person's skull.

You must know that the skull is the hardest bone in the human body, and the strength that can break the skull is enough to kill people in an instant.

Even if he was lucky enough to be rescued in time and survived, the trauma to his brain would be irreversible.

And the woman in front of me who is wrapped around me like a poisonous snake has a piece of her celestial spirit cap dented.

And half of my fist has already smashed into her brain.

In addition to the shattered skull, I can even feel a little warmth.


The woman raised her head slowly, and a weak voice came out of her throat.

Her needle-shaped pupils began to spread slowly, and the scales on her body disappeared, and then, her body fell to the ground like a ball of mud.


No, she is still angry!

When I noticed the woman's slightly undulating and proud chest, I never thought that this woman is still angry!
It's not dead?

Although it is more difficult to kill a modified person than an ordinary person, the brain is an extremely important body organ for both an ordinary person and a modified person.

Her skull was smashed by me, but she is still not dead.

"Although the ability you displayed is extremely ordinary, being able to kill her has already proved your worth."

Through a glass, the smile on the doctor's face became clearer, "What are you waiting for?"

What are you waiting for?
After he said these words, I couldn't help but glanced at the woman who fell on the ground. Although I didn't have any contact or communication with her, I can be sure that she obeyed the doctor's words.

And the meaning of the doctor just now has clearly told me to kill her.

"Companies don't need rubbish that can be hit hard."

Seeing that I didn't make a move, the doctor said coldly, "If you want to survive, you must prove your worth. You don't want to be the second of her."

Yes, no need.

I took a look at the woman who exhaled more and breathed less, and I felt sorry for her from the bottom of my heart.

Then, I snapped her neck cleanly.

Letting her suffer less pain is the only thing I can do now.

As on that day, two workers in chemical hazmat suits walked in, packed the woman's body in a body bag, and carried it out.

From the beginning to the end, the expression on the doctor's face didn't change at all, as if he just threw away an insignificant piece of garbage.

After I came out of the room behind the glass, Vijay smiled and gave me a bear hug.

"It's good to be alive!"

The simple four words made me feel a touch of humanity in this cold place.

Then, I turned around and looked at the smiling doctor.

"The experiment was successful."

The doctor pointed at the two of us, "Do you know what this means?"

It means that our genes have undergone fundamental changes, and even we are no longer human beings.

I know this very well, but Vijay next to me obviously doesn't know this.

"Prove that you have become the so-called 'Superman'."

The doctor laughed a few times, stepped forward and pressed the shoulders of the two of us, "You now have powers beyond ordinary people, and maybe there are some undeveloped superpowers."

"But don't forget that what you have now is given to you by the company."

As he said that, there was a hint of threat in the doctor's tone, "If you dare to betray the company, then I will take back everything from you, including your life, understand?"


Vijay and I looked at each other, and Qi Qi nodded.

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